Home / Herbalist / The benefits and harms of peanuts, and its calorie content

The benefits and harms of peanuts, and its calorie content

The peanut is an annual plant belonging to the Legume family, having branching stems and a height of up 40 cmand sometimes 70 cm. Peanuts in the agricultural sector is of paramount importance, as it gives valuable fruit – peanut. It is for them a plant grown on an industrial scale.

More peanuts are called ground nuts, peanuts underground. These names are not folk art, they came into Russian speech with foreign languages. Interestingly, the fruit brought by the plant, with a Botanical point of view, the nut is not, its proper classification – legume grass.

The peanuts cultural has direct multiple stems that grow upwards if the plant has a shrub form, or multiple branches lying on the ground, which is typical for creeping forms. The root system of peanuts is sufficiently developed and presented by green web.

The value of the plant are its fruits, beans, having an oval inflated shape, reaching a length of 6 cm. As they Mature, they tend to land, dripped in and there ripen. Within the beans are the seeds, long or flat, the average size of the seeds is comparable to Pasolini, their magnitudes may range from 9 to 20 cm. The color of the seeds is dark red, or pink, cream or grayish-yellow. This peel protects the peanuts from insect pigment when it enters the digestive tract of man, can cause poisoning, manifested upset his chair. However, if the nuts to soak for a short time in water, the dye is quickly removed from the skin of walnut. During the full maturation of the fetus – the beginning of autumn (September, October).

Homeland of the plant is considered to be South America, and the peanuts were valued on the continent before the time he was discovered by Columbus, as evidenced by archaeological excavations. Over time, the peanut has spread across the world: the Portuguese took it to Africa, India, Macau, the Africans in North America, the Spaniards at the Philippines, Filipinos in China, etc. In Russia, the peanut was in the late 18th century, but to cultivate it as a cultivated plant began only in the Soviet Union.

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The use of peanut due to its composition. It contains a large amount of protein, and 53% fatty oil, consisting of various mineral acids, globulins, glutamine, sugar, saponins, amino acids, vitamins (vitamin E, Biotin, Pantothenic acid, etc.), and prevail b vitamins, All 12 amino acids that are members of the nut are essential for the human body.

Use peanut undoubted, specialists distinguish the following main points that should pay attention:

  • Part of the walnut consists of polyphenols which are strong antioxidants. That is, in the use of peanuts in food the human body to cope with falling from the external environment toxins, poisons and other negative factors, poisoning him.
  • Another important function of polyphenols derived from peanuts, is the strengthening of the vascular wall and improve its tone.
  • Antioxidants are the most well-known helpers of the body in the prevention of cancer. It is proved that the consumption of peanuts 2-3 times per week, the risk of developing colorectal cancer is reduced by 20%.
  • Peanut has hemostatic properties, so it should be included in the diet for people with hemophilia and having problems with blood clotting.
  • Useful to use peanuts as a means to lower cholesterol. Thus the prevention of heart attacks and strokes. Due to the content in walnut P-kumarinovy acid, regular inclusion of nuts in food will reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.
  • Monounsaturated fats found in peanut help to regulate the blood sugar levels. This is especially true for people with diabetes.
  • Amino acids included in peanut helps the immune system, have beneficial effects on the human psyche.
  • Due to the content of magnesium in nuts, food helps to bring back to normal blood pressure.
  • It is useful consumption of fruits peanut during the outbreak of seasonal infections, since they allow the body to quickly deal with pathogenic viruses and bacteria, with stress, with depression of strength. This is possible due to the content in the peanut tryptophanol acid, which accelerates the production of serotonin.
  • Vitamin B3 contained in peanuts stimulates the brain, improves concentration, memory.
  • Regular inclusion in the diet peanut preventiongallstones, normalize digestion.
  • Peanuts are useful to women planning pregnancy, as it has folic acid helps prevent neural tube defects of the fetus.
  • Positively peanuts affect male potency, acts as a means to prevent the development of adenoma, prostatitis and other diseases of the male urogenital system.

  • Eating peanuts helps to normalize hormones in both the male and female body.
  • Peanuts are an excellent source of protein, so it is recommended to accept people seeking to build muscle mass. In addition, walnut will be useful for those who want to gain weight. Regarding the inclusion of peanuts in the menu of people losing weight, nutritionists ambiguous. But most of them believe that peanuts can be used as a snack, as a source of protein and healthy fats. But it should not eat more than 10 nuts a day.
  • As an additional source of fiber, peanuts can act as a means to prevent constipation. Also, the fiber contained in nuts, increases intestinal peristalsis.
  • Vitamin PP contained in the peanuts prevents the development of pellagra, a disease, the symptoms of which is dementia, diarrhea and dermatitis. Moreover, the content of nicotinic acid is superior to peanuts chicken breast and carbonate.
  • Eating peanuts has a positive effect on night sleep of the person.
  • A positive effect the daily inclusion of nuts in the menu on the skin and hair, which is possible thanks to vitamin E in their composition.

