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Useful properties, treatment and use of atractylodes

Botanical characteristics of atractylodes

Atractylodes is a perennial herbaceous plant of the family Asteraceae. A length of the stem reaches about 60 cm Flower baskets, surrounded by leaves painted in white color. Flowering period medicinal plants – June-July, the period of seeds ripening the second half of August – September. Type of fruit is an achene, has an oblong shape. The locus of atractylodes – dry, grassy areas of forest edges, slopes, as well as mixed forests.

For therapeutic purposes, used all parts of the plant namely root, rhizome, leaves, inflorescence and seeds.

The chemical composition of atractylodes

Atractylodes has a unique chemical composition. In the roots, rhizomes, grass and seeds contain natural essential oils. In the stems and leaves of medicinal plants are ascorbic acid, vitamins of group b, vitamin e, pigments and organic acids. In rhizomes of the medicinal plants discovered carbohydrates, sucrose, glucose, rubber, coumarins. Also rich rhizomes of atractylodes copper, magnesium, potassium, iron and many other nutrients. In the seeds of the plant contains fatty oil.

The use of atractylodes

The widespread use of atractylodes found in Eastern medicine, where it is used as an effective diuretic, diaphoretic, analgesic, antipyretic, stimulant and tonic.

Seeds, fruits, flowers and leaves of the plant are used successfully for fatigue, dyspepsia, gastritis, rheumatism, anemia, arthritis, and some malignancies.

Flowers, stems and leaves are effective in cholelithiasis, diabetes mellitus, edema, dysentery and chronic nephritis.

Medicinal teas are successfully used in the treatment of treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis.

At home you can easily prepare therapeutic infusions and decoctions of roots and aerial parts of atractylodes.

Infusions of atractylodes

We offer you two recipesan infusion of atractylodes.

  • 20g pre-chopped aerial parts of medicinal plants pour 200 ml of hot water (boiling water) and infused for 15 minutes in a water bath, and then after about 45 minutes the cooled infusion is filtered and drink 3 times a day before meals.
  • 100g pre-chopped roots pour either 70% ethyl alcohol or vodka and infuse for ten days at room temperature.

A decoction of atractylodes

To prepare a decoction of atractylodes, take 15 g of crushed roots, pour 200 ml of hot water, put in a water bath for 30 minutes. The resulting broth, without removing from the water bath, cooled and filtered, then the volume was adjusted to 200 ml purified water at room temperature.

Extract atractylodes

Extract atractylodes prepared from ready-made tinctures. Ready tincture is evaporated to half volume. The resulting liquid, take 20-30 drops.

Contraindications to the use of atractylodes

With extreme caution should be used atractylodes people with individual intolerance to suffering from allergic diseases, and high blood pressure.