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Rheumatologist called doctor who specializiruetsya on the development and application of methods for diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of connective tissue, particularly joints.

A rheumatologist treats the joints from a wide variety of pathologies, among which the well-known gout, arthritis or osteoarthritis are just the tip of the iceberg of the many possible problems (see also: causes, symptoms and treatment of osteoarthritis of the joints).

When you need to see a rheumatologist?

A referral to a rheumatologist get patients with complaints of pain of any nature, which is concentrated around one or several joints. In addition, the need to visit this specialist say they changed the form, structure and performance. Usually many people ignored, but it is recommended to be checked by a rheumatologist in the presence of relatives with the diseases of the joints (which indicates a genetic predisposition).

The scope of rheumatology includes, mainly, system, degenerative and inflammatory diseases, which are provoked by viral and bacterial infectious agents and affect the joints and connective tissue. Therefore, in addition to the above reasons, the indication for the visit to the doctor-rheumatologist is a common infectious disease types of angina. The list of symptoms of some rheumatic diseases are also familiar to most people crunching and swelling of joints of extremities and spine.

What cures a rheumatologist?

The rheumatologist is one of the largest of the medical specialties the width of the "working front". In the scope of his professional interests includes a huge number of diseases of various organ systems, symptoms or General effects which are lesions of the bones, muscles and joints.

Rheumatic diseases, especially in the later stages of the development of complications, a serious threat to the patient. With the involvement in the pathological process of all types of supporting connective tissue (cartilage, bone, ligaments), it becomes difficult to avoid such consequences, such as limited mobility of the body in the affected areas until the disability of the patient. If the patient has got on reception to the rheumatologist withcomplicated form of the disease, the doctor can improve his condition only to the extent that when the lost performance, but there is still a chance for people to walk out of the house without assistance. In this case, the disease affects the mental state of the patient, affecting family relationships, a capacity for socialization and mental activity.

Most often rheumatic diseases occur in the chronic form, with regular exacerbations. On a spectrum of lesions, these diseases can be divided into two General sections.

Joint disease:

  • Arthritis:
  • Osteoarthritis;
  • Rheumatoid arthritis;
  • Juvenile idiopathic arthritis;
  • Reiter syndrome, or reactive arthritis;
  • Bechterew's disease or ankylosing spondylitis;
  • Infectious arthritis;
  • Background arthritis and intestinal inflammation.
  • Gout and pseudogout.
  • The Disease Still.

Connective tissue diseases (diffuse):

  • Lupus erythematosus;
  • Scleroderma systemic;
  • Dermatomyositis;
  • Sjogren Disease.

Diseases, capable of hitting as connective tissue and muscle fibers, blood vessels and internal organs, also belong to the rheumatic.

These include such well-known diseases, such as:

  • Rheumatic fever (acute form);
  • Polyhedric recurrent;
  • The rheumatic polymyalgia;
  • Fibromyalgia;
  • Behcet's Disease;
  • Osteoporosis, etc.

Systemic vasculitis, vasculopathy, and some other disorders are a distinctive group of rheumatic conditions:

  • Vasculitis microscopic;
  • Vasculitis cryoglobulinemias;
  • Polyarteritis nodular;
  • Arteritis Horton;
  • Nonspecific;
  • Aortoarteritis;
  • Henoch-Schonlein Purpura;
  • Kawasaki Disease;
  • Hypereosinophilia angitis;
  • Antiphospholipid syndrome etc.

