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Senna leaf

Useful properties and applications of Senna

Botanical characteristics of Senna

Senna leaf (Cassia uzkolisty, Senna) belongs to the legume family of plants. The shrub has erect, branched stems. Leaves are compound, alternate. Their peculiarity is the presence of several pairs of lanceolate leaflets (as up to five pairs).

For of Senna is characterized by bright colors yellow color. Flowers clustered in axillary, racemose inflorescence. The fruits of the plants are flat beans from the parchment leaves, which is from 6 to 8 seeds. A medicinal plant blooms in the period from June to September. The beans ripen in October.

In the height of the Senna leaf is not more than 1 meter.

The birthplace of wild plants are the most arid places of the world – East Africa and deserts of Asia. It is worth noting that in southern China, Central Asia, Pakistan and India Cassia angustifolia is considered a valuable medicinal plant.

On the territory of the Russian Federation Senna leaf in the wild does not grow. It is cultivated artificially on a specially-equipped plantations.

Useful properties of Senna

Senna – a medicinal plant. Especially valuable are its leaves, they are most often used as a medicinal raw material. Some recipes involve the use of the fruit.

Leaves are collected twice per season: in August, as only the lower (basal) leaves turn yellow, then after 1-1,5 months. They spread a thin layer and thoroughly dried outdoors in the shade. Special attention is paid to the storage of the leaves. Ideal is a box of cardboard or heavy paper.

The fruit and leaves of Senna interesting content antraglikozidy (sinnigen, aloe-emodin) as well as flavonoids, intraprostatic, alkaloids, resins, organic acids and phytosterols.

Senna leaf has a positive effect on motor function of the colon, for this reason it is used as a laxative and cholagogue. It is used in the form of infusions and decoctions for hemorrhoids, fissures, in some diseases of the liver and gallbladder. Useful properties of medicinal plants are effective in acute conjunctivitis, pyoderma and various skin diseases.

Laxative effect after taking the decoction withAlexandria sheet, typically on the second or third day of admission, however, the first results will be visible within 6-8 hours.

Official medicine offers a water infusion of plant extracts, solid dosage forms and powders.

Can make an infusion at home, he prepares in the following way: 1 tablespoon of raw plants pour 1 Cup of hot water, infused for eight hours, filter and take 0.5 cups before bedtime.

The recipe for the broth is simple and effective: 2 tablespoons raw material of Senna, you need to pour 1/4 litre of hot boiled water, let stand 30 minutes in a water bath, cool, strain; adding boiled water to bring the liquid volume to the initial level. Should take 0.5 cups of medicinal decoction, morning and evening.

Contraindications to the use of Senna

The range of applications of the plant is wide enough, but before you start self-medication, it is strongly recommended to obtain advice from a qualified professional.

It is not recommended to take decoctions and infusions of Senna in exacerbations of inflammatory processes in the intestine, liver, cystitis, imbalance of water and electrolyte metabolism during pregnancy.

The drug is recommended to alternate with other laxatives to prevent habituation.

Senna leaf for weight loss

Cassia of Alexandria effectively used to combat obesity (including overweight), toxins, fecal deposits and toxins. Laxative teas, prepared on its basis, popular since ancient times. The herb of Senna is known for containing valuable biologically active substances (primary antraglikozidy), thanks to the laxative and antiseptic properties, which increases intestinal peristalsis, stimulates his motor skills and, importantly, significantly reduces the likelihood of fat absorption. Food residues and waste easily and gently released from the intestine. The use of Senna efficiently and safely. Weight loss is due to the normalization of the bowel.

Taking a decoction, you must remember that all necessary measure. Large doses of this medication may lead to unpleasant consequences: due to the contained resins may be irritationof the stomach and intestines, spastic pain, degeneration of the intestine.