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Bell whorled

Application, useful properties and contraindications to the use of a jingle

The Botanical characteristics of the bell whorled

Bell whorled is an herbaceous perennial plant, with a length of 100 cm. It has a straight, smooth surface stem, branched in the inflorescence. Jagged, sharp leaves are whorled, from each node of the stem moving away a few leaves.

Whorls on the stem there are several, usually five or more flowers. The flowers have light blue corollas. Flowering begins in early to mid summer. The fruits appear in July and August, contain small oblong seeds, the shape of the fruit – capsule.

The plant has a strong root, fleshy, radish-like, with a whitish or brown hue.

Bell whorled grows in deciduous and pine forests, forest edges, prefers dry rocky slopes, shrubs. Inhabits the Primorsky territory and the Baikal region. The most optimal time for collecting and harvesting the aerial part of the bell – June-July, the roots are harvested in October. Dry grass in the fresh open air, covering from sunlight.

The useful properties of the bell

A medicinal plant known for its beneficial properties. The chemical composition of the bell whorled full of very useful substances in its leaves, stem and flowers of the identified organic acids, vitamins, alkaloids, coumarins, flavonoids and saponins, tannins. Seeds contain fatty oil. In its pharmacological properties of this medicinal plant has a tonic and tonic features.

The use of a jingle

Bell whorled used in various diseases. In the treatment of cough, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, lung abscess and tuberculosis it is recommended in folk medicine in the form of decoctions and infusions as an adjuvant.

receiving funds, prepared on the basis of bell whorled, increases resistance to viruses and contributes to the destruction of bacteria, that allows them to heal wounds, ulcers. Powdered root is used as antibacterial powder.

Thanks to the coumarins the plant exhibits anticancer properties, localize the growth of tumors. Decoctions and extracts are excellent naturalcure of hypertension, atherosclerosis his action, they eliminate spasms of smooth muscles of vessels, that is, act as an antispasmodic medications. Bell whorled perfectly copes with the treatment of epilepsy, improves digestion, reduces fever in colds.

Infusions from the flowers and leaves of the plant are used in inflammatory processes of the skin, mucous membranes of the mouth and gums. The healing effects of lotion gets rid of acne and boils. There are a lot of recipes of various medicines from bell. The juice of the plant diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5, is rubbed into the hair roots, stimulating growth and strengthening hair follicles. Fresh juice is drunk as a General tonic to 1 tablespoon with water.

To prepare the broth 25-30 g of crushed roots pour 1 Cup of boiling water and kept in water bath for 20 minutes. After chilling filtered, divided into three portions and drink 3 times a day before meals.

Contraindications to the use of a jingle

Specific contraindications to receiving funds, which include bell whorled, not revealed. But it is advisable to comply with the measure, therefore, only a professional doctor's advice will help you learn how to use this plant.