Home / Herbalist / The benefits and harms of dates

The benefits and harms of dates

finiki – izumitelnye plody, otlichaushiesya izyskannym vkusom. rastut oni na dereve, kotoroe nazyvaetsya finikovoj palmoj, ili palchatym finikom, dostigaushem v vysotu 25 metrov. a peristye listya palmy vyrastaut do dliny 15 metrov.

okazyvaetsya, chto finikovaya palma byla pervym rasteniem, kotoroe ludi okulturili.

«yagody zhizni», «hleb pustyni», «kladovaya prirody» – tak neredko nazyvaut finiki. i ne zrya. finiki s uspehom zamenyaut pishu. mozhno neskolko mesyacev sidet na finikah i na vode, ne prichinyaya nikakogo vreda organizmu. k tomu zhe on yavlyaetsya idealnym lakomstvom i sposoben stat polnocennoj zamenoj dlya pirozhnyh i konfet. a araby ispolzuut finiki v kachestve hleba.

soderzhanie stati:

polza finikov

polza finikov v pervuu ochered zakluchaetsya v tom, chto oni soderzhat bolshoe kolichestvo neobhodimyh cheloveku aminokislot, kotorye trudno najti v drugih fruktah.

v osnovnom upotreblyaut v pishu sushenye plody. no ispolzuutsya oni i v svezhem vide. iz svezhih finikov delaut salaty, varenye i zharenye bluda, zhele, varene, povidlo, dzhem, napitki. oni sposobny stat dostojnoj zamenoj cukatov, chernosliva i izuma. sok, prigotovlennyj iz yagod zhizni, sluzhit v kachestve alkogolnogo napitka. takzhe plody sluzhat dlya izgotovleniya sahara, meda i muki. iz finikovoj muki pekut pechene, bulochki, pirozhki i torty, obladaushie izyskannym vkusom.

sushenye finiki sohranyaut vse poleznye svojstva svezhih.

bylo podschitano, chto finiki soderzhat 23 aminokisloty, prichem v bolshom kolichestve v nih prisutstvuet triptofan. eta aminokislota otvechaet za normalnuu rabotu golovnogo mozga, pozvolyaet stabilizirovat psihiku. poetomu triptofan – nezamenimaya aminokislota dlya ludej, ispytyvaushih postoyannoe nervnoe napryazhenie i chastye stressy. bez triptofana ne obojtis ludyam, zanimaushimsya tyazhelym umstvennym trudom. blagodarya triptofanu stabiliziruetsya psihika cheloveka, aregular intake of this amino acid from food allows you to become calmer and more peaceful.

However, this is not the whole benefit of dates to extract when they are used.

We should also mention the following useful properties:

  • Dates to effectively eliminate heartburn by reducing the acidity of the gastric environment. This is possible thanks to included in the composition of glutamic acid.
  • Dates have antitumor activity, as they contain a powerful antioxidant as selenium.
  • The use of dates in food helps to strengthen the immune system of a person.
  • Dates reduce the risk of heart attack.
  • Another useful quality of dates is the possibility of using them to quickly satisfy your hunger and replenish energy. The fruit contains large amounts of sugars, but they are very quickly absorbed by the body, as the dates have vitamin B5.
  • Regular consumption of dates in food promotes improved cognitive abilities, helps to normalize the nervous system.
  • Dates are rich in minerals, including iron, sulfur, copper, magnesium and calcium.

We should not abandon the use of dates people with excess body weight. The fruits do not promote weight gain when eaten in moderation.

What is the benefit of dates?

Benefits of dates is practically unlimited, the set of positive qualities of these fruits for human health is great:

  • Dates can be used for inclusion in the children's diet.
  • The dates do not reproduce pathogenic viruses, bacteria, parasites, and other microorganisms. They are simply unable to survive in them.
  • Dates are used as a product against parasites. They can be used to treat giardiasis and amoebiasis.
  • Dates is a product that you can include in the menu of a pregnant woman. The fruits help reduce the risk of miscarriage.
  • Benefits of dates is invaluable for the brain. Thanks to these fruits mental performance increased by 30%. Already after 30 minutes after consumption of dates you can restore the lost strength and energy.
  • Dates are used to prevent cancer of the stomach and intestines. They are actively used in anemia and heart failure. Dates are recommended to include in the dietweakened patients.
  • Even he Mechnikov I. I. noted that dates are useful for people who have digestive disorders. Dates contribute to a high quality cleansing the digestive tract.
  • Known use dates for eyes. Fruits contribute to the removal of these fatigue and improve vision.
  • Dates, normalize blood pressure, promote blood circulation.
  • At an accelerated pace in the recovery of the body after antibiotic therapy, if the person regularly includes in its menu dates. In addition, these fruits help to minimize side effects from your antibiotics.
  • Definitely need to consume dates to people who live in unfavorable from an environmental point of view the environment. Dates are struggling with the formation of carcinogens in the human body.
  • Due dates it is possible to achieve the normalization of cholesterol in blood.

