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Useful properties and applications of high echinopanax

Botanical characteristics of high echinopanax

Echinopanax (second, quite a famous name – "devil") is a shrub which reaches a height of from 70 to 120 cm spiny Shrub, characterized by thick, long rhizomes (about 35 cm) which depart from the adventitious roots, and the straight-lined needle-like brittle spines yellow trunk with thick spikes.

The leaves are large, alternate, long-petiolate, rounded, cordate, bottom color light on top – dark green. Flowers inconspicuous, greenish hue, they are small, gathered in the brush. Fruit – egodauyana, fleshy drupe, bright orange (orange-red) color, length from 7 to 12 mm.

Flowering plants occurs in early summer (June-July). Ripening was observed from August to September.

Echinopanax grows well in places with moist air. He lives in the spruce forests, rarely on mountain screes in the far East and in the southern part of Primorsky Krai.

The beneficial properties of echinopanax

Echinopanax is more of an ornamental plant. It is recommended to design hedgerows and parkland planting. However, the rhizome and roots of the plant have medicinal properties, what they are used for making decoctions and infusions.

Harvesting of medicinal raw materials occurs during the ripening of the fruit. The bushes gently dig or pull, and then completely remove the aerial parts, and prepare the root and rhizome of chopping them into small pieces, provalova in air and drying at a constant temperature of 30 °C.

The root and rhizome of echinopanax contain saponins, glycosides and alkaloids in small amounts. Also in the root (as in the composition of aboveground plant parts) discovered essential oils, which identified the aldehydes and the alcohols, phenols, hydrocarbons and acids.

In the rhizome contains useful macro elements (calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron) and micronutrients (zinc, manganese, copper, chromium, Nickel, barium, aluminum, etc.).

The leaves also revealed the glycosides, and yet, the little-known alkaloids.

Medicinal teas and infusions from echinopanax provide effective stimulant, tonic, antidiabetic and anti-inflammatory effect.

The use of echinopanax

Tincture prepared from roots and rhizomes of echinopanax, used in medicine. Noted its positive effect on the nervous system, in connection with which this tincture is recommended for nervous and even mental diseases (asthenic-hypochondriac, asthenic-depressive States, fatigue), assign as the exciting means and the drug contributing to the maintenance of vitality, toning mental and physical health.

Echinopanax – an effective remedy for impotence, its use is desirable in light forms of diabetes.

In folk medicine the plant is used as a stimulant in various forms of asthenia, reduced blood pressure (hypotension), heart failure, depression, low-grade form of schizophrenia, the physical and mental strain, and dysfunction of the reproductive system in men.

As has been shown in clinical studies receiving infusion of echinopanax contributes to the rapid decrease in the level of blood sugar from insulin-dependent patients, lowers blood pressure, reduces heart rate, increases diuresis and stimulates respiration.

The recipe of tincture of echinopanax

Recipe No. 1: you need to take 20 g of crushed raw material (root and rhizome) and pour 100 ml of 70% ethanol. Capacity should be put in a dark place for 10-14 days. Upon expiration of the resulting infusion to drain in a clean and dry capacity (if storage of the infusion is used a glass jar, it should be of dark glass). Regimen – 30-40 drops 2-3 times a day.

Recipe No. 2: take 1 part of the crushed material and pour it with five parts of 70% ethyl alcohol. Regimen 2 times daily 20-30 drops.

Tinctures are assigned hypotension, General weakness of the body, of physical and nervous exhaustion, heart failure, sexual impotence, and astenodepressivnyh asthenic-hypochondriac affections, with swelling.

Contraindications to the use of echinopanax

Tincture from echinopanax is contraindicated in hypertension, pregnancy, atherosclerosis, sleep disorders, epilepsy, disease of the digestive system. It is recommended to immediately stop the treatment if you are hypersensitive for the plants.

The drug is incompatible with alcohol.