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reproduktologiya – eto nauka, kotoraya obektom issledovaniya imeet izuchenie normalnoj reproduktivnoj funkcii cheloveka, a takzhe ee patologij. disciplina zanimaetsya profilaktikoj narushenij reproduktivnoj sistemy cheloveka v kazhdom vozrastnom periode.

vydelyaut reproduktologiu normalnuu, sudebnuu i klinicheskuu. kazhdaya iz otraslej vzaimodejstvuet so mnozhestvom medicinskih razdelov, kak-to: genetika, akusherstvo i ginekologiya, urologiya, nevrologiya, endokrinologiya, hirurgiya i pr.

soderzhanie stati:

kto takoj reproduktolog?

reproduktolog – eto medicinskij rabotnik, zanimaushijsya problemami besplodiya. on specializiruetsya v voprosah zachatiya, vynashivaniya ploda. v kompetenciu reproduktologa vhodit okazanie pomoshi ludyam, stradaushim ot besplodiya putem ispolzovaniya vspomogatelnyh reproduktivnyh tehnologij. v chastnosti, rech idet o primenenii vmi, iksi, ekstrakorporalnom oplodotvorenii.

osnovnaya cel raboty reproduktologa – eto pomosh v nastuplenii beremennosti i v poyavlenii na svet zdorovogo potomstva u par, imeushih problemy s funkciej reprodukcii.

professiya reproduktologa krajne vostrebovana, soglasno statistike, nevozmozhnost samostoyatelnogo zachatiya – eto problema primerno 20% vseh semejnyh par v mire. vrach pomogaet preodolet problemu besplodiya, vykidyshej, zamershih beremennostej. dlya etogo on podbiraet adekvatnye terapevticheskie metody, posle kompleksnogo obsledovaniya obrativshejsya za pomoshu pary.

reproduktologom mozhet rabotat vrach, kotoryj imeet vysshee medicinskoe obrazovanie. on provodit slozhnye diagnosticheskie issledovaniya i podbiraet metody lecheniya vyyavlennyh problem, kotorye ne vhodyat v kompetenciu ginekologov obshej praktiki.

chem zanimaetsya reproduktolog?

vrach zanimaetsya diagnostikoj i terapiej besplodiya razlichnoj etiologii. on podbiraet i razrabatyvaet metodiki i tehnologii ustraneniya problem reproduktivnoj funkcii.

reproduktolog lechit ne tolko zhenshin, no i muzhchin. problemy s zachatiem u raznyh polov imeut opredelennye razlichiya i voznikaut podthe influence of many factors, including, and as a result of diseases because of hormonal failures, under the influence of external causes, etc. these factors should be able to identify the reproductive system and to properly eliminate them.

The doctor should be well versed in matters of anatomy and physiology, features of the male and female reproductive functions, in the mechanisms of conception, etc.

What illness is cured by a fertility specialist?

All diseases that lead to problems with conception are the responsibility of the fertility specialist. He should be able to identify them and assign therapy. The doctor may work with the patient both independently and in collaboration with other professionals.

The reproductive system helps to cope with the following pathologies:

  • Menstrual function.
  • Cystic formation, emerging in the genital area.
  • Defects of spermatozoa, disturbance of spermatozoa.
  • Adhesive education.
  • Age-related changes that affect the function of reproduction.
  • The endometriosis.
  • Hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism.
  • Malformations of reproductive organs of congenital nature.
  • Infection of the reproductive system.
  • Viral diseases.
  • Violations of hormonal regulation.
  • Disorders of ovulation.
  • The polycystic ovary syndrome.
  • Bacterial vaginosis.
  • Salivary gland disease.
  • HPV.
  • Infertility of unknown etiology, etc.

If a couple is not able to independently conceive, they should seek the assistance of a fertility specialist to try to solve this problem on a professional level. Specialist will help to more thoroughly understand this issue, perform comprehensive diagnostics for both men and women. According to studies, the pair will be recommended the appropriate treatment.

Read more: Causes, symptoms and treatment of infertility

When should I contact the fertility specialist?

