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Useful properties and applications of edible honeysuckle

Botanical characteristics of honeysuckle edible

Honeysuckle is a perennial shrub, reaching a height of 60-100 cm Leaves of the plant with a length of 2-3 cm, on short petioles, linear-oblong, pubescent hairs. Upper side of the leaf bright, lower pale. In the second half of may when the leaves are not yet fully developed, there are numerous flowers with voronkovym whisk. In June-July, the Bush fruits, stems elongated, with a length of 9-12 cm, has a pleasant taste. They make excellent jam. Honeysuckle is edible grows in Eastern Siberia, the far East, Korea, China, and Japan. The territory of honeysuckle – tundra, river valleys, areas of lowland forests, the plant likes moisture and therefore apply to coastal Sands of the outskirts of the marshes.

Useful properties of honeysuckle

Honeysuckle is used to treat many diseases, harvesting as raw leaves, berries, stems, and flowers. Buds of plants rich in starch. Essential oil, which is composed of terpenoids linalyl acetate, linalool etc., contained in the fruit. Also the fruits are distinguished by the presence of carbolic compounds: acetic aldehyde, propanal, diacetyl, hexanal, salicylic aldehyde, and even a number of substances with immunocorrecting effect, stimulating the metabolism of lipids and enzymatic processes.

Esters, found in honeysuckle, are regulators of biological and physiological systems of the body, among them are: ethylformate, octylated, ethyl acetate, propyl, souillard, atlantat, ethylbenzylamine, benzoylbutyric. Besides, honeysuckle contains alcohols: ethanol, Isobutanol, izopentanol, hexanol, heptanol, decanol, octanol, nonanol. From fatty acids in the plant discovered isobutyric, anagawa, capric, lauric.

A beneficial effect on the body has betaine: it normalizes disruptions in the body caused by lack of vitamin B12. Necessary for the growth and development of the circulatory and immune systems voleva acid, vitamins C and B6, R. Tannins have anti-inflammatory action. Organic substances from the group of flavonoidov – catechins, a unique antioxidant – having antibacterial properties. Present in honeysuckle plant pigments – glycosides, which are coloring substances. Leucoanthocyanins are different antitumor effects.

Application of honeysuckle

As a remedy honeysuckle is very popular in Transbaikalia. A decoction of the twigs is a great drug with a diuretic effect in the ascites and edema that occur due to various reasons. Therefore, the fruit of honeysuckle is recommended for hypertension and reducing heart rate, resulting in violation of the sinus rhythm. Shows the use of plants and diabetes.

Taking honeysuckle for obesity, due to the betaine can reduce the content of cholesterol in the blood. When spring beriberi is useful to drink teas of honeysuckle. Colds pass without complications, if during this period to use therapeutic honeysuckle in the form of decoctions or infusions.

The infusion of honeysuckle: 3 tablespoons of crushed dried leaves should be boiled for 3-4 minutes in 200 ml of water, to cool, to insist 2 hours, strain and use as a gargle in case of sore throat.

A decoction of the leaves can be taken internally or applied topically – is an antiseptic drug, it helps with tonsillitis and inflammation of the gums. If you apply crushed leaves to areas affected by wounds, they will heal much faster. Laxative effect of the plant helps to normalize a chair, to get rid of constipation. Residents of Kamchatka eat the fruit of the honeysuckle as a General tonic, they are treating the stomach and liver.

Dried fruit contains natural antibiotics, so they are useful in harsh climatic conditions of the North. Most valuable is the juice of honeysuckle, it is particularly effective in skin diseases. Fresh juice should be consumed every day for 1 tablespoon 3 times a day to clean skin, it should be applied until full recovery.

Honeysuckle edible

A decoction of the flowers of honeysuckle are used in folk medicine for the treatment of headaches, elimination of dizziness. From the berries cook delicious jam, juice used for the preparation of compotes. Residents of Siberia and the Altai region have long known about the healing properties of plants and have used its leaves, stems and berries for teas, infusions. Made from leaf powder acts as an antiseptic, it can be sprinkled festering sores and wounds on the skin surface, thus there is rapid healing. Juice medicinal shrubs to clean the wounds and treat some types of dermatitis.

