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Useful properties and applications of thyme herb

Botanical characteristics of thyme

: pregnant women to use any herbal preparations of thyme should be only after consultation with the doctor!

Oil of thyme

In oil of thyme contains tannins, resin, malic and acetic acids, mineral salts. Oil is extracted from the herb thyme. Also, the oil is thymol, which has antiseptic and anthelminthic properties. Used oil for various ailments. It is effective for skin diseases, helps with headaches, pain in the stomach, diseases of the joints. Oil well affects respiratory disease until tuberculosis and

Almost indispensable oil of thyme, if plagued by insomnia, headaches and depression. It helps with hair loss, besides, improves memory and increases attention.

Thyme from alcoholism

Unfortunately, alcoholism is a terrible affliction of our people. But it can be cured by using thyme. A decoction of the plant contains thymol, causing overdose vomiting. Based on this action of the decoction of thyme.

Recipe. 15 g thyme, pour 250 ml of boiling water, leave in water bath for 10-15 min, and then poured the first infusion and again add the same amount of water. Take broth 50-70 ml several times a day, after which the patient should drink about 25 grams of vodka. Before you drink vodka, it need 5 minutes to sniff. Through 10-30 minutes after the vodka is consumed, a reaction occurs: the patient has nausea or even vomiting.

The treatment usually lasts 1-2 weeks, and as a result the patient has a strong aversion to alcohol. Be sure to use only fresh broth.

Thyme essential oil

Essential oil is obtained by steam distillation of the flowers of thyme. Due to its expectorant, warming and anti-inflammatory properties, oil of thyme has a beneficial effect on respiratory diseases. This is a great tool for the treatment of urinary infectionsand inflammation.

With its help you can easily cope with such women's diseases as pain and menstrual irregularities. Essential oil stimulates contractions, and the child quickly comes to light. The thyme is subject to problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and in addition, it improves appetite, improves mood, relieves fatigue, increases alertness and tones up the nervous system.

Syrup of thyme

Cough syrup from thyme – it means no worse and maybe even better synthetic drugs, which we all used to use, because the syrup is made of natural components.

Recipe 1. A small bundle of thyme flowering yet should be well washed, finely chop and allow to dry. Then the raw materials you need to pour about 450 ml of water and cook on a slow fire, the water should boil away half. The broth should be cool, then strain, add 50 grams of garlic (squeeze the juice) and 300 g of natural honey. Mix everything and store in a tightly sealed container. To drink the medicine you need after a meal 1 teaspoon per day. This syrup can be stored for a very long time.

Recipe 2. Finely chop 20 g dried thyme, pour approximately 200 ml of hot water, cook over low heat in a covered pot until the water boils away half. 200 g of honey dissolve in a water bath and add it to the broth. Syrup turns out very tasty. Children can be given this medicine after a meal 1 teaspoon.

Recipe 3. Blooming thyme you want to cut and fold in a glass jar in layers alternating the thyme with the sugar, flatten and leave in a dark place for two weeks. Then syrup is poured into another jar and tightly cover. Add a tool in your tea if there is stomach problems.

Recipes of thyme

Recipe 1. Chopped thyme and pour boiling water, boil on a water bath for 20-30 min. Then cool and strain. The ratio of thyme and water – 1:10. The decoction of thyme is recommended for cancer of the stomach.

Recipe 2. One tablespoon of thyme to fill in 400 ml of water, bring to boil, cool and strain. Drink the tool should be half a Cup three times a day. This decoction is used for dysbiosis, headaches, loss of sleep and overexertion.

Recipe 3. Infusion from dandruff and hair loss. Pour one tablespoon of dried minced thyme 250 ml of boiling water, let infuse for 1 hour and drink 70 g three times a day.

Recipe 4.Infusion for baths. In five liters of boiling water is required to pour 100 g thyme, 30 minutes to insist, pour into the tub. Bathing should be repeated twice a week.

Recipe 5. Tincture as a prevention of influenza. 50 g dried thyme should take 220 ml of 70% alcohol, insist 10 days in a cool dark place in a glass container at a temperature of 20-25 ° C, shaking every two days. The maximum shelf life of tincture five years.

Recipe 6. Prevention of flu. 20 g herb thyme, mint leaves and flowers scented of violets , you need to pour 500 ml of vodka, insist 3-4 days, shaking every day at least two times. Then the cure strain.

Thyme from the pressure

Thyme is often used in herbal fees from hypertension, so people suffering from high pressure, it is useful to drink tea with thyme. It dilates blood vessels.

Recipe. A Cup of boiling water pour one tablespoon of herb, allow to steep a few hours, and drink before meals three or four times a day. After drinking, need to go to bed and feet to put warm heating pad.

Contraindications to the use of thyme

Despite the many beneficial properties of this medicinal plant, it has contraindications. People suffering from gastritis, diabetes, stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers - it is undesirable to take drugs on the basis of thyme.

It should be remembered that although thyme is useful in tuberculosis, asthma and pneumonia, as an expectorant, the same effect (expectorant) may cause complications of these diseases if not to take into account the dosage.

Pregnant women should be very dosed to use the plant – can be a threat of miscarriage. Treated preparations of thyme only after consulting your doctor.