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Properties and application of wild rosemary

Rosemary marsh

The rosemary plant belongs to the species of evergreen shrubs. Ahead in the number of other plants and herbs growing in the swamp and in the wet forests. Mostly found in North America, Greenland and the far East, but can grow in most parts of the Northern hemisphere. Often found in Belarus grows in wooded peatlands.

If we consider the rosemary, you will notice a brownish fuzz felt like on his twigs, but the Mature plants of this borsika no color grayish. In height, rosemary can reach one hundred thirty inches, and the minimum height is fifteen inches. Its leaves are evenly spaced, in a clear manner, and the plate they are slightly bent inward. The top sheet green, dark and smoother on the surface and the bottom, on the contrary, fuzzy reddish-brown color, and it is there if you look closely, you can see essential oil glands.

Rosemary flowers are white and small, located close to each other and form at the top of the umbrella. You can see them in may or June. Pollinate the flowers by insects. The resulting nectar is poison for bees, but, nevertheless, they also pollinate the rosemary. And resulting in the colors honey is poison for people.

The fruits of the rosemary have the form of an elongated box, consisting of five planks. The seeds contained in the fruits, small and with one end are otherstock, resembling wings.

Grows wild rosemary, together with soil fungi, which in turn is fed through small roots of wild rosemary. But in comparison with other plants is a plus: from the seeds of the wild rosemary grows independently without any assistance.

The properties of rosemary

Among its main useful components include such as vitamin C, flavonoids, essential oil, having in its composition palustral and legal, sugar, gum, various minerals, volatile, dyes and tanning agents, and more. Part of the rosemary essential oil has the appearance of a thick homogeneous mass of greenish color and a burning taste. This oil is in every part of the plant, which is located on the surface and not under the soil, and it has the greatest effect in treatment. Therefore, most improves feedback.

However, there is one thing – do not forget, as already said, one of the substances of oil, ledal is a very powerful toxic substance. Therefore, a large amount of oil at one time canlead to the fact that a person begins to take your breath fails in the Central nervous system and in the functioning of the heart. At different times of the flowering rosemary the amount of essential oil contained in it varies, and significantly. For example, the largest volume occurs at the beginning of August and the end of July, with the appearance of seeds, and the lowest content is recorded during the beginning and at the end of the vegetative process.

In the composition of the leaves and branches of the shrub in the first year, and its fruits and flowers is an essential oil, and its quantity is quite large compared to those in the stems and leaves of older plants. In addition, its content in droughty weather in the summer is higher than during regular rains.

The use of rosemary

Noted that medicine Ledum increase the pulse (and, hence, frequent palpitations), suppress the cough and its symptoms, dilate the coronary and peripheral vessels and promote the excretion of urine from the body. Therefore, rosemary is effective and helps in bronchitis, tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, hypertension, and whooping cough.

At home the ointment of rosemary used in skin diseases, on the ground of frostbite or injury. Obtained from its flowers and leaves decoction or infusion to treat enterocolitis, headaches or disease of the cardiovascular system, bronchitis, asthma, etc. rosemary is used for rubbing and blending compresses in diseases of the joints, myositis, or neuritis, etc.

The juice of the plant kills the harmful bacteria that is protistotsidnymi and phytoncide, and suspends transmission of individual viral diseases: luminous Vibrio, sticks pertussis or diphtheria, hemolytic Streptococcus.

Part of the rosemary essential oil reduces spasms, promotes the detachment of mucus from bronchial character, quickly and effectively reduces inflammation, increases the movement of blood flow, increases the resistance of gastric tissues, is highly over protivoekssoudative properties, and also relieves spasms, etc.

The use differs across countries. For example, Bulgaria obtained from the blossoms of the plant by infusion in hot treats cholecystitis and uses it as an abortive means. Japan and Buryatia use rosemary when chesotka, diseases of the female reproductive system, as a means against parasites, andalso for insect bites, diseases of a catarrhal nature, conjunctivitis, dysentery, skin diseases, chickenpox, blepharitis and many others and as a means of contributing to the growth and restoration of hair. The few residents they treat alcohol, adding the juice of the plant in wine. The people of France and Germany, this juice is treated at the rheumatism of various kinds, diseases of a catarrhal nature with the presence of cough, and angina pectoris, etc.

In alternative medicine, particularly in homoeopathy, the plant is used externally to treat skin diseases, frostbitten areas, tumors, arthritis, wounds, for the treatment of asthma. Also used alcohol in the rosemary, called alcohol doctor Laurie, he will help patients with rheumatism. For getting rid of the cough, too, have a special medicine, and Russian production, under the name "ledin", in its composition also includes Ledum.

Cooking broth: two hundred milliliters of boiling water, add ten grams of the crushed shoots of plants and the place for half an hour in a water bath, then allow to stand ten minutes, then pass through a cheesecloth or strainer and bring the liquid volume to two hundred ml. To drink a decoction is necessary three times a day for two tablespoons after a meal.

Contraindications to the use of rosemary

The wild rosemary is contraindicated for people who are especially sensitive to substances that are part of the plant. In addition, admission should be carried out after prior consultation of the doctor and subject to the attached instructions and strict adherence to it, otherwise there is a risk of adverse effects or drug or overdose.