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Useful properties and applications Fig

The Botanical characteristics of the Fig

Figs (Fig, Fig, berry wine) belongs to the family Crassulaceae. It is a dioecious deciduous tree fruit. The height of the trunk average of 10-20 m. the roots of the plants powerful, woody, rooted in the soil deep enough. Figs ordinary has unisexual flowers, gathered in clusters that can be spherical, pear-shaped or flattened.

The fruit has a thin rind, is a small achene that is positioned inside the fleshy pear-shaped receptacle form weighing 20-75 G. the Fig tree is native to Asia Minor (the birthplace of the plant) that is found in nature Iran, Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, Turkey and Central Asia. Figs grown as a cultivated plant in the Caucasus and in the Crimea.

Useful properties of figs

In figs contain sugar, pectin, proteins, fats, citric and malic acids. There are anthocyanin glycosides, Pantothenic and folic acid. Beneficial effect on the body and the various systems have vitamins B1, B2, B6, C, PP. Very effective for many diseases carotene, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper – these substances are involved in all processes of vital organs of the human body.

The leaves of the plant are rich in furocoumarins, psoralen and bergapten. Also, they discovered tannic and resinous substances. In addition to ascorbic acid and rutin, are essential oils.

Figs are laxative, diuretic and expectorant effect, it lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood, and its fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6 essential for cardiovascular and nervous system. Also, the plant inherent anti-inflammatory properties.

The use of figs

Official medicine has long recognized the figs as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for many diseases. The fruits are delicious and healthy fruit used in the treatment of blockage of the pulmonary artery, thrombosis of the veins to restore the cardiovascular system. Diuretic properties figs allow its use in kidney diseases, hypertension.

The plant exhibits an expectorant effect for colds, eases severe condition when tracheitis, bronchitis and laryngitis. Teas, jam, boiled in milk figs havediaphoretic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect.

A decoction of figs: 2 tbsp dried figs are boiled in 1 Cup of milk until soft. Take the vehicle to 100 g 2-3 times a day. This medicine is recommended in gastritis, to gargle, and topically as a poultice for acute inflammation of the periosteum or connective tissue, abscesses, boils.

Figs are useful for both adults and children. If you need to get rid of boils and herpes, hives and sores to the sore area of the skin need to apply fresh leaves. It is recommended the consumption of fresh fruits and weakened people who have suffered any illness. Figs can be jerked, or in this fresh form it is useful in epilepsy. Fruit juice promotes the removal of sand from the kidney, wound healing. Warts and birthmarks can be removed by applying to the skin mashed unripe fruit.

Ash wood figs insist on the water and with the liquid to make a lotion for inflammation of the nerve. Fig leaves help in age hardening and thickening of the membranes of the eye. The resulting milky juice from figs to treat the initial stage of cataract, removed a damp shroud. Vitamins and trace elements contained in the Fig, contribute to the production of serotonin, substance that improves mood and improving health. Folic acid is useful for pregnant women because it is involved in the hematopoietic process and supports the immune system. Figs are considered a fruit, the richest in phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron, sodium and fiber. Figs – the leader in content of mineral substances needed in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Calcium is beneficial for bones and joints. Thanks to the fiber body easily fights cholesterol, gets rid of toxins. From figs delicious jams, candy, candy, fruit, wine, vinegar.

Dried figs

In the dried and cured form, the fruit has a large concentration of carbohydrates, proteins, fats and sugar. 100 grams of this valuable product contains three hundred and forty calories, so it is a very nutritious fruit. Especially it is recommended for problems with blood vessels and heart, enzyme fitsin beneficial for the treatment of thrombosis.

Dried figs are effective as antipyretic, diaphoretic effect is different. Medical fruit works as a laxative and miracle decoction of dried figsmilk is used in whooping cough, dry cough, swelling of the vocal cords. Dried fruit today, you can buy in any supermarket, you need to choose light yellow fruits. They will fill the body with energy, give you strength, raise your spirits. Figs is used as an antitumor agent, accept it if the radiation and anemia.

Figs with milk for cough

In folk medicine for coughing during a cold and whooping cough used a decoction of figs in milk. Treatment should continue for 10-15 days, the drug will relieve cough and increase the body's resistance to respiratory infections.

Recipe of figs with milk: to prepare this healing drink need to take 1.5 liters of pasteurized milk 3.2% fat content, pour it into an enamel pan, to warm, to put one medium-sized well-washed fresh or dried fruit, bring to a boil. With a tightly closed lid, the composition should withstand 0.5 hours to simmer to reduce volume by about 1/3 then wrap the pot for steaming, figs and leave it to cool down: 3-4 hours is enough to keep the figs gave all their useful properties.

