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Buckwheat sowing

Growing, useful properties and applications of buckwheat

Buckwheat sowing: description of the plant

Buckwheat crop is known to many herbaceous plant with a height of about 1 meter, with straight and branched stems. The root system of buckwheat is very powerful, and the roots have numerous branches. Lower leaves with short petioles, and upper leaves are in a sitting position. White or red flowers with a simple perianth, pink in color, gathered in semiumbels, the flap or brush, have a spicy aroma. The fruit of the buckwheat – nuts that have sharp edges, dark gray or brown color. The nuts are enclosed in a membranous sheath. To get cereals, the fruit of the buckwheat must be rescued from the shells with a special mill. Flowering buckwheat begins in June and lasts about a month, but the fruits ripen. There is a perception that crap first appeared in India, and now with the success it is cultivated in Ukraine, the European part of Russia and in Belarus.

The cultivation of buckwheat

The people have a sign, according to which buckwheat to sow that day, when it begins to fly, June bug, namely, when the temperature rises above 15 to 18 degrees Celsius. A week later after sowing of buckwheat seed sprouts appear. From this point until the formation of buds, shoots grow slowly, and then the growth increases. Buckwheat loves moisture, and the moisture it gives a great harvest. In early summer, starts blooming.

On the plot of buckwheat is easy to grow. It is necessary to make fertilizer in the spring to do the tilling of the soil. When sowing seeds it is necessary to observe the distance between rows of 15 cm And during the emergence and to flowering you need to do two times weeding.

When the crap will be in the stage of full flowering, it is necessary to begin cleaning. Cut off the top part of the plant, should be spread out from this raw material in the shade. The first 2 days twice a day is necessary to turn the collected materials. Drying can be done by linking the crap in bundles (small) and hanging from the ceiling of the attic in the barn in the form of a garland. Properly dried raw material will be useful and healing for two years.

Useful properties of buckwheat

For medicinal purposes harvested grass seeds and buckwheat, of which produce a variety of drugs and buckwheat flour. Buckwheat has antisclerosis, expectorant and hypotonic effects on the bodypatient. Due to content in buckwheat rutin used as a means to improve permeability and reduce capillary fragility.

Buckwheat contains lecithin, so it is recommended in diseases of liver, nervous system, heart, and diabetes. Very good curative effect of buckwheat honey.

Contained in buckwheat carbohydrates absorbed in the body very long time, that's why people who have used buckwheat dishes for a long time remain full. Skin diseases help of ointment of buckwheat.

Buckwheat has many vitamins that the process of metabolism in the body improves faster. Buckwheat normalizes blood circulation, beneficial effect on vasospasm and edema. Buckwheat is the best tool that prevents and even cure atherosclerosis. In the manufacture of medicinal products from buckwheat is used not only grass and seed but even the husks and shells from seeds find application in the production of therapeutic pillows, are a great relieve insomnia.

Buckwheat honey

In the period of flowering buckwheat flowers have lots of nectar, so the crap called the best honey plant. Buckwheat honey – one of the high-quality varieties of honey. As soon as the honey gathered in a dark color, but after crystallization, the honey will be lighter, and then completely turns into a thick mass. This honey is very unusual aroma and taste, that is why buckwheat honey will not mix with the other kind of honey. Unlike other types, buckwheat honey consists of a larger number of proteins and iron, and mineral substances in it is more compared to other types of honey.

Buckwheat honey helps with many diseases, for example, for low hemoglobin, anemia and anemia. It is no secret that buckwheat honey is the best remedy for colds. In addition, buckwheat honey is a natural antiseptic.

Recipes from buckwheat

Broth of buckwheat in atherosclerosis. To make it easy. Take a teaspoon of flowers plants and pour 500 ml of boiling water. Put on the fire for 5 minutes. Next you need to remove the composition from the heat and closing the lid, leave for 2 hours to infuse. Ready broth should drain. Make the through need 100 ml 3 times a day.

Medicine from buckwheat for anemia. It is cooked like this: take the cereal of buckwheat and prikalivaet in the pan. Then grind into a powder. Now take 2 tablespoons of thiscereals, pour 200 ml of warm milk and leave for 2 minutes. In the day you need to drink 3 times a glass prepared medicines. A month later, the hemoglobin will return to normal.

Syrup buckwheat cough, pharyngitis and laryngitis. For its preparation take a head of garlic and finely chop it. Take half Cup minced garlic and put it in an enamel pan. There need to pour as much fresh buckwheat honey until it is completely covered garlic. Next, put the composition for 20 minutes on low heat, stirring constantly. As soon as the garlic will dissolve, remove the tool from heat. When a little cool, again put on fire and heat the syrup, but stir. Strain the cure. Make this syrup for adults, 1 tablespoon every 60 minutes until the person has recovered. Children are given a tea spoon.

Tea buckwheat in the cold. Take 30 grams of the flowers of buckwheat, 5 grams of mint leaves and 1 gram of herb celandine, all of this grind, not forgetting to stir. Next, take 1 teaspoon collection and fill it with 200 ml of boiling water. Leave it for an hour, pre-wrapped in a towel. Strain the tea, you can take. A single dose is 70 ml up to 5 times a day for half an hour before meals.

Contraindications to the use of buckwheat

Flowers and grass fresh are poisonous, so they should dry well. With increased blood clotting to take drugs from buckwheat is not recommended.