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Zheltushnik gray

Useful properties and applications of herbs zheltushnik

Botanical characteristics of Erysimum grey

Zheltushnik gray is a biennial herbaceous plant belonging to the family Cruciferae. The grass in the first year gives the rosette leaves oblong. The second year of life the jaundice is marked by the appearance of multiple stems with branches, plant height in this period reaches up to 30-80 cm. the branches grow next, Leninabadskaya leaves. Flowers bloom from may to June, they are small, yellow, collected in inflorescence – raceme. The seeds are in the fruit is a pod, its length is 4-7 inches.

Zheltushnik gray – a resident of the wilderness, he chooses the forest-steppe and steppe of the European part of Russia, it can be found in the Crimea, Northern Caucasus, in Central Asia. Specially cultivated this plant in Ukraine and Krasnodar region. Zheltushnik gray harvest during flowering.

The beneficial properties of Erysimum

In all parts of the plant revealed cardiac glycosides (erizimin, erizimozid), which have soothing properties. In the seeds of Erysimum contains fatty oil, which is highlighted oleic, erucic, palmitic, linoleic and linolenic acids.

Herb has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, wound-healing characteristics. It is called heart of grass, marked hypotensive, diuretic and expectorant properties of the plant.

The use of Erysimum

Zheltushnik gray is used for normalization of the cardiovascular system. The herb improves the function of the neuromuscular apparatus of the heart, affects the recovery of the internal organs. Means on the basis of Erysimum are characterized by high biological activity and spectacular effects in inflammatory and traumatic processes in the skin and organs.

When skin lesions the use of herbs improves the nutrition of cells, softens dry skin. Under the action of the glycosides reduces swelling, thanks to diuresis properties. The best result from the action of zheltushnik gray noted circulatory disorders.

Decoctions and tinctures from Erysimum useful when heart disease, these means can be treated and atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis. After application of preparations on the basis of Erysimum improvement of the functional state of the cardiovascular system, normalizes the rate of blood circulation and the condition of the myocardial vessels.

A decoction of wormseed: should take 2 teaspoons of raw 1 Cup boiling water, to insist half an hour, take 1 teaspoon three times a day.

Infusion zheltushnik: for him, take 0.5 teaspoon zheltushnik gray and 1 Cup of boiling water. To insist tool is required for 2 hours, after straining take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day, store in the cold. Course without interruption is 2 months. Effective infusion of liver failure.

The recipe of kvass with jaundice: take 50 grams of dry herb Erysimum, 1 teaspoon of sour cream, 1 Cup sugar, 3 liters of cooled boiled water. Mix all the ingredients and leave to ferment for two weeks at room temperature. All this time, the mixture should be stirred. You will take a glass of brew for half an hour before meals three times a day. Taking from the reservoir half a Cup of liquid, add as much boiled water and one teaspoon of sugar.

Additionally well-known academician Boris Bolotov recommends acceptance of 0.1 g powder of dry herb Erysimum to stimulate the pancreas. The insulin it produces will provide the heart with nutrients in arrhythmias, renal or cardiac dropsy, heart attack and angina.

Jaundice likeevery

It is known that jaundice likeevery accumulates the maximum number of glycosides with active flowering, so this time is suitable for collection of medicinal raw materials. The unique properties of the plant are used for a long time. If an urgent need to provide assistance for heart problems, the infusion or decoction of seeds and leaves is rescue remedy. After taking these natural medicines is aligned pulse, normal heart rhythm. Useful Erysimum likeevery for patients with diabetes. The herb promotes sufficient production of insulin. Recommended external use of funds on the basis of this form of jaundice for the treatment of breast cancer in women or purulent tumors.

Tincture of wormseed likevideo: 30 g herb 20 g of propolis, zest of 1 lemon, pour 500 ml of 40-degree alcohol and insist 2 weeks. Daily before bedtime should be light rubbing of the legs with varicose veins, you can make compresses, applying a bandage to 1.5 hours.

Contraindications to the use of Erysimum

We must not forget that jaundice refers to poisonous plants. It can causenegative effects on the heart when severe atherosclerosis, cardiosclerosis, endocarditis. Contraindications: acute myocarditis, enlargement of the left ventricle and changes in the retinal vessels of the fundus.