Keep tool needed in the Bank, tightly closed nylon lid, in the refrigerator. More than 0.5 liter of the drug you can't cook, on the second day, it thickens, it will be a little stringy.

The calorie content of figs

Fresh figs contain up to 24 % sugar, dried from 50% to 77%. The caloric content of dried fruit is 214 Kcal per 100 grams, this is a great sugar content, many of them impossible to eat quickly there is a feeling of satiety. If you have the body's need for sweet products and want to keep slim, it is better to eat figs. As single fruit on average contains between 40 to 50 calories and about 2 grams of carbs, then it is more useful any candy. The fruit little fat.

The cultivation of figs

Figs is quite an exotic plant, not really suited for living in Russia or in Ukraine. But gardeners have learned to grow this culture in the southern regions, even on open ground. Tree likes good lighting. Grows poorly under direct sunlight, prefers moist soil. To figs the characteristic parthenocarpy – the formation of fruit without fertilization. Foliage plants in General, not very demanding in care, but needs good drainage.

During its development it is necessary to limit the growth of the root system to prevent the growth of branchesand trunk height, otherwise the tree will give a small crop. Before planting it is necessary to clear weeds from the soil, make fertilizer. Every spring around the Fig tree should be mulching with manure. After the formation of the skeletal branches to obtain a sufficient number of fruit branches carry out pruning, removing about half of the old fruit branches and shortening them to two leaves. Do this after removing the first and second harvest.

Recipes from figs

A decoction of dried stems of figs with milk: 20 g of dry aggregate fruits pour 1 Cup of boiling milk on slow fire boil 10 minutes and Drink the broth with the stems of hot cough, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, and tumors.

A decoction of figs:

Recipe No. 1: two tablespoons of dry aggregate fruits pour one Cup of hot water, infuse on water bath for half an hour in a sealed container, then strain, bring the liquid to the original volume and drink three times a day for 0.5 cups before eating.

Recipe No. 2: 50 g of dried fruit required to fill a liter of boiling water and boil on low heat for half an hour. To drink the drug is recommended in constipation 3 times a day 1/2 Cup, along with the mashed fruit.

Infusion of leaves of Fig: 3 tablespoons of dry leaves (collected before flowering) should be crushed, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and insist 4-5 hours in a thermos. Take the infusion four times a day 1/2 Cup at a bronchial asthma, diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract.

Prescription laxatives balls: 100 g figs, 100 g of raisins, 0.5 teaspoon ground ginger 0.5 teaspoon nutmeg chop and mix. The resulting mixture is formed sausage and then cut with a knife into slices with a thickness of 1 cm Roll from them balls and eat 1-2 ball in the morning on an empty stomach for constipation.

Syrup of figs: for its preparation you need 8 pieces of crushed fruit pour 250 ml of water, boil for 20 minutes, then remove the figs, add 1 Cup sugar and fill with water to the original volume. Next you should cook the mixture until the sugar is dissolved, add the juice of half a lemon, 1 teaspoon of ginger and pour the liquid in the vessel. To drink means you need an adult to 3-4 dessert spoons, children – 1-2 dessert spoons per day when coughing, problems with the digestive tract andflu.

Salad with figs: mix 300 g figs, 150 g of prunes, 2.5 tablespoons of almonds, 1 Cup of acidophilus milk, orange zest, sugar to taste. Morning salad will help the cardiovascular system.

Figs for weight loss

Vitamins, beta-carotene, minerals, amino acids, pectin, enzymes, figs are beneficial to the digestive process. Concentration of nutrients in figs is in the right proportion, it helps them to fully absorbed by the body. In the figs more potassium than in bananas, it helps maintain normal stomach, muscle elasticity, removes excess fluid from the body and toxins. Figs are rich in substances that reduce hunger.

Grain of the fruit is fibre, relieving constipation. All these wonderful properties make figs an indispensable product for weight loss. There are many ways to replace sugar, so bad for overweight people. Using figs from natural sugars, the presence of which is evidenced by a white coating on dried fruit (mostly glucose) is recommended several times a week to replace one of the meals two or three fruits.

No more food should not be consumed. Many fruits can not eat, otherwise the result will be the opposite. Fruit helps to restore strength, gives energy. With the help of figs markedly reduced the effect of stress, bad acting on the body during weight loss.

The figs

Depending on the varieties of figs can be yellow or black and blue. But you can often see yellow-green fruit pear-shaped size of a walnut. In the unripe fruit contains a milky juice, the taste is very sharp. Ripe fruit crowded the small seeds have a taste from sugary sweet to moderately sweet, since they contain fructose and glucose, malic acid and citric acid. The usefulness of the fruit is determined by the presence of salts of potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper, vitamins A, b and C.

