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Useful properties and applications cedar

The Botanical characteristics of Pinus sibirica

Siberian cedar is a coniferous evergreen plant, famous for its incredible height. Its average height is about 25 m, but often there are representatives, which reaches a height of 40-50 metres.

Cedar is a beautiful, slender tree loves sunlight. The plant belongs to the pine family and is the oldest representative of its kind (about 100 million years).

Cedar – pine longevity: it is believed that it can reach the age of 400 years, but on average, the cedar trees live 200 to 250 years. It should be noted that in extremely favorable conditions, the tree can live for 800 years.

The tree trunk slender, naked below, branching starts approximately at the height of 1.5–2 m from ground level. The young tree the bark is smooth, brownish-gray tint. Adult members of the bark in the cracks, brownish-red or grayish color.

The crust is too thin, it does not protect the trunk from all kinds of damage, as well as of infection, pathogens which are fungi.

Needles needle-like, long, triangular, soft, in one beam there are 5 needles. The lifetime of needles is 9-11 years. The special structure of the needles enables the tree to preserve moisture due to the possibility of minimal evaporation.

Cedar pine – tree, which develop simultaneously both female and male.

Female cones characteristic violet hue, they appear 2-5 pieces at the ends of the shoots well-lit branches (on the top).

Male cones form on lateral shoots of the branches, located in the middle part of the crown.

Under conditions of good sunlight male cones and female cones can appear on the same branch.

In June, pollination, after 11-12 months (since pollination) fertilization.

Seed ripening begins in September next year after pollination. Pollen due to the presence of special air bags are easily blown long distances. It should be noted that vegetative and reproductive organs of cedar are not afraid of low temperatures. However, the "flowers" and female cones, on the contrary, very sensitive to temperature changes. They are difficult to tolerate cold, fear of drought and heavy rains, after which it follows a significant drop in air temperature. In addition, to cones important constant humidity.

To bear fruit cedar starts relatively late: 15-40 years subject to the availability of a large amount of sunlight and only in 50-60 years, if it grows in a dense forest. Maximum number of fruitsMatures adult wood aged 160-260 years, after which fruiting begins gradually to decline.

The cedar pine is widely distributed, especially in European part and in Western and Eastern Siberia.

Useful properties of cedar

Cedar is recognized as a medicinal plant. In its composition discovered biologically active substances, thanks to the positive effects which it is possible to cure some diseases.

Medicinal raw materials are considered needles, resin (oleoresin), the seeds (nuts), as well as their shells, buds, branches and young elite.

Needles contain essential oils (2 %) and carotene (provitamin A). In the composition of the needles also discovered the useful minerals (phosphorus, iron, manganese, copper, etc.) and ascorbic acid (from 250 to 350 mg).

Cedar resin (turpentine) in its composition contains gum turpentine (about 20 %), resin, which is present in up to 77% resin acids and approximately 0.3 % fatty acids.

In the nuclei of pine nuts discovered fats (63.38 %) which is well absorbed by the human body, proteins (16,82 %), carbohydrates (13,26 %), glucose (2,03 %), lecithin (1,63 %), ash (2,57 %).

Seed protein is rich in amino acids (especially linoleic), most of which belong to essential acids. Acid arginine that is included in protein, essential for the child's body.

In the seeds are vitamin D, vitamin E (about 40-60 mg) and vitamins of group B. vitamin a that promotes the growth and development of the organism, is of particular value.

Nuts contain healthy minerals including copper, manganese, zinc and iodine (the last item is important for the inhabitants of Siberia).

Shell of cedar nuts is also useful in its composition. It contains macro - and micronutrients, lignin (52.8 per cent), cellulose (32.4 per cent), fats and resins (5 %).

All the parts of cedar – wood, pine needles, resin – have the ability to produce specific volatile substances that is protective and detrimental impact on the microbes (fitocenose).

The use of cedar

Due to its amazing composition preparations made of cedar, has a number of medicinal properties.

When used correctly it can have on the human body anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antimicrobial, expectorant, Antiasthmatic, hemostatic, blood-purifying, healing, soothing, antiscorbutic, diuretic.

In addition, preparations from cedar enhance immunity, strengthen the nervous system and greatly improve the cardiovascular system.

As an effective diuretic,antihelminthic and purgative remedies used fresh cedar bark, to scrape off which is necessary in the spring.

Due to the large content of essential oil of cedar needles has a pronounced antimicrobial action. In places of growth of cedars in normal air has a therapeutic effect on the body, positively affecting the cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous system.

Needles cedar is used as an effective diuretic and is highly recommended for bronchial asthma.

From the needles of cedar pine traditional healers prepare a vitamin drink, with the help of resin (turpentine) to treat boils, wounds, peanuts (kernels and shells) get vegetable oil known for its beneficial properties.

From kernels of pine nuts cook "vegetable milk". This tool has long been recognized as an effective tool for the treatment of tuberculosis of the lungs, disorders of the nervous system, and kidneys.

As shown by scientific studies, 100 grams of kernels of cedar nuts pine satisfy the daily human need for amino acids and key trace elements such as manganese, zinc, copper, cobalt.