In addition, dates have a positive effect on the body:

  • Give strength and beauty to nails.
  • Reduce blood pressure;

  • Increase hemoglobin;
  • To reduce the concentration of sugar in the blood;

  • Reduce the level of cholesterol;

  • Helps in diseases of liver, kidneys and lungs;

  • Increase the potency;

  • Reduce the formation of carcinogens and the risk of developing tumors;

  • Purify the blood from toxins and heavy metals;
  • Increase efficiency;
  • Improves mental activity;
  • Rid of insomnia;

  • Relieve tension from the Central nervous system;
  • Save from stress;
  • Reduce eye fatigue;
  • Improve hair health, Shine and beautiful appearance;
  • Make the skin supple and elastic;

It is recommended to take them for the long journey.

Claim that Alexander the great forced the soldiers to eat before battle 7 the fruit of the date palm, so they have increased strength and endurance.

Benefits of dates for a man, and to underestimate her is very difficult.

Benefits of dates for women

Benefits of dates for women is obvious, especially when we are talking about this period, as child bearing. In the composition of the fruit includes substances which help to strengthen the muscular wall of the uterus. In the end, the clans are much easier, and the risk of postpartum hemorrhage is minimized. So it's no surprise recommendation to include dates in your diet women during birth and after. In addition, these fruits reduces the risk of massive bleeding after childbirth, a woman's body recovers quickly.

Useful dates and during breastfeeding. It is proved that regular consumption of dates helps produce the hormone oxytocin. He, in turn, increases lactation. So the dates are a very useful product for nursing moms.

It is known that postpartum depression is quite pronounced every third women, and in varying degrees, the symptoms are present in all young mothers. Dates allow to normalize the nervous system, which means that symptoms of postpartum depression will be minimal. Therefore, thanks to these delicious fruits are a woman to fully be able to enjoy all the charm of motherhood.

Also you should not ignore the dates women in regular periods of their life, not just during pregnancy. Dates are useful in that they eliminate the negative symptoms characteristic of premenstrual syndrome. They can be used to reduce or eliminate distractions, fatigue, mood swings and apathy.

For anybody not a secret that modern women spend at work the greater part of his life. For them, the dates will be very useful. These fruits are the natural stimulants of brain activity, they act as a natural Energizer. However, their very convenient to take along as a light snack, because the dates do not take up much space and will easily fit in any purse.

Regular consumption of dates is the right way to beauty. The fruits of "work" from the inside, allowing you to improve the condition of nails, hair and skin. Dates are naturally slow the aging process. So dates must be present in the menu of every woman.

Benefits of dates for men

Special benefits of dates for men scientifically proven.

Here are a few of the reasons why figs should be consumed by everyone without exception, representatives of a strong half of humanity:

  • Due dates increases sexual stamina.
  • Figs help to prevent heart disease and blood vessels. Meanwhile, it is proved that these diseases are the leading cause of death among the male population.
  • Dates to minimise the risk of developing cancer, including prostate cancer.
  • Healthy fruit for men, as they contribute to the increase in the number of active sperm. Since ancient times in Eastern countries there is a tradition to feed dates men who are married and seek to impregnate his wife. It is believed that children will be more healthy and hardy.
  • Most men have bad habits which cause the intake of carcinogens. We are talking primarily about the consumption of tobacco and the abuse of alcohol. Dates help cleanse the blood of toxins and help the body fight carcinogens.

In addition, all men are daily exposed to stress. Dates act as natural sedatives, which normalizes the nervous system, promotes vitality and increased performance.

Benefits of dates full and thin people

Surprisingly, dates are useful for full and thin people are almost the same. They can be eaten overweight people and people with insufficient body weight. On the one hand, fruits are very high in calories, just 100 g the product contains 340 calories. On the other hand, dried figs are part of a very popular diet, which has lost a lot of women all over the world.

Diet boils down to what you need for the first 4 days eating only dates. You can drink herbal teas and green tea. Then for the past 2 days losing weight eating dates, supplementing the diet of unsweetened green apples. This is a very effective diet to quickly shed excess pounds. However, to stick to it constantly you should not. To the diet need to resort only in extreme cases.