Carotenoids, pectin, enzymes, minerals, proteins and fats are stored in dried fruits and their concentration in that form of the fruit increases. Before use, the dried rind of the fruit is better off or soak in water because it has high stiffness. Water in which soaked figs, has healing properties because it is moving minerals and fruit sugar, so you can drink it.

Varieties of figs

There are many varieties of figs. To sukhofruktov varieties are:

Grey early


Brunswick (chapple)


Crimean black


Sochi – 4




The variety allows you to choose the best of the best varieties, they all have excellent features, good fruit and do not require special care.

Nikita aromatic variety, used for making dried fruits, jams, and for eating fresh.

Brunswick variety of figs has very large fruits, different skin color is bluish-purple or dark brown. The flesh is juicy, white or pink color.

Magnolia also has large fruits, their skin is amber, the variety is used for canning.

Have Corderie fruits are pear-shaped, large, with yellowish-greenish tint. Flesh amber color, juicy and very sweet. This variety of figs are common in dry areas.

San Pedro white – can give two harvests: one gives fruit with a shiny yellow skin like a lemon withthe second crop can be harvested the fruits are greenish with a hint of sea water in color, with red flesh that resembles a strawberry, juicy, incredibly delicious and flavorful.

San Pedro black also gives two crops: one, with fruit of large size, used for fresh consumption, the second, with small fruits used for drying.

Smirnenski variety has medium-sized fruit is pear-shaped. The skin is brownish purple, sometimes greenish, flesh, brownish-pink.

Figs during pregnancy

For every female it is important during pregnancy to eat right to replenish the body with vitamins and other useful elements positively influencing the development of the fetus. Figs – one of the most mandatory ingredients of the diet of expectant mothers. Vitamin C, folic acid, protein, potassium, calcium, iron women have sufficient, consuming daily at least 2-3 of the fruit of the Fig tree.

In order not to gain weight, loves sweets, can eat figs as a substitute for sugar. Figs satisfies hunger, natural sugar is not harmful to the mother and child. Consult a doctor, of course, this issue will not be superfluous, since pregnant women with a diagnosis of "gestational diabetes" figs can be harmful.

Fig leaves

Many today eat the fruit of this tree, but knowing the power of the leaves, they can be used to treat many ailments. Fig leaves are also edible, they can help with diabetes effective to reduce the level of triglycerides. Fig leaves is a popular natural remedy for stomach ulcers. A decoction of the dried leaves of the Fig drink with enterocolitis, dysentery, colitis.

Infusion of leaves of Fig: 1 tablespoon dried crushed leaves pour a glass of boiling water, to insist 1 hour and take 1/3 or 1/2 Cup 2-3 times a day. You can do the infusion of the fruit on the milk.

Fresh leaves of figs are used for quick ripening of boils. Decoction of leaves to treat cough, asthma, and kidney.

Figs black

Black figs are incredibly useful, its healing properties are recognized by official medicine. Eating daily for months one fruit, you can reduce the probability of formation of sclerotic plaques and thrombi. Nutrients figs are affecting your braincapillaries. The essential oil enriches the blood with oxygen, the fruit is recommended for people of intellectual labor, creative individuals. Black figs are good to use at inflammatory processes in the larynx, kidney, urolithiasis.

This fruit helps with bronchitis. Due to the presence of potassium, iron, magnesium and phosphorus it is great for integrated therapies in cardiovascular disorders, anemia. This is one of the foremost national resources that should be included in the diet of elderly people, a real elixir of youth that will fill the energies, will give us strength. Black figs contains fitsin able to clear the blood vessels, gives them strength and elasticity.

Recipe No. 1: knead well in a glass of warm milk 4-5 pieces of fruit. Means, take 0.5 cups 2-4 times a day for bronchitis, tracheitis.

Recipe No. 2: you need to boil to simmer in 1 Cup water for 3-5 pieces of the figs for 5 minutes, then mash and grind. This infusion day before meals, dividing into equal portions. The tool contributes to the crushing of stones and removes them from the kidneys and bladder.

Black figs combined with almonds is an excellent remedy for increasing weight in case of strong weight loss and loss of appetite.

Contraindications to the use of figs

Figs are contraindicated in pancreatitis, gout, diabetes, inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract. The ban on the use of figs extends to diseases such as enteritis, obesity. As in the present figs oxalic acid, people prone to stones in the gallbladder, this fruit is also contraindicated.