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Varieties of violets, violet care

Botanical characteristics of violet

Violet is a low perennial plant whose growing creeping rhizome. Stemmed violet leaves are shaped like hearts. The single flowers come in many different shades. The fruit of violets presented in an interesting box with lots of seeds. The root of this plant is thin and subramose. This flowering herbaceous plants begins in mid-March and ends in may. It bears fruits in August.

Violet can be seen in parks, forests, among shrubs and under trees. This plant is found throughout Russia. Decorative violets are happy in bloom in the gardens and in the flowerbeds.

Reproduction of violets

Propagated violet seeds can, however, sometimes is used way with cuttings of the shoots. From seed the plant grows much stronger than with grafting. Seeds need to be planted in the garden. Seedlings appear in April. A month later, they need to be transplanted separately from each other. Want to see winter on my windowsill beautiful violets in a pot? To do this in late summer, dig the plant with a clod of earth. The finished plant put in pot with fertile soil and place in a cool place. During the winter the pot with the plant move to a place with 10 degrees of heat.

Violets grow well in light and shadow. This plant can grow under the trees. Violet does not tolerate drought. For growing violets best suited to fertile, friable and slightly moist soil. Wild violet can be seen in nizinnyh because there is accumulated moisture.

Every 3 years after planting you need to remove old plants and plant new. At the same time make fertilizer (compost). If violet can't get enough air or its little watering, it will be affected spider mites.

The seeds of violets are better sown immediately after harvest since they quickly lose their germination. Violet is a plant that can reproduce by self-seeding. Must be regularly weeded. Violet – undemanding plant. It needs regular watering, loosening the soil and removing weeds.

Flowers violets

Violet is incredibly beautiful flowers that delight with their variety of shades and shapes. The size of flowers and leaves varied considerably. Due to breeding were bred different varieties – from tiny to incredibly large. Inthe flowers of this graceful plants are anthocyanin glycosides and essential oil, whereby it is an effective tool in the treatment of eczema, herpes, hives and cracking of the lips. Fresh juice of flowers are often used in smallpox and a strong cough.

Violet leaves

Violet leaves are striking in their content of nutrients. A decoction of these parts is presented of the plant in combination with honey can cure chronic pharyngitis, cough, and various gastrointestinal ailments. The infusion of violet leaves is useful for calming watery or irritated eyes.

How to grow violets from leaf:

Care for violets

The violet grows well in full sun and in partial shade. It prefers clearings under the trees. For growing should choose loose fertile soil. Due to the fact that violet does not tolerate drought, water should be regularly and abundantly. Perennial wild violet can be seen in a darkened nizenko because there is accumulated moisture.

How to care for violets in the home. This graceful plant is propagated by seeds. So violet felt good, it is often necessary to weed. Every three years you should remove old plants and plant new concurrent with the introduction of fertilizers in the soil. Violet likes fresh air and good watering.

How to grow violets at home?

Violetroom (home)

Unique plants love high levels of humidity in the room. But don't forget that spraying the leaves is strictly prohibited. To care for violets will not be easy even for a novice florist.

For reproduction it is possible to take leaves from the middle row, which give a good offspring. The main thing is leaf shape is not too elongated. Put the stalk in water until the appearance of roots.

It can then be transplanted into moist fertile soil. It should also be noted that a significant hypothermia root system often leads to the death of a flower. That is why it is to protect the plant from frost. Perfect place for a pot of violets will be on the East side with sufficient lighting. The best correct temperature for the cultivation is in the range from 20 to 24 degrees.

Varieties of violets

These beautiful flowers have a huge number of varieties. Delicate violets can be divided by type of flower. Small flowers are in diameter less than 2 cm, medium 2-4 cm, large – up to 6 cm depending on the size of the clumps of violets can be simple – socket to 8 cm – and a handy miniature 6 to 8 see Also possible to divide the grade by the number of petals. There are simple types with smooth leaves, are plush, with fluffy leaves and lush flowers, semi-double with wavy petals.

Equally important is the shape of the flower violets. The classic varieties of the upper lobes more than the lower. The violets star all the petals the same. Narrow buds – violet-bells. If the top two leaves grow together, then you sort of "violet-wasp". Also, violets can be divided according to colour – monochrome, multicolor and violets-chimeras. Depending on the original pattern on the leaves are of grade AA, moire and kamchatyi.