The best varieties of edible honeysuckle

The best varieties of edible honeysuckle are:

1. "Nymph"– you'll bespindle berries are large, with bumpy surface and blue-blue bloom. The weight of each fetus is about 1,16 g Has a sweet taste and pleasant aroma.

2."Amphora" – blue-blue fruits, aroma is missing, according to resemble the pitcher, the weight of 1.05 g. the berries Taste sweet and sour.

3. "Bazhov" – is a large fruit weighing 1.2 g has sweet taste and delicate aroma. Low Bush gives a stable yield, resistant to frost.

4. "Dlinnoplodnye"– with large purple-blue fruit with a waxy coating weight of 1.16 g. the Form of berries, cylindrical, slightly compressed laterally. Famous for dessert, sour-sweet taste.

5."Morena" - the fruits are elongated, cousineddie, blue, a strong wax coating. The weight of each berry is equal to 1.7 g. sour-sweet Taste, aroma weak.

6. "Leningrad Giant" – the most large-fruited variety. Slaborebristaya tall shrub has a high samostiynosti. Elongated, flat, rough blue berries covered with a beautiful glaucous bloom.

7. "Candyman" gives a sweet, aromatic, waxy berries, right cylindrical shape. This is the new variety, characterized by high productivity.

8. "Violet" is endowed with large berries, slightly curved, pointed, bluish color, slightly covered with a waxy bloom. The mass of 1.14 g.sour-sweet Taste.

9. Fianit - is unusually beautiful plant, resistant to frost, brings large fruit weighing 1-1,5 g, sour-sweet taste.

Honeysuckle edible red

Honeysuckle edible red – incredibly beautiful shrub, which is cultivated by the gardeners. But the plant is not only pleasing to the eye, but also helps to maintain the health. This is a high, branching shrub with dense foliage, it tolerates the cold winter and dry summer. If the winter is not severe, the plant remains green until spring. The Bush is decorated with fruits of medium size, light red in color. They paired, half-fused into the top, heart-shaped. Some fruits have small seeds.

Honeysuckle with red fruits look delicious, they have a nice bitter-sweet taste. Growing the species in the Okhotsk coast and Kamchatka, you can find it in the North of Primorye and Lower Amur region. Homeland Bush is Japan. the plant is excellent to take root in the accumulations of loose detrital deposits and forest edges. Rheumatism a decoction of the twigs of honeysuckle added to the bath. The bark of the plant is able to excite the appetite.

Prescription honeysuckle decoction: 15 grams of crushed dried bark, pour 1 Cup of water, simmer on low heat 6-7 minutesto insist 1-2 hours, drain. Drink the tool recommended 2 tablespoons 3 times daily before meals.

Planting and growing honeysuckle

In home gardens, avenues and near the gazebos, you can often see the magnificent honeysuckle shrubs of various kinds, they are incredibly beautiful ornamental plants, pleasing to the eye at the beginning of may flowers and then from mid-summer – berries of elongated shape, which are different in color. Honeysuckle – sun-loving plant, it should be planted in areas protected from the wind. It grows well in any soil, but it is desirable that they consisted of turf earth, humus or peat and sand. The plant likes humidity.

Plant honeysuckle need in the autumn or in April – long before flowering. Honeysuckle is pollinated by bumblebees, bees and wasps. Cross-pollination is ensured, provided that the area grow two or more different varieties of plants. You can also apply to vegetative and seed propagation. Before planting honeysuckle bushes, should be incorporated into the soil organic fertilizers, superphosphate and potassium salt. Besides, it is necessary constantly to loosen the soil and weeding it , removing weeds. The crown of the shrub after 6-8 years becomes too thick to avoid this trouble, the root growth clearing.

Honeysuckle edible "Cinderella"

Honeysuckle edible "Cinderella" – an early variety ripening, he was registered in 1983. The plant is resistant to frost and various diseases, begins to bear fruit in the third year of life, in the season you can harvest up to 20 kg/ha. this variety is Propagated by seedlings. The shrub has a dense crown and small size, with a height of 0.6 m. Shoots of the plant straight, thin, light green.

Berries large, nearly black, with blue bloom, a pleasant sweet-sour taste, with a delicate strawberry aroma. Fruit length of 1.7 cm has an oval shape, thin skin, smooth surface. Large black berries covered with a bluish bloom. Honeysuckle is a real storehouse of vitamins and biologically active substances. The fruit contains vitamin P (anthocyanins and catechins). A wonderful variety of edible honeysuckle "Cinderella" allows you to get real pleasure from the soft, sweet, strawberry taste of the fresh berries.