Pine nuts are beneficial for men suffering from impotence. Daily consumption of nuts significantly increases the immune system, cleanses blood vessels, preventing sclerosis, normalizes blood pressure blood.

From the shell pine nuts are getting activated charcoal.

The infusion made from the shell of pine nuts is assigned for the effective treatment of neurosis, diseases of the liver, kidneys, as well as hemorrhoids.

For colds, joint pains, rheumatism and gout are recommended friction with the infusion of the shell.

A decoction of the shell is prescribed for osteoarthritis, arthritis. It is an effective means to dissolve salts. Lotions and wraps have positive effects in various skin diseases and burns.

Oleoresin (resin of cedar)

The resin is a resin of cedar pine. This name originated for a reason, because the SAP is one of the most effective means for healing wounds. The resin has excellent antiseptic and bactericidal action.

Folk medicine values the SAP. Healers use it to treat septic wounds, abscesses, burns and bruises of any severity.

Perhaps the use of turpentine internally to heal stomach ulcers.

The action of turpentine scientifically proven. The researchers found that oleoresin is a powerfulantiseptic, it inhibits bacterial growth, diphtheria, hay Bacillus, a white Staphylococcus.

Recipes for salves and infusions

Recipe No. 1

The balm is prepared in a ratio of 1:10. One piece of cedar resin should be diluted in vegetable oil, pre-heating the oil in a water bath. Apply the balm should be externally. If you dissolve the turpentine in the ratio of 1:20, it is possible to both the external and internal use.

Recipe No. 2

Take 200 ml of ethanol, 600 grams of crushed cedar needles and 50 grams of cedar resin, mix and put in a dark cool place., where to insist 10 days. Scheme of reception: to rinse – 10 drops of the tincture should be diluted in 100 ml of water. Effective for the treatment and prevention of periodontal disease and gingivitis, it is recommended to disinfect wounds.

Landing cedar

The presence of cedar pine in the residential (Park) the area is not just a beautiful landscape but also the natural disinfection of air. Engaged in the planting of cedar, people create a special, healthy atmosphere.

To fit cedar was not in vain, it is necessary to observe a number of prerequisites.

For planting it is recommended to buy specially grown, selected seedlings, as they are well developed, their root system is robust and is not damaged.

Remember that when planting pine seedlings from containers be sure to spread all the roots, because in containers they usually get confused and twisted.

Seedling is recommended to prepare a spacious hole to ensure the roots were placed freely. The root system of cedar is different superficial location, it is therefore important that the pit was wide and not too deep. If selected for planting in clay soil, it is appropriate to add sand to the soil became lighter.

Not recommended all sorts of supplements to improve the fertility of the soil, as this may lead to the emergence of a large number of earthworms.

Cedar essential oil

Cedar essential oil has on the human body positive healing and rejuvenating effects.

Essential oil recommended for diseases of the nasopharynx and respiratory tract, as an expectorant and antitussive agent, upon the diseases of the digestive system, for the treatment of wounds, burns, skin diseases.

The oil helps to strengthen the exchange of blood, wherebyimproving the quality of oxygen. The use of oil helps to eliminate unpleasant smell from the oral cavity, clears mucous.

Cedar essential oil also affects the emotional sphere. In its application, there is a surge of forces, getting rid of fatigue. People become more confident in themselves and their abilities, they get rid of the stiffness.

Widely used cedar oil in cosmetics. It provides an unbeatable anti-aging effect, increases skin elasticity, effectively fights skin rashes, stress spots, strengthens hair, prevents dandruff, strengthens nails.

Siberian cedar

Siberian cedar – pine, vigorous, evergreen, beautiful, light-requiring tree. It grows on the territory of Russia, mainly in the European part and, of course, in Siberia.

In addition to visual appeal, the wonder plant for its healing properties.

Medicinal raw material of pine – needles, nuts (seeds), shells, buds, branches, young apex, resin (oleoresin).

Preparations of raw materials of Siberian cedar possess amazing healing properties. They are prescribed to treat many diseases, including respiratory diseases, digestive system, genitourinary system, kidney, liver, and cardiovascular diseases.

Also Siberian cedar is recommended as an effective immunocomplexes, tonic, expectorant, antitussive, Antiasthmatic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic. The plant is used for impotence in men.

Cedar Himalayan

Himalayan cedar – a magnificent tree, whose height can reach 50 m and more. Its native land is the North-Western Himalayas, Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, the plant is successfully cultivated with the aim of greening of the streets and purify the air in Georgia. The Himalayan cedar is different from other Mediterranean cedars neighborhood of characteristic features.

The plant has shirokokonusovidnoy crown that becomes flat with the hanging branches on the branches. Shoots pubescent. For needles characteristic light-green color. Length of pine needles reaches 5 cm, it is collected in bundles. Cones ovate, up to 10 cm long, Young buds have a bluish color, which changes with time, becoming red-brown.

The Himalayan cedar tolerates shade, unlike many of its neighbors.

