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Treatment and application of Hemlock


Hemlock is a biennial poisonous plant belonging to the family Umbelliferae. In the first year of life, the plant is the development of several basal leaves. At this time Hemlock is very similar to regular parsley, which some people poison them. In the second year the plant appears a stem with many branches, whose length can reach two meters.

The root of the plant is white, fusiform. The stem of the plant is highly branched, with a height of 60-180 cm Leaves of Hemlock is smooth, pinnatisect. The flowers are small, gathered in cymes, forming corymbose inflorescence.

The whole plant is poisonous! Therefore, the treatment should be used with caution. Hemlock flowering lasts from early to mid-summer, the ripening of the seeds occurs from August to September. Hemlock has a nasty smell, which can get a headache, for this reason, when the collection must be from the wind.

Hemlock grows throughout Russia, in Western Siberia, the Caucasus and Central Asia. It can grow in the garden, on waste ground near dwellings, in the neglected gardens and less frequently in the shrubs.

Collect grass Hemlock should only be in the flowering period of the plant.

The use and preparation of tinctures Hemlock

For medicinal purposes use the leaves, stems and flowers of Hemlock. The leaves are harvested during flowering, and seeds after drying.

In folk medicine, Hemlock used as a sedative, analgesic and anticonvulsant for epilepsy, migraine, or whooping cough, that is, in cases where the person has a disease that is accompanied by spasm of internal organs, or convulsions.

In the beginning of the summer strong and tall Hemlock exempt from the buds, which is a huge amount of essential oil. The collection of inflorescences should be carried out in two glass jars. One jar (1.5 l) use to collect the crushed buds with a few leaves. When the jar is half-full, you need to pour the contents into a glass jar. There pour 500 ml of vodka (or moonshine). When raw moved to a three-liter jar, don't forget to shake all that it is: it isneed for drenching all raw materials of vodka. When you fill the bottle 50 % raw, then you can go home, where they pour vodka the entire volume of the bottle. After that, the bottle you need to put a cover (plastic bag, only tightly) and put on two weeks somewhere in a cool place, for example, in the cellar. Of course, if you need to take the tincture after 5 days, it is possible to take, but the effect is not the best, as the tool is still not the real thing. When the medication infusion time, pour some in a separate container and store in the refrigerator away from food.

Esophageal cancer apply tincture should as follows: start with 1 drop of tincture (diluted in 100 ml of water) in the morning on an empty stomach. From the second day you need to increase the dose to 1 drop and so make until the day when one-time admission will be 40 drops of tincture. Now do exactly the opposite, that is 40 drops daily taken in 1 drop less. Stop should be in the moment when to take will need 1 drop. After 80 days of this treatment can safely eat the food that you eat before the disease. However, a month again, you need to repeat the treatment according to the same scheme (this is the second course of treatment). The third course of treatment is fixed, it is done in another 6 months, but only wishing.

We all know that all parts of the Hemlock plant are poisonous, so make the drugs, it should be very cautiously and in small doses: drops in the form of tincture on alcohol.

For its preparation you need to take 10 grams of leaves and 10 grams seeds of Hemlock and pour 40 ml 90-grustnogo alcohol, then leave to infuse for two weeks, then strain. Make a tincture you need to dilute: 2 drops tincture in 20 ml water. Take the remedy daily 3-5 times, not more.


Once again, Hemlock is a very poisonous plant, so he has to take it carefully and in small doses, and it is better to consult a doctor and not to self-medicate.

In the case of adoption of a large dose of Hemlock poisoning is the body and appear the following symptoms: salivation, dizziness, vomiting, dilated pupils, burning in the mouth. Without medical assistance this will result in respiratory paralysis and all will end in death.