Useful dates for people with anorexia. They should use the date of the broth. It is well absorbed by the body, helps to saturate it with nutrients and much needed calories. This decoction is recommended in all patients with severe degeneration.

Interesting facts about benefits of dates

About the benefits of dates much is known – it is scientifically proven fact. Scientists have found that eating just one fruit, the man in the body starts "an irreversible process of recovery." Sounds like that phrase attributable to the scientists who conducted the study for the benefit of dates.

In addition, representatives of different peoples of the world believe that the dates have magical properties and is able to influence the human lifespan:

  • The Chinese claim that some of their centenarians the basis of your diet have dates.
  • Many modern nutritionists offer to replace dates candy and other sweets.
  • It is known that hunger will stronger, the lower the level of blood sugar. Use only 2 dates allows you to bring this indicator back to normal. It is noteworthy that hunger is receding for a very long time.

It is the last appointment I advise you to apply many nutritionists for their patients to "cheat" the body and not to eat too much caloric portion of food. You should always keep a few fruits that will not pounce on the food, in obedience to the feeling of hunger.

Recently conducted another experiment. So, for several years, watched by a group of people who ate exclusively dates. In addition to these fruits they should not eat any other food: only the dates and enough water. When the experiment was over, the doctors were surprised that all their vitals (blood, urine, etc.) are within the absolute norm. People feel great and was full of energy.

In addition, scientists claim that dates are much more useful black caviar, as also evidenced by scientific experiments. While the obvious advantage of dates before black caviar is their low cost.

Benefits of dates for diabetes

Benefits of dates for diabetes challenged by some scholars until now. Some researchers claim that the fruit in diabetes is completely contraindicated, as they are 70% of sugar.

Other scholars, for example, Israeli researchers believe that the dates of a certain kind (class Majholi) it is possible to take diabetes. However, they recommend limiting their number to 100 g a day.

In any case, people with diabetes mustconsult with a doctor and use dates very carefully. It is important to consider the level of sugar in blood and to eat no more than 2 fruits a day, calculate the total amount of carbohydrates. Also, do not include dates in your diet to patients with severe and moderate diabetes.

Learn more: How to lower blood sugar?

Harm dates

The damage dates must be known to every person, as there are certain limitations to their use, including:

  • With caution you should use the fruit for patients with diabetes, as they are able to raise the level of blood sugar.
  • Should abandon the excessive use of dates, people with a stomach ulcer.
  • You can't eat dates people with fructose intolerance.
  • It is forbidden to eat figs renal patients, especially against the background of urolithiasis.
  • Should limit the use of dates people with excess body weight.
  • Often, the fruit sticks to the dirt, which is difficult to clean. Along with the dirt in the body can penetrate pathogenic microorganisms.
  • You cannot eat figs and citrus: a combination of carbohydrate and acidic foods can cause indigestion.

In addition, date palm fruits have long been digested in the stomach, loading it and leaving without rest. Therefore, excessive use of treats can stop the stomach and lead to the development of constipation.

Even if the person has no contraindications to the use of dates, it is not necessary to eat in day more than 10 fruits. This portion is enough to adults and children in order to obtain from them the maximum benefit.

Dates in pregnancy

Figs and during pregnancy are useful because:

  • strengthen the muscles of the uterus;
  • prevent miscarriages and premature births;
  • ease childbirth: they speed up and relieve the pain;
  • shorten the duration of postpartum bleeding.

After childbirth to restore the lost strength. They are useful and lactating women, as well as improve lactation. Besidesalong with the milk of all nutrients enter the body of the baby and increase its resistance to many diseases.

The older children are encouraged to cook a compote of figs. It will not only enrich the body with vitamins and minerals, but also relieve colic and digestive disorders.

How to choose dates?

Dates are sold in the store in dried form. You should choose fruits that are not stuck together in the package and are individually. Well, if their surface is not crystalline sugar.

If the dates have a shiny surface, they are smeared with fat to make attractive presentation. From purchasing such fruit should be discarded.

Mature fruits have a dark color, they dry and wrinkled. However, dates should not be too wrinkled as this indicates that they are dry. The skin should be no traces of mold. It should be holistic, with no visible damage. It is believed that dates with the pit inside more useful.

Contraindications to the use of dates

Despite the abundance of useful properties, not all can use the dates in the food. Dates are contraindicated in diabetes and hypersensitive. People suffering from gastric ulcer, gastritis, colitis, enteritis and other diseases of the digestive system, you should limit the consumption of fruit.