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5 reasons eat Chia seeds every day!

Today, a huge number of people living in different countries of the world, attentive to their health. This is evident not only in the regular physical culture and long hours of walks in the fresh air, but in a balanced diet. In order for the daily meal maximum benefit, you need to use in the diet of various minerals and vitamins that help to enhance health and normalize the immune system. Many experts in the field of nutrition is recommended for both men and women daily use of Chia seeds which have unique properties and bring enormous benefits to the human body.

Chia seeds recently appeared on the territory of the Russian Federation, but almost immediately found its consumer audience. Their valuable nutritional qualities were discovered by our ancestors, who with the help of seeds were disposed from various diseases. Regular consumption of Chia seeds, did ancient warriors stronger and more resilient.

In the long military campaigns the conquerors were fed exclusively on these seeds, they did not lack any vitamins and minerals or other nutrients necessary for proper functioning of the body. It is also worth noting that against such a power, people have not observed exhaustion or dehydration. The second peak of the popularity of seed occurred in the 90-ies of the last century. Many breeders began to actively grow this crop and to supply the world market.

The main benefits of Chia seeds

100 grams of Chia seeds is equal to:

  • 545 ml of milk as a source of calcium;
  • 294 gr. oats as a source of fiber;
  • 900 gr. oranges as a source of antioxidants;
  • 178 gr. bananas as a source of potassium;
  • 992 gr. salmon as source of omega-3;

  • 216 gr. nuts as a source of magnesium;
  • 400 gr. spinach as a source of iron.

Home of Chia seeds can rightly be called South America where the ancient Mayan tribes employed them as one of the main foods present in the diet. Today, they are grown on plantations indifferent countries of the world, but the most popular seeds that are gathered on a mountain plateau. This can be explained by the fact that in this area there is a good environment, thanks to which grow high-quality Chia seeds.

Culture Chia is an annual plant. During the peak of its growth it can reach 1 meter in height. In the flowering period for this plant, you can see a very beautiful flower buds, which usually are white, rarely purple. Chia seeds can support different color shades: black, white, brown or black.

The main advantages of Chia seeds include their high environmental friendliness and the inability to accumulate toxic substances. Many vegetarians appreciate the unique qualities of these seeds and put them into your daily diet. They are very simple to prepare and require no heat treatment. Some cooks pre-seeds pour boiling water, cover and leave to infuse (10 minutes). During this time the seeds will increase in size and can be used as a standalone course. Some people prefer to use the oil from the Chia seed, which is currently in a free implementation.

Modern cosmetology also found active use of the Chia seeds, as all known for their unique ability to prevent aging and prolong youth. It provides a variety of acids (caffeic and Hargrove) and antioxidants present in the seeds:

  • Flavonol;
  • Querticin;
  • Kempferol;
  • Myricetin.

Chia seeds are an ideal natural remedy to be taken in the prevention of cancer. They have a unique nutty flavor.

5 reasons eat Chia seeds every day

Not so long ago, Chia seeds were presented to domestic consumers, which was immediately marked by their unmatched properties. They are the ideal source of energy for humans, and with regular use, you will charge cheerfulness and lift the spirits. Chia seeds have the unique ability to dull even a strong feeling of hunger, so they are simply irreplaceable for people leading a relentless struggle with excess weight.

There are five main reasons to start taking daily Chia seeds:

  1. For people who are overweight (having obesity of any degree) of Chia seeds will provide invaluable assistance in shedding weight. Lostpounds forever gone and after the termination of the diet will not be back again. The use of the seeds for weight loss it is recommended by many nutritionists.

    The principle of the seed in this case is as follows:

    • seeds, once in the stomach, mixed with liquid (water or gastric juice).
    • swelling, the seeds are greatly increase in size (12-th time).
    • as a result the person feels a sense of fullness and stops eating high-calorie foods.
  2. As an antioxidant, Chia seeds maximally remove toxins from the body. Regular use of seeds as a preventive measure (for detoxification) will help to normalize the functioning of many internal organs and body systems. In winter time the Chia seeds act as source of minerals and vitamins, helping people feel energized and look much younger than their years.

