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The Abyssinian hagenia

Useful properties and applications of hagenii Abyssinian

Description the Abyssinian hagenii

Elegant hagenia Abyssinian is a unique evergreen tree, which can often reach a height of over 25 meters. This is a delightful dioecious plant has interesting pinnate leaves and delicate small flowers in many-flowered panicles.

This tree usually grows in Central and East Africa the hot, damp tropics, in the African mountains and on Kilimanjaro.

Useful properties of hagenia Abyssinian

Part of hagenii Abyssinian has such active ingredients as allflorida and a special tanning components. Due to what this amazing plant can boast a negative effect on various parasites.

Due to the large amount of tannins, hagenia Abyssinian can be used as an unusually powerful stomachic. It also produces a mild laxative effect.

The use of hagenii Abyssinian

Beautiful fresh flowers are an excellent vermifuge. It is assigned to quickly get rid of the Ascaris and tapeworms. When storing long-term storage the effect of the flowers is much weaker. Remedies based on the plants can be assigned with constipation. Also proved definite in the treatment of various pancreatitis.

Contraindications of hagenii Abyssinian

No contraindications in the use of this plant have not been identified.