Useful roasted peanuts?

Nutritionists are of the opinion that roasted peanuts are healthier than raw nut. So, after roasting the peanuts, you receive a layer which prevents rapid destruction of vitamin E. the Maximum benefits of peanuts can be obtained if fry it without adding salt and a small amount of vegetable oil.

Another fact which speaks in favor of roasting nuts: after such processing the content of polyphenols increases in them by 25%. Accordingly, increasing antioxidant, anti-sclerotic and other useful properties of peanuts. It is proven that the antioxidant properties of roasted peanuts are equal to the same properties of BlackBerry and strawberry.

Not to mention that the taste of the peanutafter such heat treatment be better.

However, it is worth remembering that when you roast the walnut gets a lot of calories so consume it in moderation. This is especially true of people suffering from obesity.

How much can you eat peanuts a day?

How much can you eat peanuts a day is a question which concerns not only the people sitting on a diet, but also those who are watching their health. Experts recommend to consume per day no more than 15-20 nuts. Do not forget that in addition to the high calorie content, the fruit of the peanut Bush are not true nuts but belong to the legume family. Therefore overeating can cause a malfunction of the digestive tract with flatulence, bloating and even diarrhea. However, 30 g peanuts will not harm either health or figure.

Can peanuts when breastfeeding?

Many women after the birth of a child interested in the question of whether peanuts while breastfeeding. Experts say that consume groundnuts during this period, the woman can be, but you should be very careful.

It is important to consider the following points:

  • Peanuts can cause allergies, and quite serious, until angioedema and bronchospasm, which is very dangerous for the child's life. So in the first month feeding from eating peanut better just give up.
  • The newborn is not formed digestive system and peanuts have high fat content, in this regard, the first 4 weeks eat peanuts nursing mother should not.
  • After a month you can include in your diet 2-4 of the nut. If it does not cause any negative reactions on the part of the child (bloating, allergies, anxiety, etc.), then eat peanuts in small quantities are allowed.
  • As the nut promotes the production of gastric juice and increase appetite, eat it in large quantities during breast feeding is not worth it. It is able to provoke a set of excess weight as the woman and her child.

Experts on breastfeeding recommend the peanut before eating fry in small amount of oil. In addition, they suggest it is not as a standalone product and in combination with other dishes, for example, to add peanuts to salads.

Harm and contraindications peanut

Harm and contraindications peanut – these are not empty warnings of doctors. Groundnuts are really able to cause negative reactions on the part of the human body.

Notit is recommended to include peanuts in food in the following diseases:

  • Gout, arthritis, arthrosis. Within this product too much protein.
  • Varicose veins. This prohibition is due to the fact that the use of peanut in food contributes to thickening of the blood.
  • The peanut Allergy. Peanut is recognized as a strong allergen that can cause not only skin rashes, but in angioedema, angioneurotic reaction, bronchial spasm, etc. Even if a person has not previously been observed for peanut Allergy, it is best to eat it without the skin, as it is the strongest allergen.

In addition, it is worth remembering that peanuts are very picky about storage conditions and their violation on the nut quickly begins to breed mildew. When ingested, mold provokes various diseases including cancer. To indicate the staleness of the nut can unpleasant musty smell. Therefore, to protect the body from toxins, you should buy peanuts in sealed package, without white residue, chips, unpleasant odor. If you choose a peanut in the shell, it is necessary to shake a nut – it should not rattle. The staleness of the nuts will also indicate its bitter taste.

Calories of peanuts

The calorie content of peanuts is pretty high on 100 g product has 552 calories.

  • How many calories in one peanut? In a single peanut weighs about 0.5 g contains about 3 calories.
  • How much protein is in peanuts? Protein 100 g peanuts 26.3 g.
  • How many carbs in peanuts? Carbohydrates in 100 g peanut 9.9 g.

How to roast peanuts?

The advantage of roasted peanut is high. However, to purchase in stores best fresh peanuts and fry it at home. So you can be sure how much oil was added during processing, and use salt and other spices in its sole discretion.

How to fry peanuts in a pan with salt?

For peanut roasting pan, it is best to take the bell. It is flat and wide. You want the nuts to cover bottom of pan evenly. Ifnuts will be more, they won't fry evenly. Salt peanut roasting need to select small, large, salt will crumble and the nuts are not salted well.

In addition, it is possible to dissolve salt in water and while cooking pour it on the nuts. Then you need to wait for its evaporation and complete drying of peanuts. To do this, the pan should hold on small fire.

Generally, roasting time is 4 to 7 minutes. During the cooking process, the pan must be regularly shake so that the nuts turn and evenly brown.