Welcome rheumatologist and basic methods of diagnosis

Littlekto, oshutiv vozdejstvie pervyh simptomov revmaticheskogo zabolevaniya, srazu popadaet na priem k nuzhnomu specialistu. napravlenie k nemu obyazan vypisat terapevt libo hirurg, k kotorym bolnye s sootvetstvuushimi zhalobami obrashautsya v pervuu ochered. esli uchest, kak tesno svyazana revmatologiya s drugimi napravleniyami v medicine, legko ponyat, pochemu simptomy revmaticheskih zabolevanij pohozhi na proyavlenie kardiologicheskih, gematologicheskih, gastroenterologicheskih, onkologicheskih, infekcionnyh i drugih patologij.

vrach, napravlyaushij pacienta k revmatologu, takzhe dolzhen naznachit predvaritelnuu rentgenografiu. rentgenovskij snimok – kluch k rabote vracha-revmatologa. na nem v dostatochnoj stepeni otobrazhautsya vse detali patologicheskih izmenenij v soedinitelnoj tkani. vrach fiksiruet ih i zanosit v ambulatornuu kartu v kachestve pervonachalnogo diagnoza. imenno rentgenografiya yavlyaetsya prostejshej i samoj informativnoj diagnosticheskoj proceduroj revmaticheskih zabolevanij. na pervyh stadiyah ih razvitiya na informacii, poluchennoj revmatologom s rentgenovskogo snimka, diagnostika i konsultaciya vracha zakanchivaetsya i vypolnyaetsya naznachenie sootvetstvuushih terapevticheskih i profilakticheskih procedur.

v bolee slozhnyh situaciyah vozmozhno primenenie neskolkih drugih diagnosticheskih procedur.

  • mrt (magnitno-rezonansnaya tomografiya) – poslojnoe skanirovanie opredelennogo uchastka ili vsego tela pacienta pulsiruushimi magnitnymi polyami i radiovolnami. v plane revmaticheskih boleznej snimki mrt neobhodimy, chtoby utochnit sostoyanie myagkih tkanej, okruzhaushih ochag zabolevaniya. osushestvlyaetsya dlya utochneniya diagnoza i detalej plana lecheniya pri revmaticheskih patologiyah mezhpozvonochnyh diskov, sosudistyh svyazok i nervnyh volokon.
  • kt (komputernaya tomografiya) – analog mrt, no proizvoditsya rentgenovskimi luchami, daushimi svedeniya o fizicheskih svojstvah issleduemoj patologii. k-tomogramma predstavlyaet soboj nabor rentgenovskih snimkov, chto znachitelno luchshe, chem prostaya rentgenografiya. odnako, v bolshinstve sluchaev odnogo snimka vpolne dostatochno, poetomu zatraty na tomografiu neopravdanny. odnako v poslednee vremya pri osteoporoze vse chashe ispolzuetsya poluchennaya s ee pomoshu informaciya, tak kak imenno po snimkam kt mozhno provodit densitometriu – opredelenie plotnosti tkanej.
  • vspomogatelnym metodom diagnostiki yavlyaetsya universalnyj analiz krovi, rezultaty kotorogo pomogaut opredelit nalichie v organizme vospalitelnyh processov, chto v znachitelnoj mere mozhet povliyat na techenie, a, sledovatelno, i na lechenie zabolevaniya.

detskij revmatolog

bolshinstvo revmaticheskihdiseases only become apparent in adulthood, although it is known that the preconditions for their development often appear in childhood. In addition, some diseases (especially those that are hereditary, like many diffuse diseases of connective tissue) begin to disturb children from an early age. And if that does not solve the problem in time, the future adult risk of being incapacitated or disabled.

Therefore, the pediatric rheumatologist is a doctor with a very high level of personal responsibility that is required to have extensive experience in the study and treatment of rheumatic diseases in both adults and children.

It is believed that children's sore throat is one of the main factors in the development of rheumatic diseases at an early age. Besides it, some researchers lay the blame on abnormal activity of streptococci. In any case, these knowledge-based therapy for childhood diseases with antibiotics. Research shows that rheumatic fever transferred to children without the use of antibiotics provokes the development of heart disease.

Treatment of rheumatic diseases in children is complicated by contraindications to the use of many effective drugs. Experienced surgeons are able to plan the treatment of such products with the total area of the body and the small weight of the child.

Physicians-rheumatologists is difficult to overestimate, because thanks to him, many patients with rheumatic diseases people a chance to live to a ripe old age, leading an active lifestyle.