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The Goldenseal

Useful properties and applications of Goldenseal

Description of hydrates

The Goldenseal is a herbaceous perennial with erect cylindrical stalk. In height the plant may reach 15 to 30 cm It has a short fleshy rhizome brownish-yellow. The length of the horizontal roots is less than 6 cm of Stem palmately-lobed leaves have a scalloped edge and cordate. Leaf blades rather broad. Single flowers greenish hue located on a short peduncle. They develop on the top of the stem.

Simple chickabiddy the perianth consists of a few leaves. The number of stamens is approximately 35-40 pieces. the Fruit is represented by a red berry with a shiny black seed, which is vaguely similar to raspberries. Each fleshy berry has one or two seeds 3 mm long. the Seeds are shiny and egg-shaped, have a strong rind with pronounced ribbing.

Flowering plants is carried out in may, to gather the fruit in July. Often Goldenseal can be found on the East coast of Canada and in the United States in shady forests with high humidity. Dilution of this culture is also possible in Russia and Ukraine in the respective territories.

The beneficial properties of Goldenseal

Unique raw Goldenseal includes biologically active alkaloids. These include berberine, giving a light yellow color, and hydrastin. The Goldenseal also contains Inositol, tannin, essential oils and bitterness. For medicinal purposes use only the roots and rhizomes of this delicious plant, which in addition to hydrastine and contains berberine and canadin. A powerful toxic effect based on the special combination of the alkaloids with other active ingredients.

This plant can cause paralysis of the centres of an oblong brain, but also irritate the vagus nerve, which in turn provokes bradycardia. The Goldenseal helps to lower blood pressure because the body of the person under its influence is vasodilation.

The use of Goldenseal

Submitted by canadian Goldenseal greatly enhances the tone of the uterus, stimulating the generic activities. In addition, it is proved that the use of various drugs based on plants normalizes the peristalsis. As homeopathic remedies are shown the course of treatment with the formation of purulentviscous yellow exudate on the mucous membranes.

In modern medicine drugs got its wide application in gynecological practice. They are prescribed for heavy menstrual bleeding. By increasing tone of the uterus, constricts the blood vessels of the body. It is no coincidence that Goldenseal called a natural antibiotic. Berberine and hydrastine able to destroy a variety of bacteria and various pathogenic yeasts.

It should be mentioned that the plant also increases the antiviral activity of lymphocytes, which allows to prescribe drugs with serious respiratory diseases. They are great for stimulating the entire immune system of the body. Starting treatment at the first signs of the disease, you will be able to get rid of the disease in less than two days. When this is possible a secondary infection. Is an indispensable plant for the urinary tract. It easily removes infection from the bladder.

With infectious diarrhoea, which is caused by pathogenic microorganisms, it is recommended to take pharmacological drugs based on berberine. Lotions of a solution of tincture of rhizomes will help to naturally remove warts of different sizes, because under the influence of hydrastin the human papilloma virus dies. Warm infusion of the plant is shown Eyewash. It is used in trachoma, conjunctivitis and other eye diseases.

Berberine destroys staphylococci and streptococci over several treatments. It is no coincidence that on the basis of this remarkable plant produced many eye drops. When protracted course of bronchitis based tools hydrastine moist cough and bring the sputum from the lungs. When otitis media you can also use infusions, they quickly eliminate yellow mucus and will not irritate sensitive skin of the ear.

You can mention the effectiveness of these tools in keratitis with ulceration of the cornea, with maxillary sinusitis dull oppressive pain when running rhinitis with purulent nasal discharge, with stomatitis and ulcerative conditions, as well as when gallstones. During fibroadenomatosis of the mammary glands with sticky yellowish discharge from the nipple with cracked many doctors prescribe it safe remedies based on the Goldenseal.

Such excellent funds on the basis of this antibiotic can be easily get rid of skin diseases associated with a rash. It is also an indication for the use of this plant are bleeding varicose leg ulcers, which are accompanied byzhguchej bolu.

protivopokazaniya gidrastisa kanadskogo

neobyknovennoe rastenie gidrastis kanadskij pri dlitelnom upotreblenii mozhet provocirovat raznye rasstrojstva pishevareniya, v tom chisle i prodolzhitelnye zapory. iz-za soderzhashegosya v kornyah berberina, okazyvaushego stimuliruushee vozdejstvie na zhenskuu matku, beremennym zhenshinam takie preparaty protivopokazany.