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Useful properties and applications of irancy Alpine

Description iranki

Zyryanka is a unique genus of insectivorous perennial plants from popular family of bladderworts are common. This plant has shiny fleshy leaves, due to the fact that their surface is covered with numerous tiny glands that secrete mucous secret. Green foliage forms a beautiful rosette. Special bubbles for catching various insects at iranki not available. However, this function easily performed directly by the leaves.

Single flowers are on long peduncles. Their color can range from dazzling white to purple. Often bluish or purple flowers. The fruit of the plant presents an interesting box. The upper side of each sheet highlights unusual sugary mucilage, which is a unique trap for all sorts of small insects. Through enzymes generated by the glands, the digestion of food caught.

All the movements caught on the leaf insects will inevitably lead to quite a slow twisting of the leaf plate and emitted mucus begins immediate dissolution of the proteins of the victim. Zyryanka is widely distributed in Europe, Japan, Asia and in the Andes and North America. Typically, these delightful perennial plants choose wetlands and peat bogs. Some irancy meet in the Caribbean, Mexico and South America.

Pitcher plant is incredibly sensitive to all sorts of growing conditions. It quickly dies when draining soil, so it is very demanding to moisture. Zyryanka prefer partial shade and Sunny location with sandy soil that is rich in lime. The seeds of the plant are quite small, they have a poorly developed endosperm. Reproduction is carried out by both seeds and cuttings. For six months in good conditions at a temperature of not less than 15 degrees perennial grows. The peat cuttings are well rooted.

Useful properties of irancy

Active ingredients of irancy are considered to be mineral substances, traces of essential oil and organic acids. They have antispasmodic effect, helping to break down protein enzymes and Labinsk.

The use of irancy

Presents the plant has long been used for the treatment of certain diseases. It is shown together with the treatment of coughs and colds. In folk medicine, a unique extract from irancy often used as an effective current toolsto reduce the number of heavy States in the treatment of asthma. Large leaves iranki contain special enzymes, by which fresh milk turns into a sticky mass called catmilk. The peoples of Northern Scandinavia titmilk is a favorite dish.

Zyryanka Alpine

Beautiful Alpine Zyryanka is widely distributed from the North of the forest zone to the tundra zone. It can also be seen within the mountain forest belt of mountains of Eurasia to gornotundrovy. The plant grows mainly in moist soils, preferring the shores of various bodies of water, wet rocks, swamps and marshy forests. It has sessile entire leaves are oblong-ovate. Have yellowish-green iron-adhesive plates, the edges are bent up. Their length can vary from one to three centimeters.

Naked single flower stalks have up to three pieces. Their height often reaches 12 cm Flower, as a rule, usually straight and seldom drooping. Graceful naked calyx is bilabiate form, and oblong acute lobes. Its a Corolla with a spur pronounced in white or light yellow color. At the base of the lower lip of the flower is decorated with yellowish spots. Small orange-yellow spur, conical in shape, much shorter than the rest of the wonderful halo. Zyryanka Alpine blooms often in June and July.

Zyryanka common

Zyryanka vulgaris is a typical insectivorous perennial. It inhabits the vast forest zone and the tundra. It is also found in the vast mountain zones of the Northern hemisphere. This plant can be called a relic of the ice age. It grows in Northern Europe, North America, Kamchatka and Western Siberia and the Kuril Islands. It should be noted that in Eastern Siberia is considered rather a rare visitor. As a rule, habitats Zyryanka should be quite wet.

It prefers rocky slopes, wet meadows, floodplain swamps and shallow lakes. The present species has oblong-elliptic leaves sessile, on the upper side of which is located the adhesive gland. Single stems often reach 17 cm in height. Seated on the tops of little short hairs. Drooping flower is egg-shaped Cup with blunt lobes with a length of 3-4 mm, sparsely covered with short glands.

Blue-purple Corolla complemented by a spur. Its length does not exceed 20 mm, and in the throat are verydlinnye voloski. pryamoj shilovidnyj shporec primerno vdvoe koroche vsej ostalnoj chasti venchika. interesnaya korobochka zhiryanki obyknovennoj imeet ovalnuu formu. cvetet dannyj vid letom, nachinaya s serediny iunya i do konca iulya.

protivopokazaniya zhiryanki

pobochnye dejstviya dannogo rasteniya do sih por neizvestny.