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Recipes for medicinal properties of bergenia crassifolia


Bergenia crassifolia is a perennial herb. Saxifrage grows mainly on moist slopes, widespread in the forests, found along river valleys.

The rhizome is a powerful and branchy. The leaves are leathery, shiny, have point-like glands on the underside of the leaf. The flowers are red, bell-shaped, clustered in dense panicles. Saxifrage grows very slowly. From the roots gradually grow numerous, rather large in size and roundish in shape, very thick-skinned leaves. In autumn the leaves turn a fiery shade of red. They are stored in winter. Bergenia rhizome dark-brown, and the fracture is light-pink in color, gets dark very quickly in the fresh air. The fruit of the plant – box with two blades. Seeds many, they are slightly wrinkled. Saxifrage blooms in June and July. During the flowering shoot of a plant is drawn in the arrow, with a height reaching up to 60 cm Suitable for human consumption after thorough soaking.

Used to treat parts of the plant

In bergenia medicinal raw materials are rhizomes and the aerial part of the plant: the leaves, flowers and seeds.

Collect them in the usual way, dried in the dryer. The temperature should be above 60°C.

Chemical composition crassifolia

As a ground plant parts and roots contain tannins, flavonoids, lots of manganese, iron, copper, and some vitamins and phytoncides and arbutin. The roots contain polyphenols, a large amount of tannins, resins, starch. The whole plant has a strong anti-bacterial activity.

Application crassifolia in folk medicine

Medicinal properties of bergenia is widely used not only in medicine but also in cosmetology. The plant is used for making lotions that work fast oily seborrhea of the face and hair, seborrheic dermatitis, hyperhidrosis and acne. Effectively it on the skin, where visible pores.

Badan used in cooking. Its roots are soaked in water, fairly rich in starch, so they are justified are eaten in soups and as a garnish to the meat.

The roots are used in enterocolitis, in gynecology for the treatment of erosions. The plant is promising for the treatment of malignant tumors, as shown by the high percentage of anti-stress activity.

It was established experimentally that drugs which are created based on bergenia, have a strong astringent, anti-inflammatory and haemostatic action. They can strengthen the walls of capillaries. They alsohave a vasoconstrictor effect. Other studies have proven that extracts and tincture of bergenia effectively increase the frequency of heart beat, lowers blood pressure. The plant revealed antimicrobial and diuretic properties.

In folk medicine the plant is used as a substitute for bearberry. Especially appreciated the plant for its antimicrobial, hemostatic and wound healing properties. Effectively used in the treatment of diseases of the lungs and gastrointestinal tract. Used in the treatment of dermatoses.

In folk medicine, rhizomes are used in diseases of the lungs, for treatment of acute respiratory infections, influenza, whooping cough.

Gained popularity the plant in the treatment of headaches, articular rheumatism, gastritis and fever.

In medicine infusions of bergenia used for hemorrhoids. The plant effectively treats uterine fibroids, uterine bleeding. Diseases of the oral cavity, larynx, bleeding gums is also treated with infusion of bergenia.

Application recipes crassifolia

In order to prepare an infusion, take about 20 grams of leaves and flowers of the plant, then pour a Cup of hot water. Insist the composition in a water bath to 15 minutes, then cooled. It will take approximately 45 minutes. You can take two tablespoons several times a day.

To prepare the broth take 15 grams of roots, pour a glass of hot water. Further according to the scheme: insist on a water bath for half an hour and cooled for 15 minutes. Taking the recommended 2 tablespoons, three times a day after meals. The same decoction can gargle, to do irrigation and lotions.

Mix one spoon of leaves of bergenia and elecampane, and two tablespoons of St. John's wort. One spoonful of this collection pour 200 ml of hot water, boil on slow fire for twenty minutes, and then leave for another hour. Make means you need a quarter Cup twice a day in hot, add in the infusion can sea buckthorn oil. Thus you can quickly cure a bad cold.

If a Cup of boiling water add a couple of tablespoons of rhizomes of bergenia, then cool and drain, it will add luster to rinse with periodontitis and stomatitis, as well as for douching.

You can also prepare the extract of bergenia. For this you need a couple of tablespoons of dried and powdered roots of plants, pour a glass of hot water and boil on low heata sealed container until then, until you evaporated half the liquid. Take this extract follows on 27 drops several times a day.

A decoction of bergenia in folk medicine can be used for taking sitz baths, which are prescribed in the treatment of hemorrhoids. The temperature of the baths should not be above 38 °C, and the duration – not more than 20 minutes. The number of baths is not more than 15.

You can also prepare a healing tea. To do this in a mixture of herbs to prepare a tea, add black leaf bergenia. Where can I get it? The old leaves of plants, which are located from bottom to periodically die off, then they dry and become black. These black sheets you need. To break them in bergenia better in the spring. It is from these old, at first glance, the leaves that had lain all winter under the snow and is famous Altai tea, which is delicious. It has healing properties thanks to these leaves. In order to prepare this tea, just dry the leaves and use within two years after harvesting. Why you need to drink this tea? It perfectly removes physical and mental fatigue, has very strong restorative properties for the body.

Badan brewed slightly longer time than black tea. This is because the leaves had significantly thicker than tea. It is possible to improve the quality of the taste and efficient transition of active substances in the infusion and bring to boil the composition of the leaves, but not boil, that is to make everything as coffee.

Application crassifolia in other areas

Use plants, namely, infusion and extract from the rhizomes, and in veterinary medicine. Appreciate the plant for its astringent and anti-inflammatory properties. The plant is in the front row of the world of tanning. For landscaping, the plant is used as a decorative. It looks beautiful in arrays in front of the shrubs in front of trees and in rocky gardens.

Contraindications for use crassifolia

If you long to take a decoction of the roots bergenia, can cause constipation. Can't drink the infusion and decoction of bergenia patients suffering from high blood coagulation.

A decoction of the roots of this plant often lowers blood pressure, so you should control the level separately. You can take herbal teas that increase blood pressure. But, on the other hand, Badan raises your heart rate, so people who have tachycardia, recommended to take in large quantities.