In folk medicine for edema and dropsy the decoction of honeysuckle acts as a diuretic. When the colitis bark and juice – essential natural medicines. Externally it is useful use as a decoction for burns, wounds and sore throat. Branchhoneysuckle has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Infusion of branches and bark to wash the eyes to treat arthritis and rheumatism.

Infusion of leaves of honeysuckle: 2 tablespoons of leaves of honeysuckle to pour 1 Cup of boiling water, to insist and strain. Apply tincture topically 2-3 times a day.

Honeysuckle edible "Nymph"

Slaborebristaya shrub with dense branches grows to a height of 1.8 m Has a bluish, waxy, large fruit, up to 3 cm Form of berries is reminiscent of the wide spindle, sometimes slightly curved, bumpy surface. From one Bush can collect up to 1.3 kg of sweet and sour, with a spicy aroma and tart flavor of the fruit. There is a great way of growing plants – cuttings. Cutting and planting cuttings carried out in the evening: at this time, the minimum evaporation.

A year after landing the first berries appear. It is proven that by eating the fruit of the honeysuckle, you can get rid of heavy metals. The berries of honeysuckle is recommended for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. They contribute to the rapid recovery of energy after illness, physical labor and mental fatigue. Honeysuckle is useful at elevated pressure, to reduce the temperature. Regularly eating a handful of fruit can provide the body with sufficient vitamins and minerals.

Honeysuckle edible "Blue spindle"

The variety of honeysuckle "Blue spindle"allows you to experience the sweet taste of large-sized berries, ripening quite early. You need to constantly ensure that the fruits do not fall. Most often the berries of the honeysuckle varieties to use in cooking, cook them jelly, jelly and jam. For traditional medicine the plant is also of interest. The leaves of honeysuckle"Blue spindle" is used in the form of decoctions, they are rich in magnesium, which is very useful in hypertension, cardiovascular disease and atherosclerosis. Respond well to treatment with honeysuckle psoriasis and eczema. If there is a need for reinforcement of the body vitamins, the berries of the honeysuckle – the first assistant.

The infusion of the berries of honeysuckle: 50 g of PPE put berries in a thermos, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist 2-3 hours. Take part for half an hour before meals50-100 ml up to three times a day. Infusion is indicated for high blood pressure, anemia, gastritis of the stomach, colitis.

Honeysuckle edible "Leningrad giant'"

The variety of honeysuckle "Leningrad giant" gives a very high yield. The shrub has sweet berries that ripen in June and is characterized by a pleasant, sweet taste and vitamins and minerals. Folk medicine recommends to use the healing properties of the bark, leaves and berries in various tumors, premature aging, edema, exhaustion and loss of appetite.

There has been a rapid recovery of patients suffering from inflammation of the kidneys and liver. The plant removes heavy metals and radioactive elements. As a means for relieving fever and removing toxins from the body use infusion of flowers of honeysuckle. They are dried outdoors under shelter and kept in a dry place.

The infusion of flowers of honeysuckle: 1 teaspoon of dried flowers of honeysuckle, pour a glass of boiling water, to insist, to filter. Enough of one tablespoon per reception three times a day. The tool perfectly removes stomach pain.

Honeysuckle edible "Dingo"

The berries of honeysuckle in this class is capable to increase gastric secretion, improve digestion. Have astringent, tonic properties. The berries contain sugar, multivitamins, ascorbic acid. reception of honeysuckle in the form of decoctions and infusions normalizes the stool and eliminates constipation. Eating berries and the juice of the plant, it is possible to forget what colds. Phosphorus, calcium, sodium, potassium, zinc, and other elements, entering the body, become a reliable protection of appearance of faults in different systems and organs.

The fruit juice contains hydrocyanic acid, effective on the herpes. Vitamin C, having antioxidant and gelatinous properties, excellent impact on the skin condition at skin diseases.

Contraindications to the use of honeysuckle

The plant has almost no contraindications, but if you use products made from the leaves, stem and berries, without much conformance to recipes, you can get an allergic reaction, muscle spasms and diarrhea in children.