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Useful properties and applications Gelsemium

Description Gelsemium

Gelsemium is poisonous family Logunovich is a beautiful evergreen shrub, the height of which frequently reaches approximately one meter. A climbing plant with thin branches winding has a cylindrical rhizome with a thin and long roots and underground horizontal shoots. Opposite lanceolate leaves have a dark green color and luster. Thick leathery plates have a solid edge. The fruit presents a drop-down box with a reddish brown color, which contains numerous seeds.

Graceful opposite flowers up to 5 cm rationally located only in the axils of the upper leaves. They have a pale yellow color and a pleasant smell. Gelsemium grows well in Central America by sea and river shores. It successfully bred in the Caucasus in the bright and airy greenhouse. For medicinal purposes is collected and harvested only thickened rhizome with shoots and roots.

Useful properties Gelsemium

Extraordinary Gelsemium contains alkaloids and resin. The existing gelsemine has a special strichninom action. This is a unique homeopathic plant is quite a strong poison. The main impact on the human body is directly related to total paralysis of the nervous system. When taking high doses there is a complete paralysis of all the motor nerves. Also, there is the exceptional relaxation of the sphincter, leading to incontinence of urine and feces. Possible difficulty in breathing, and in some cases heart failure leading to a death.

Proper dosage Gelsemium can effectively treat a variety of serious diseases of the eye, including the eyelid and strabismus. Also can heal inflammation of the choroid and retina of the eye. Drugs based on this plant helps with headache congestive pain, dysmenorrhea, neuralgia, and strong uterine cramps during the postpartum period. Hysterical convulsions and serious nervous diseases of smokers very effective special homeopathic remedy containing rhizomes Gelsemium.

Various drugs are used in case of fever, and catarrhal form of influenza. Many modern doctors recommend specific remedies for the flu. They are shown to all people, even those who have heightened sensitivity and irritability. Gelsemium helps to solve problems with speech and thinking. In lowdilutions homeopathic medicines have great benefit for human health.

Application Gelsemium

To prepare the tincture Gelsemium need to take fresh root. Various friction fit and dry mixture, intended for dilution with water or alcohol. Only 10 grams of rhizomes and 100 ml of alcohol to three weeks to infuse the healing tincture. Make it should be after straining for 5 to 20 drops, depending on the specialist's recommendations and forms of diseases. Tincture Gelsemium is assigned for headaches, neuralgia, with severe cough, dental pain, breathing difficulty, with insomnia.

Along with this, using tinctures, you can recover from alcoholism if taken for six months. In the neuroses, which are caused by the degeneration of important autonomic nervous system, also shows the different infusions based on the plants. Some tools are irreplaceable for the treatment of post-infectious polyneuritis and paralysis.

Contraindications Gelsemium

Since the plant is very poisonous, much care should be taken to refer to assigned dosages.