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The aralia

Medicinal properties and application of the root of aralia in folk medicine

Description of aralia

A genus of plants includes 35 species that grow in North America, Australia and Asia. This is a fairly fast growing tree. The trunk of the tree is covered with thorns, branches with him a bit. The plant is a tree reaching a height of 15 m. he has large leaves that grow on long stalks in the upper part of the trunk (interestingly, this particular far Eastern aralia, sometimes called a palm tree). In autumn the leaves of aralia become yellow or red hue. Flowers in her small, yellowish-white. They are collected in inflorescence consisting of several umbrellas that look like panicle whose length is approximately 45 cm. they Bloom in mid-summer. Small black fruits of the plant ripen in early fall. Each of the five seeds that develops in the fetus, protected by bone.

The plant does not live longer than 25 years. The tree has a rather strong cold resistance and is practically not susceptible to fungal diseases. Interestingly, it does not affect the pests, except for slugs.

This plant is common only in the far East. It grows singly or in small groups, preferring the edge of the forest. Medicinal raw materials are from aralia roots and bark, and leaves. A time of gathering and harvesting plants – April and may, September and October.

Damn tree, also known as the aralia, has a strong medicinal properties. In medicine is mainly used in the roots of aralia.

Araliya suitable for hedges, as ornamental. Is a honey plant.

The medical properties of the aralia

The main diagnoses which are shown araliya is pelegrina asthenia, impotence, impotence, diabetes, physical and mental fatigue. Medicines prepared from plants, have a stimulating effect on the Central nervous system. The effect of the use of funds from aralia stronger than that of ginseng. Araliya has a strong antistress effect.

In folk medicine, araliya began to use recently. Its properties were discovered in the search result analogue ginseng among plants of the family Araliaceae.

The use of aralia in folk medicine

In folk medicine used tincture of aralia as a tonic and regulating means for the CNS.

Populartool in the treatment of atherosclerosis, diseases of the brain, sclerosis of the brain, schizophrenia and diabetes. Preparations from aralia do not have a particularly strong influence on blood pressure, slightly stimulate breathing and have a cardiac effect. As the plant has quite a strong hypoglycemic effect, that should say something about the possibility of raising the appetite, but it's not critical.

The increased appetite in this case does not always lead to an increase in body mass, as a medicinal plant and increases the overall activity of the body, increases its efficiency, but if it increases the amount of food consumed, and the amount of energy that the body spends, also increases. This important property of aralia can be used for appetite regulation in children. The majority of patients who are treated with funds from aralia, note the improvement of health, namely, improving sleep, increase of appetite, decrease in cardiac and headaches. A positive effect is manifested relatively quickly.

The fruits of aralia is not interesting for traditional medicine

A frequently asked question: how can I use the fruits of aralia? The answer to this question is: the fruit of this plant have only a decorative purpose. They are simply inedible and not used in folk medicine.

The use of the roots of aralia

The plant, harvest the roots. They are collected in early spring or fall. After the roots are cleared from the ground, quickly rinse them, cut into pieces of 15 cm If the roots are thick, split them lengthwise. After these manipulations, the roots should be dried in the room where it's warm, and better in a special drying stove, where the temperature is above 30 degrees. Shelf life of prepared materials – two years.

The roots of the plant contain gum, starch, vitamins C and e, essential oil, flavonoids and sitosterol.

The use of aralia in food

From this plant specialists prepare a special tonic, which is alcohol-free. It is called "Oralman"and something like"Coca-Cola".

The young leaves of the plants suitable for use in food in boiled and fried, and also as fodder for cattle and deer.

Recipes from aralia

A decoction of the root of aralia is especially effective for gastrointestinal diseases, colds, diabetes, relieves inflammation in the oral cavity, heals enuresis, popular as a tonic. Very effective broth if you have kidney disease, asincreases urine separation.

20 grams of raw pour 150 ml of hot water, boil in a sealed container for 30 minutes. Then cooled at room temperature for 10 minutes, strain, wring out. Store in the refrigerator up to 3 days. Should take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is two to three weeks.

Tincture from the roots of aralia

In order to prepare a tincture, you need to pour 40 grams of roots in one Cup of 70% alcohol. It is necessary to insist 14 days, then strain and squeeze. The finished infusion is amber in colour with a specific smell, but quite pleasant taste. You need to drink it during a meal, about 35 drops. It is recommended to take three times a day for a month.

Important note: if the patient has a tendency to high blood pressure, you need to reduce the dose to 10 drops, and drink 2 times a day. In this case, the course of treatment will be about three weeks.

It turns out that this infusion has a positive effect on patients exposed to asthenic syndrome occurring after influenza. The positive effect of the aralia is achieved three times faster than from the treatment drugs.

The infusion of the roots of this plant is prescribed for depression, impotence, mental and physical fatigue.

Contraindications for use of aralia

It is important to note that the use of tools made according to recipes from this article, it is possible only under the supervision of your physician. Medications from aralia is contraindicated for people suffering from hypertension, increased nervous excitability, epilepsy and insomnia. You should not use herbal teas and tinctures based on plants in the evening to avoid sleep disturbance. It is important to remember that in all parts of aralia contain toxic substances. You must be careful, as it can cause poisoning, the main symptoms of which is loss of consciousness, respiratory failure and bleeding.