  3. Chia seeds are unique in natural treatment for hypertension. The use of seeds allows not only to reduce but also to normalize blood pressure. They are also actively used by people who have diseases of the endocrine system, particularly diabetes Diabso by regularly taking seeds diabetics significantly reduced the level of sugar (in the blood). It is also worth noting that a 3-month course of the use of such seeds have a positive effect on blood composition, acting as a natural blood thinner. This was confirmed by Japanese scientists who conducted numerous studies Chia seed.

  4. Chia seeds are a natural source of calcium that people need for normal functioning of musculoskeletal system and to increase the strength of their bones. Comparing seeds with other products containing calcium, it is worth noting their clear leadership. Their outstanding properties are invaluable for the brain, which should regularly receive the necessary amount of nutrients and minerals. It is also worth noting that the Chia seed contains potassium in large quantity, which are necessary for normal functioning of the vascular system and heart.

  5. Chia seeds contain beneficial to human body acids: "omega – 6" and "omega – 3". These acids need to be present in the diet of every person because they help the heart to work effectively and reduce the level of harmful cholesterol, preventing it from settling on the wallsof the blood vessels. Chia seeds are advised to regularly taken by patients with arthritis, as they help greatly reduce the pain caused by this disease.

Other beneficial properties of Chia seeds

Today tense conversations around the Chia seeds, as they began to enjoy great popularity not only in the territory of the Russian Federation but also in other countries of the world.

To their beneficial properties can be attributed to the following:

  • Seeds are very help to increase stamina of people. That is why many professional and novice athletes regularly consume these seeds, which helps them to endure strong physical exertion;
  • Chia seeds are a unique natural source of energy thanks to which people can experience the vigor throughout the day and energized;
  • Chia seeds have a pleasant taste, thanks to which they can be used as a spice for culinary delights from every cuisine around the world. Currently, there are a huge number of recipes of dishes that use Chia seeds;
  • The seeds are widely used in aromatherapy (oil is squeezed out and applied as in the treatment of various diseases and as a preventive measure);
  • Chia seeds are endowed with a unique hydrophilic qualities that in humans is the binding of water. It is worth noting the ability of seeds to balance and salt balance, is necessary for proper functioning of organs and systems;
  • The seeds help to work the intestines, providing an effective suction it walls all of the necessary nutrients;
  • Chia seeds contain lots of vitamins E, A, C; zinc, Riboflavin; phosphorus, Niacin, fiber, magnesium and thiamine, etc.

To purchase quality seeds, contact your regular sales point, where there is the presence of all the necessary supporting documentation. High quality Chia seeds should be confirmed by certificates of conformity. The cost of seed is set in the valid price range, so that they can purchase even people with little financial security. Before buying seeds you need to ask from which country they were imported. If in the regionthere is a good environment, then it is safe to do the purchase.

Chia seeds are in free sale, as numerous studies conducted have failed to reveal serious contraindications. On a background of reception of seeds may be increased flatulence. People who are prone to allergic reactions should take the seeds only after consultation with your doctor. Since the seeds are a natural blood thinner, and when consumed do not take anticoagulants. It is not necessary to begin receiving seeds for pregnant and lactating women, as it is still unknown what impact they may have on developing in the womb the fetus.


Chia seeds should take daily not only to people who have certain health problems. These seeds are essential for growing organisms and for the elderly, as they help them to cope with various diseases and activates the immune system. They can be eaten with a meal, as a condiment, or as a separate product. Regular intake of Chia seeds will enable people to lose weight to get rid of various diseases, to have always a youthful appearance and good mood.


Natalia V.: I used to think that Chia seeds take just for weight loss. I was very interested, and I set out to know more about these seeds. To my surprise they can be used even for medicinal purposes. Many gastroenterologists recommend to their patients in parallel with conventional treatment to take daily with food Chia seeds. They have a very beneficial effect on the digestive system and normalizovat all metabolic processes. However, many women have noticed a steady decline in weight. I decided to try and bought a pack of seeds in a few days you will begin to take for weight loss. I think the effect will be positive and persistent.

Anastasia: I had serious problems with excess weight. Regularly sit on different diets, trying everything recommended on the Internet. Not long ago, my friend on the forum advised me to try Chia seeds. She regularly uses notes and great result. I did not think long and immediately began to eat them with Breakfast, lunch and dinner. A few days lost 600 grams. I will continue, I hope this time will succeed.