When women have problems with menstrual cycle, menstruation stable, timely ovulation, she livesregulyarnoj polovoj zhiznu s postoyannym polovym partnerom i praktikuet nezashishennyj polovoj akt, no beremennosti ne nastupaet na protyazhenii goda – eto povod dlya obrasheniya u reproduktologu. esli vozrast zhenshiny starshe 35 let, to ej neobhodima konsultaciya specialista uzhe posle polugoda neudachnyh popytok zachatiya.

vazhno, chtoby vracha posetili oba polovyh partnera. doktor soberet informaciu ob ih zdorove, obraze zhizni, osobennostyah seksualnogo povedeniya.

krome togo, konsultaciya trebuetsya v sleduushih sluchayah:

  • predydushaya beremennost zavershilas samoproizvolnym vykidyshem;
  • u zhenshiny byla diagnostirovana zamershaya beremennost;
  • vozrastnye izmeneniya u odnogo ili oboih polovyh partnerov meshaut vedeniu normalnoj polovoj zhizni i vozmozhnosti zachatiya;
  • pri patologiyah reproduktivnoj sistemy vrozhdennogo haraktera;
  • pri obnaruzhennyh gormonalnyh rasstrojstvah;
  • pri vospaleniyah i infekciyah polovyh organov;
  • pri venericheskih boleznyah.

kakie analizy nuzhno sdat pri obrashenii k reproduktologu?

esli u pary imeutsya rezultaty issledovanij, kotorye oni prohodili do obrasheniya k reproduktologu, to ih neobhodimo vzyat s soboj na priem.

eto mozhet byt:

  • spermogramma;
  • rezultaty ultrazvukovogo obsledovaniya;
  • analizy krovi na gormony shitovidnoj zhelezy i gipofiza;
  • issledovanie gormonov kory nadpochechnikov;
  • analiz krovi na gormony yaichnikov;
  • rezultaty gisteroskopii ili laparoskopii;
  • vyyavlenie antispermalnyh tel;
  • rezultaty postkoitalnogo testirovaniya;
  • rezultaty immunogorammy;
  • rezultaty gisterosalpinografii;
  • analiz na svertyvaemosti krovi i na follikulyarnyj rezerv.

esli issledovaniya ne provodilis, to sam reproduktolog mozhet naznachit ih. vybor teh ili inyh metodov diagnostiki podbiraetsya dlya kazhdoj pary v individualnom poryadke.

metody diagnostiki, kotorye ispolzuet reproduktolog

reproduktolog chashe vsego v svoej praktike ispolzuet sleduushie diagnosticheskie metodiki:

  • uzi organov malogo taza, kotoroe daet vozmozhnost ocenit sostoyanie matki, yaichnikov, trub, vyyavit ih funkcionalnye vozmozhnosti i narusheniya. etot metod mozhet byt realizovan kak s pomoshu abdominalnogo datchika, tak i s pomoshu vaginalnogo apparata.
  • laparoskopiya pozvolyaet obsledovat organy brushnojcavity through a small puncture of the wall of the peritoneum. This procedure is prescribed in cases when other diagnostic methods (noninvasive) are uninformative. In addition, during laparoscopy the doctor may perform certain surgical procedures and prevent the need for surgical intervention in the future.
  • Hysterosalpinography this method makes it possible to evaluate the patency of the fallopian tubes, abnormal formation of the uterus, infantilism.
  • Cervical biopsy gives the ability to perform subsequent heterological analysis to detect oncologic processes and other pathologies.

Diagnostic methods, which will prescribe a fertility specialist will depend on your specific medical history and complaints of patients.

The advice of a fertility specialist

  • Eating foods rich in vitamins D and E has a positive effect on sperm quality. In addition, in the diet of every men needs to include zinc, vitamin C and selenium.
  • Sex life couples seeking to get pregnant should be regular (preferably every other day).
  • The quality of the sperm in the direction of its deterioration, will affect the visit to the baths and saunas, hot tubs.
  • The obstacle to conception of the fetus – alcohol, Smoking, excessive and insufficient body weight.
  • Pregnancy planning should include taking vitamin complexes, avoidance of stress, commitment to nutrition. Important sufficient time to be outdoors.