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The beneficial properties of broccoli and broccoli damage

Broccoli is often called the Queen of the cabbage. This is known from Ancient Rome, the annual crop is famous for its numerous useful properties. Broccoli is a subspecies of cauliflower, differing from it by the appearance and taste characteristics and chemical composition. The name of this plant comes from the Italian "brocon" – escape branch.

Broccoli homeland is Asia Minor, the Mediterranean. In Europe, the cabbage began to gain popularity in the XVI century, but real recognition only in the twentieth century. In Russia, the broccoli almost grown. Food, as a rule, use florets and stems of broccoli. The inflorescence may be purple or green. The latter we used more of a variety called Calabrese.

The beneficial properties of broccoli

Broccoli contains lots of vitamins and essential elements. Found in its composition vitamins B, vitamin E, A, PP, K, U, s, and last it contains more than oranges and lemons. Vitamin U is able to effectively deal with ulcers, and broccoli in it as much as in asparagus. Of macro - and micronutrients can be called potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, copper and selenium. Potassium rids the body of excess salts, calcium is essential for health and normal growth of hair and nails, magnesium useful for heart, sodium helps to maintain water and electrolyte balance in the body, manganese and zinc positively affect the development of tissues and cells, copper plays a big role in hematopoiesis, selenium removes heavy metals and residues of synthetic drugs.

Many in broccoli, and beta-carotene – much more than in other vegetables (even carrots) as this item is considered a vitamin of youth and beauty. In plants there are chlorophyll, which are beneficial for the blood, and essential amino acids, which in large quantities contained only beef meat. Among amino acids, there are compound that helps produce "happiness hormone" – endorphin.

Broccoli is rich in protein, which is highly valued due to the presence therein of lysine and isoleucine – they equate this vegetable to egg white protein. But unlike animal products, broccoli contains no cholesterol, on the contrary, in its composition there are substances that prevent the accumulation of cholesterol in the body and its excretion –choline and methionine. Therefore, it is recommended for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, arthritis, atherosclerosis. The consumption of this vegetable significantly reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

In large quantities in cabbage is present and fiber, capable of natural way to cleanse the bowel, normalize digestion, relieve constipation. Broccoli and stimulates the secretion of bile, facilitating the functioning of the liver and biliary organs. Regular consumption of this product contributes to the regeneration of tissues and cells of the body, which play an important role in the recovery period after illness.

An indispensable product of broccoli is for diabetics and lovers of sweets – it contains ingredients that help normalize insulin levels, as well as protect blood vessels from damage due to high sugar content in the blood. For those who have problems with the nervous system, it is also necessary to include in the diet of this plant: physiological active substances in a large amount present in the composition of cabbage, have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and heart. This vegetable has a beneficial effect on the vision: the carotenoids prevent the occurrence of cataract, strengthening the retina and lens of the eye.

Known properties of broccoli excrete human wastes, dead cells, heavy metal ions, free radicals. Therefore, cabbage is recommended for seriously ill people, victims of radiation living in environmentally disadvantaged areas with high levels of radiation. Broccoli helps to get rid of excess fluid, which is the companion of cellulite. One only has to begin to regularly consume this product, the skin will become more smooth and taut. Effectively used a decoction of the seeds of this culture in the fight against worms.

Because of the high content broccoli folic acid, its recommended to pregnant women. Acid promotes the rapid formation of new healthy cells and maintains their status.

Other benefits of broccoli?

  • Recent medical research has shown that broccoli is able to fight off cancerous tumors, e.g., breast cancer, ovarian, prostate, bladder, skin cancer. It contains a valuable substance sulforaphane, which stops the growth of cancer cells. Especially a lot of this component in young stems and shootscabbage. However, in the heads it contains almost 10 times less than in stems. It's a substance that kills antibiotic-resistant bacteria that cause stomach ulcers.

  • In addition to sulforaphane in broccoli has two essential cancer substances: sinigrin and indole-3-carbinol (SS). Sinigrin included with other types of cabbage. It not only prevents the division of cancer cells and destroys them. SS acts as on cancer cells and the immune system , substantially strengthening it , the body is able to more actively resist cancer.

  • Those patients who at least two times a day eaten food from broccoli, the growth of cancerous tumors has been suspended. In the near future it is planned to develop anti-cancer drugs on the basis of the above substances. Their advantage is that they are optimally absorbed by the human body.

  • Damage broccoli

    By itself, the broccoli is beneficial to the human body the product from all points of view. It is very difficult to cook and eat the cabbage so that it caused harm, but still possible.