As for oil, it can not add. Nuts contain a large amount of fat, which is enough to ensure they don't burn in the roasting process. It was agreed if oil still add on a pound of nuts, it is enough one table spoon of any vegetable oil.

Once the nuts are done, they need to put in a plate and allow to cool. The husk will crack, so it is best to clear.

How to fry peanuts in microwave?

In order to roast peanuts in the microwave, you need to take the appropriate treatment the dishes and put the nuts in it evenly. Then the microwave oven set on the highest power and is switched on for 4 minutes. Periodically work the microwave you have to stop and flip the nuts so they don't burn. To do so, preferably every 30 seconds.

That peanut is ready, will testify to its dark brown color. It is not necessary to pour a large amount of peanuts, because it will be harder to cook. Optionally, you can add salt and spices.

How to roast inshell peanuts in the oven?

Before you begin cooking the peanuts in the shell in the oven, it should be through. Spoiled and damaged fruit should be discarded. After sorting, the nuts should be evenly spread on the baking sheet.

The oven should be heated up to temperature of 180 degrees. In the oven set the pan, the nuts are exposed to heat for 25 minutes. Then the pan is removed from oven and cooled. At this time, inshell peanuts will reach full readiness.

How to grow peanuts in the garden?

How to grow peanuts in the garden every gardener knows who has ever planted on his land legumes. The technology of growing beans and peanuts are closely intertwined. Despite the fact that the homeland of the plant is South America, it feels great in the climatic conditionsprevailing in Russia.

  1. The choice of a site for planting. Peanut loves the heat, so planting should choose Sunny areas, which during the day is no shadow. But it is important to protect the plant from strong winds. Grows best peanuts on Chernozem soils, in sandy and loamy areas. If the earth is too heavy, it needs to be enriched with sand and humus. Waterlogged soil for planting peanuts is not suitable.

  2. Material for planting. It is best to choose nuts that are intended for planting in a particular region. You can buy them in gardening shops, as well as the neighbors across the garden, in that case, if they got a good harvest. A rich harvest is possible, as a rule, to obtain from seed, but is also used for planting and the beans themselves are in solid form and crushed.

  3. How to prepare the soil for planting. The beds should be treated in autumn. It is best to plant peanuts in those areas where it grew cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin, tomatoes, cabbage. Do not sow peanuts in those places where "living" legumes, lentils, beans and peas. The ground need to dig but not too deep, about bayonet spade. You can make organic fertilizers: humus, ashes, compost. In the spring, before the peanut planting, the bed should be to get rid of weeds and Bush. The distance between furrows shall not be less than 70 cm.

  4. Planting plants. Before planting, seeds should go through. For this they are soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 15 minutes. Instead of potassium permanganate to use saline solution. Per liter of water is sufficient tablespoon of salt.

    If you decide to plant peanuts seedling method, it is best suited for this purpose peat pots with soil nutrient. The seed has to be paid on a maximum depth 25 mm. To start planting the seedlings should be in early April. Put the pots in well-lit areas, for example, on the window sill. Pour the peanut at this time you need regularly, but in moderation. Transplant the seedlings should not be removing it from the pot. This is done after 30 days after planting the seed. If the climate is moderate, it is possible to keep seedlings at home for up to 60 days, but no more. Between plants should be left in the distance 25 cm.

    If you decide to plant peanuts in open ground, you should wait for the soil temperature at 14 degrees, but not less. Daytime temperatures should notto go below +18. You need to plant seeds to a depth 10 cm. On one hole you need to put 2-3 Bob, as their germination is unknown. It is important at first to protect the beds from birds, as they destroy not only the seeds but also the young sprouts. Especially dangerous crows, magpies and blackbirds.

  5. Caring for peanut. Water the plant with the moment, when the multiple shoots. The fact that in may the soil remains moist melt water, which for plants is enough. Young shoots almost immediately begin to bloom. Three weeks later, after flowering shrubs should be Spud. At that time the formation of underground fruits.

    In the same period, should take care of first feeding. In soil, you can make fertilizer with phosphorus and potassium. Weed out the nut you need to the moment is not yet closed leaves. Then each hive will be able to cope with the weeds, to protect themselves from its harmful effects. Watering the bushes during the summer, only in the case if the territory has been hit by drought. Watering in late August – early September inappropriate.

  6. Harvest. Storage of the crop. In the middle of autumn, you can start to harvest. The bushes need to dig with a spade. The plant should be lightly shaken to clear it from the soil. Then it is inverted and spread on the ground, up by the roots. This will allow the peanuts to dry on the air. Then the bushes stand under the canopy or folded in a dry place with good ventilation. To dry peanut, enough 4 days. When the stem becomes completely dry, the peanuts are dried at room temperature and put into fabric bags or cartons in a dry place. To accelerate the drying of the fruit, you can use the oven, but the temperature should not be above 40 degrees.