Thanks to its unique composition, the Himalayan cedar is widely used in medicine. Drugs cedar is recommended as an effective antibacterial, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory,antifungal, tonic, sedative, astringent, tonic, are appointed with the aim of improving immunity, for the treatment of respiratory diseases, pulmonary tuberculosis, rheumatism, various skin diseases, ulcers.

Himalayan cedar is widely used in cosmetology.


The Atlas cedar is a monoecious slender tree, whose height can reach 50 m. the Plant has a loose crown pyramidal shape. Hard needles, aggregated in clusters of 25-40 needles, three-square, green with a bluish tint color. The buds are dense, barrel-shaped, shiny, light brown. Their sizes reach 10 cm Maturation of cones occurs in the third year.

Peak plant growth occurs in youth, it easily tolerates frost, it loves the light, does not tolerate excess moisture, the lime in the soil.

This species occurs in North Africa.

From the needles and young shoots of cedar are essential oil. This extract is a valuable tool, since ancient times, folk healers used it as unrivalled disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, antibacterial, Antirheumatic, sedative.

Cedarwood oil is used for burns, bruises, cuts, for colds, and infectious diseases. Dental oil is recommended in toothache, and also in various diseases of the mouth and gums, including periodontal disease.

Essential oil has high biological activity, due to what is particularly valued in cosmetics.

Recipes for baths and compresses with oil:

In the treatment of diseases of the respiratory tract 2-3 drops of essential oil diluted in a liter of water and used as sprays.

For the treatment of bruises (the bruises with acute inflammatory period) and joint pain it is necessary to moisten the gauze and blow the whistle on it 3-6 drops of oil, after which applying a compress to the affected area.

As an effective analgesic, anti-catarrhal, rheumatic, diaphoretic recommended foot and sitz baths, add 10-12 drops of oil which should be diluted in a glass of buttermilk to achieve a greater effect.

As a tonic, and soothing means recommended shared bath, add 6-7 drops of oil.

"Golden cedar"

Pine oleoresin and propolis, a natural broad – spectrum antibiotics. Included in their compositionsubstances are not only actively fighting with the causative agents of tuberculosis, hepatitis, herpes, typhoid, etc., but also to mobilize protective forces of human body, strengthen the nervous system, increase blood circulation, activate the body's defenses, strengthen and stabilize the condition and function of the nervous system, stimulate blood circulation.

"Golden cedar" oil, created with all-natural plant-based. Made from a healing tree, this oil can have positive effects on the body, preventing various diseases.

The oil contains healthy fats, vitamins B1, B2, B3, PP, D, E, Pro-vitamin a, unsaturated fatty acids.

Leaves cedar

In the needles of cedar scientists have discovered a powerful antibiotic that can act even on Staphylococcus aureus. Researchers have identified 17 bioactive compounds, which under force to cope with the bacteria.

In addition to antibacterial properties, the leaves of cedar found anti-cancer substances, that speaks about the unique healing properties of plants.

Needles cedar is used as an effective diuretic, is recommended in bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, inflammatory diseases of the respiratory organs, urogenital system, prostatitis, uterine bleeding, arthritis, rheumatism, gout.

Needles are a great tool to cleanse the blood vessels, it contributes to increase their elasticity and improve blood composition. Also it is an indispensable means to relieve fatigue, enhance immunity, restore the nervous system.

From the needles of cedar pine traditional healers prepare a vitamin drink.

The fruits of cedar

Pine nuts and their shells have medicinal properties and are widely used in medicine.

Preparations from nuts are appointed with mastitis, gastritis, ulcers. Infusions and decoctions are recommended for abscesses, boils, wounds.

Recipes from pine nuts:

Recipe No. 1 for sore throat: take equal proportions of crushed kernels of cedar nuts and honey and mix. Regimen: 1 tablespoon before meals 3 times a day.

Recipe No. 2 for abscesses, boils: grind the nuts, apply the resulting paste to the place of the boil, cover with a plastic bag (oilcloth), secure with a bandage.

The shell of pine nuts is an effective remedy for the violation of mineral metabolism in the body, kidney stones, rheumatism, arthritis, pains in joints, diseases of the oral cavity.

Drugs, prepared on the basis of the shell pine nuts, help to cope with herpes, osteoporosis,mastopathy, myoma, cyst. They are recommended as effective immunocomplexes funds.

Prescriptions drugs out of the shell of pine nuts

Recipe No. 1 (recommended for reduced immunity, the deterioration of hearing in tumors) should take 0.5 liters of vodka and 1.5 cups of shells of pine nuts, to combine in the container and infuse for 10-12 days in a warm, dark place. Upon expiration of the composition to drain. Regimen: 1 tablespoon 20-30 minutes before meals 3 times a day with water. The course of treatment is about two months, then needed a break of 1 month. The course must be repeated 2-4 times a year.

The recipe № 2 (recommended for diseases of the joints): take 1 Cup of the cedar shell and pour 1 liter of boiling water, then put on low heat and cook for 3-4 minutes. Infuse the broth should be 3-4 hours, after which it is necessary to thoroughly drain. Regimen: 0.5 cups before meals 3 times a day.

Contraindications to the use of cedar

Cedar has virtually no contraindications. The exception is the idiosyncrasy.