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Properties and applications of the herb elecampane

The herb elecampane

Elecampane belongs to the perennial plants, annuals to be may also, but only occasionally. The nard could be up to two meters in height. The plant is herbaceous and has the appearance of a Bush. Its leaves are oblong in shape and pointed at the ends, and the stalk is straight and is pretty dense. Elecampane flowers are quite large and flashy. Their color usually orange to yellow, which allows you to allocate plant and immediately know, is not confused with any other. Nard usually meet in a meadow, near the pond, as well as in any ditch or career. To use the most preferred tall plants with a wide straight blade – their roots fit best.

Most preferred to use that grass, which is more than three years, as more young does not already contain such a number of useful properties, partially giving way to more Mature plants. For further use it is necessary very carefully to dig out the elecampane of the land, gently shake, remove the rhizome and stem, and the root washed in water. If the root is wide and dense, it is necessary to cut it, and then a single layer spread on the paper surface and allow to dry. Usually leave it for two or three days in the sun. Better not to apply to dry roots in the oven, otherwise the whole therapeutic effect of plants is lost.

Properties of elecampane

Useful properties of elecampane are the substances in the root and rhizome. Among these various resins, wax, from one to three percent of essential oil in the form of crystals, vitamin E, saponins, up to forty-four percent of the polysaccharide inulin and mucilage. Obtained from the rhizomes and roots of the plant decoction is prescribed for inflammation of the stomach, for strengthening when you cough and bronchitis with thick secretions, and also in case of diseases of the liver and kidneys, has anthelmintic and diuretic properties, relieves inflammation, etc.

Available in the plant tocopherol (or vitamin E) helps to postpone the aging process for people suffering from it as premature, as this vitamin is a natural antioxidant.

A decoction of elecampane essential in diseases of the skin. For the treatment and prevention use a strong decoction, which is added when bathing. Also topically applied a special ointment of nard, which cures itching, scabies, etc. in the plant mucus, resins, and gums have a beneficial therapeutic effect, asenvelop the wall and thereby protect the intestinal mucosa and stomach, and throat.

The use of elecampane

Among the popular media reception of elecampane is quite common. Usually the roots of plants to make a decoction or infusion, is used as an additive for tea or treated with the ointment from him.

Derived from the roots powder is mixed with pork fat and well deep fried and then placing on the cloth of flax, lay on the site of a wound or tumor. Made from the root of a plant infusion is one of the best tools to deal with such stomach diseases as ulcers or gastritis. To treat duodenal ulcers need to take a tablespoon of infusion, followed by drinking two or three tablespoons of pork fat. Elecampane is also useful to combat sciatica, goiter, or nervous system diseases – may be external or internal use. Another plant infusion reduces tooth pain, helps with heart disease, and lowers blood pressure.

For the treatment of sciatica or degenerative disc disease use the following tool. You need to take to the Bank volume of three liters and put into it a large handful of pre-chopped dried roots of elecampane, report to the same yeast in the amount of one hundred pounds and from five hundred to seven hundred grams of honey and then pour boiling water to the bottom of the neck of the jars, put on top of a rubber glove, pre-punctures on her fingers. The resulting composition should be placed in a warm but not hot place, to cover the solid matter and leave it for two or three weeks to ferment. Then you need to skip the medicine through cheesecloth or a strainer and store in the fridge. To take a drug recommended in the morning and evening – half Cup of the resulting composition, eating honey.

Also known another benefit of elecampane: its freshly picked leaves is applied to ulcers, tumors, and scrofulous and erysipelatous areas, in addition, obtained from the plant decoction with water drink for pain in the chest or stomach, hudozhestv, and elecampane root, along with bacon – an indispensable tool for scabies.

From the plant made a special tea that helps to fight cough: you need to add a liter of boiling water to a teaspoon of rhizomes and leave for about fifteen minutes. Take the infusion should be a glass two or three times a day with honey. There is a recipe in cases of bronchial asthma: derived from the roots and rhizomes of the grass juice you need to connect with honey in the ratio of one to one, and then drink a teaspoon twenty minutes before takingfood three times a day.

For treatment of tubercular diseases there are the following means: it is necessary to mix five hundred milliliters of vodka with two cups of grated grated fresh roots of the plant and leave it for nine days, and then drink before eating one tablespoon. Duration of treatment – two or three months. Elecampane is also widely used in cases of Allergy, asthma, sciatica, any skin diseases, rheumatism, dropsy, hypertension, mild forms of diabetes, and in jaundice.

There is also a recipe for tincture of elecampane, it is necessary for him to add half a liter of red wine (port, Cahors wine) to one hundred twenty grams of plant roots and put on fire, boil for ten minutes. Next, the resulting product should pass through a cheesecloth or strainer. To take part it is recommended that three or four times a day before meals in the amount of fifty milliliters. Infusion is indispensable, as it allows you to strengthen and tone weakened body, helps with diseases of the stomach (ulcer or gastritis).

A decoction of elecampane

The broth is reducing the amount released from the respiratory tract mucus and promotes expectoration of catarrhal phlegm. By regulating peristalsis of the intestines it AIDS digestion and stimulates the appetite, normalizes metabolism, reduces the phenomena of catarrhal nature and helps to better tolerate the cough, which is indispensable in cases of tuberculosis.

Obtained from the rhizomes and roots of the plant decoction helps in diseases like stomach and intestines such as ulcers, gastritis, diarrhea non-infectious nature and colitis. Elecampane strengthens the uterine contraction, so it is used at low discharge during menstruation (or the delay). It relieves inflammation in the throat and mouth, just need to apply it for rinsing. It is used to clean contamination from the wound is not weeping character.

Preparation of decoction of elecampane: you need to refill the cups steep hot water to a teaspoon of crushed root elecampane, put on a slow fire for about fifteen minutes and then leave to infuse for about four hours. Drinking should be obtained several times a day a tablespoon.

Elecampane root

Widely used for treatment of roots and rhizomes of plants, because they are diuretic, tones the body and helps to cough sputum, and is also useful in pulmonary tuberculosis,rheumatism, etc. root Harvesting usually occurs during autumn or early spring. For the treatment of rheumatism twenty grams of burdock root and elecampane pour two hundred milliliters very hot water, leave for fifteen to twenty minutes and take three or four times a day a tablespoon. For treatment of respiratory diseases two tablespoons rhizomes and roots of plants placed in two cups of water and leave for eight hours. Take your remedy with a teaspoon of honey half Cup of the composition four times a day for thirty or sixty minutes before a meal.

Contraindications to the use of elecampane

Supplementation of plants is contraindicated suffering from kidney disease, the heart, and pregnant. Overdose of the decoction may experience symptoms of poisoning.

Nard not to take during pregnancy, if excessive viscosity of the blood and diseases of the intestine, with atonic constipation chronic nature.