Uzambarska violet

Violet blue

Violet white

Violet Yang

Violet red

Uzambarska violet. This perennial plant has cropped juicy stem, which is a rosette of leaves. Usually cordate at the base the leaves of this grade are not more than 8 cm Flowers African violets, gathered in small florets. The fetus presented in the form of densely pubescent pods. Modern varieties of this species may vary according to Terry and shade petals.

Violet blue. Violet blue is impressive in its attractive flower of heavenly hue. Elegant scalloped edges give the flowers a special charm. The leaves have a pale green hue and a scalloped edge. Flowering usually quite abundant. Such a variety of violets adorn the collection of any grower.

Violet white. Violet white gustomahrovye has large flowers that look great on a compact rosette of dark green leaves. The white shade gives the sort of innocence and grace, causing undoubted affection. Almost always white violet has a lush arrangement of white flowers which will decorate your interior.

Violet Jan. Unusual violet Yang represent the unique varieties that have unusual shapes and sizes, and also exclusive combinations of shades. Such fantastic plants often have notched or scalloped edges and pale-green leaves.

Violet red. This variety of violet can rightly be called one of the most common varieties, which are in every self-respecting grower. These violets have a variety of shades – coral, ruby, crimson, purple, wine and Burgundy.

Useful properties of violet

Violet contains all useful to human body substances and elements. The plant has anti-inflammatory, diuretic, laxative and antimicrobial properties. Also it is used as a good analgesic and sedative. In addition, this plant is often used for lowering blood pressure.

The grass violet is used to treat bronchitis, sore throat and whooping cough. A decoction of violets helps to improve health with bronchitis, coughing, pneumonia and shortness of breath.

Also, violets can be treated all sorts of skin diseases. Decoction of the plant will help improve the overall health after the disease.

The use of violets

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Violet equally used in folk medicine as a great internal and external remedy. Violet tea is good for dry bronchitis, in addition, it perfectly cleanses the blood from harmful substances. This plant is recommended not only for inflammation of the respiratory tract, but also in headaches, migraines and epilepsy. Violet leaves is used for topical treatment of the epidermis.

The leaves of the plant is used externally in various skin diseases. Infusion taken on the flowers of plants, essential in convulsions, memory impairment and tinnitus.

Violet cough. The infusion is prepared as follows: take the grass and flowers of violets in the amount of 50 grams and grind. Pour mixture Cup boiling water. Leave for a day to infuse. Strain the composition, it is heated on the fire and add a Cup of sugar. Make ready infusion 4 times a day 1 teaspoon. The best course of treatment is 7 days.

Tincture of violets with angina. For its preparation you need to take 50 grams of violet flowers and pour a glass of alcohol. Leave for 1 week to infuse. Take the infusion should be three times a day for 30 ml before meals. And after a meal before going to bed to rinse the throat of the same tincture: 10 grams tincture diluted with Cup of warm water.

Flowers violets milk from insomnia. Take 3 grams of flowers plants and fill with 200 ml of milk boiled. Leave for half an hour to infuse. Ready milk you need to drink before bed, and flowers to eat.

Violet rheumatism and gout. 30 grams of grass violet and roots, pour 1 liter of boiling water and take during the day instead of tea.

Syrup of violets for coughs in children. To make it, take flowers, violets and filled the Cup to the brim. Then pour into 200 ml of boiling water and leave for 24 hours to infuse. Strain the finished broth, squeeze raw materials and emissions. And in the broth again, add fresh flowers and leave for a day to infuse. Now, strain the infusion, add the same amount of honey, much was the broth. Take medicine 3 times a day 1 teaspoon.

Violet during pregnancy. Take 10 grams of herbs, violets and pour a glass of boiling water. Pour into an enamel bowl, close with a tight lid. Put in a water bath for a quarter of an hour, then remove from the heat and leave for an hour to infuse. Strain the broth, raw materials squeeze. In a ready broth to add another Cup of boiling water. The resulting tool takethree times a day.

Contraindications to the use of violets

Don't forget that violet is a poisonous plant! Therefore, when administered in careful dosages.