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Sweet cone

Useful properties and applications of scented spike

Botanical characteristics of aromatic ear

Sweet cones are everywhere – in meadows, pastures, clearings, on sandy and pebbly soil. This perennial grass has a dense shrub with short broad leaves. The plant inflorescence is the spikelet consists of short branches with long scales of the flowers, so the plant looks shaggy. Flowering spike in may-June, spreading the smell of cumarin, tender and sweet. Sweet spike is found in the steppe and forest-steppe zones of Russia, in Siberia, also grows in the Ukraine, the Caucasus and Central Asia.

Useful properties of aromatic ear

In folk medicine, sweet spike is renowned as a sedative, calming, analgesic and opposed to the vomit plant. In the grass contains coumarin, a scent of new-mown hay.

The use of scented spike

Use this helpful herb for breast diseases. As present in the plant coumarins are readily soluble in alcohol and ether, they are used for production of tobacco and in perfumery. Sweet spike is the number of plants included in the dessert of vermouth. For therapeutic purposes, you can use the stems and spikelets possessing diuretic and soporific effect. Aromatic infusions and decoctions of the herbs used for asthma, headaches, pulmonary tuberculosis, nausea and vomiting.

An infusion of fragrant cones: 1 tablespoon of dry raw material to insist 30-40 minutes in a Cup of boiling water after the drain. Make the tool recommended 2 tablespoons 3 times a day

Tincture fragrant ear: 3-4 sprigs you want to chop, pour 0.5 liters of vodka, insist and take a few drops, diluting with water, with vertigo, to calm the nervous system, elimination of upper respiratory infections. Effective use of tincture for coughs and colds. With stagnation in the gallbladder, with hepatitis, gastritis, kidney stones, accompanied by swelling, can be treated with a healing balm.

The recipe of the balsam: it is composed of 0.5 liters of vodka, 1-2 large branches of Hypericum and fragrant spike, 0.6 Cup raspberry syrup. Need to insist 3-4 days.takoj balzam mozhno primenyat v kachestve poloskanij rotovoj polosti pri stomatite, krovotochashih desen. baktericidnye svojstva rasteniya pomogaut ochishat i zalechivat rany.

dushistyj kolosok obyknovennyj

dernovinnyj zlak – dushistyj kolosok obyknovennyj – imeet tonkij pryamostoyachij stebel, priyatnyj zapah, on mozhet byt vkluchen v kompleksnoe lechenie razlichnyh zabolevanij. simptomy nervoznosti, razdrazhenie i, kak sledstvie, plohoe nastroenie – vot te problemy, s kotorymi pomogaet spravlyatsya eta divnaya trava. polezno prinimat dushistyj kolosok obyknovennyj pri odyshke, revmaticheskih bolyah. aromat travy usilivaetsya pri sushke steblej i socvetij.

otvar dushistogo koloska obyknovennogo: v 0,5 l vody kipyashej vody neobhodimo nasypat tri stolovyh lozhki vysushennoj travy dushistogo koloska, kipyatit otvar 15 minut, ostudit, procedit i pit pri silnom kashle po 1/4 stakana dva raza v den.

protivopokazaniya k primeneniu dushistogo koloska

dushistyj kolosok protivopokazan pri sklonnosti k krovotecheniyam. soderzhanie efirnogo masla v rastenii nastolko veliko, chto vo vremya cveteniya mozhno zabolet sennoj lihoradkoj.