    • First, it is not recommended to use a decoction obtained from the cabbage – it contains guanine and adenine – harmful to human body substances. Therefore, in the preparation of vegetable soups and broccoli is not used. Secondly, under severe heat treatment is lost most of the nutrients are destroyed vitamins and minerals. Especially so widespread in our time, ways of cooking food in a microwave oven.
    • Strongly advise broccoli to fry on strong fire with plenty of fat. In this case, instead of useful properties that abound in the Kale, the body receives a severe blow, which will contribute to the formed in the process of heating oil carcinogens. Thirdly, eating broccoli in its raw form (this is the best option), you should be careful people with high acidity of the stomach and impaired pancreatic function. Some diets assigned after surgery, also prohibit the consumption of raw vegetables, containing large amounts of roughage.

    It turns out, in order to gain maximum benefit from the use of the product and not to cause harm, it is only right cabbage to cook (or eat raw) and properly stored in the freezer or weeks in the refrigerator.

    How many calories in cooked broccoli?

    Thankslow in calories this product is one of dietary. Cooked without adding fat, broccoli contains just 30 Calories per 100 grams of product.

    For comparison, in the Apple are approximately 35 Calories per 100 grams (fruits contain sugar, thus more calories and are not recommended for those who want to lose weight). Therefore, broccoli is often included in diets for the correction – it is useful, tasty and safe, but also perfectly nourishes.

    Broccoli for weight loss

    The Foundation of any diet is the decline in the diet the quantity of fats and carbohydrates. In this case, broccoli is an ideal option in order to include it in diet menus. There is a myth that broccoli is the product of a negative calorie, i.e. its digestion consumes more energy than it brings to the body. It is far from the truth, but we can say that it gives very few calories – this is enough in order to reach your optimal diet allows you to lose weight without harm to health.

    As mentioned above, the greatest benefits of broccoli raw. In second place steamed cabbage – so lost some nutrients, but many will remain. Acceptable broccoli simmer for a short time (no more than 7 minutes) without added salt, which contributes to the delay in the body of excess fluid. The least desirable methods of cooking this product is a long boiling, baking. The most unfavorable variant – frying.

    Despite the fact that raw vegetables are healthier, dietitians advise regularly eating light vegetable soups: they have a beneficial effect on the gastric mucosa, and are saturated with a gentle source of fiber, which is not contraindicated in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Soup-puree of broccoli is one of the most healthy and useful products.

    Diet version of this delicious and healthy soup is prepared with vegetable broth unsalted. First, cut and boiled potatoes, carrots and leeks and 7 minutes until the vegetables are tender and added broccoli. To taste are added fresh or dried herbs, onion, garlic, Bay leaf. After 7 minutes the pan is removed from heat, and the resulting vegetable soup using a blender crushed into a puree of the desired consistency. Of course, this soup should be eaten without bread. For a more nutritiousoption, you can add boiled white meat chicken. One serving of vegetable soup with pieces of chicken contains around 300 Kcal, which provides the body with energy for about 5 hours.

    Also, it is believed that broccoli helps speed up the metabolic processes in the body, helping to burn fat. Indeed, there are preconditions, because that cabbage contains good amount of chlorophyll and B vitamins that contribute to metabolism. However, it is desirable to use cabbage in raw form, for example, add it in a light vegetable salads. Of course, during the diet salads with broccoli, it is recommended to fill not with mayonnaise or sour cream, and a minimal amount of vegetable oil and lemon juice.

    Because broccoli contains high amount of fiber, it will promote cleansing of the intestines, and as a result, getting rid of excess weight. Therefore, it is desirable at least once a day to eat broccoli in the food. For lunch you can eat a serving of lean meat with a side dish of braised cabbage, a great Breakfast, serve scrambled eggs with steam broccoli. Diet is most effective if you replace one of the meals meatless dish from the cabbage. Better if it is vegetable salad with fresh broccoli for dinner. If the cabbage seems too hard, you can scald it with boiling water – significant damage to the benefits of cabbage it will bring.

    Contraindications to the use of broccoli

    As mentioned earlier, broccoli has a particularly favorable effect on the organism of a healthy person. Do not recommend eating broccoli raw people with high acidity of the stomach, as well as those who for health reasons can not use products containing coarse fiber. Of course, this vegetable is contraindicated for those who have individual intolerance to broccoli, but, fortunately, such cases are extremely rare. All the other doctors-nutritionists advise to use this wonderful product as often as possible.