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The cultivation and use of useful properties dogwood

Botanical characteristics of dogwood

The dogwood is a shrub with a height above 7 meters, and sometimes tree. The leaves are opposite, have parallel venation. The flowers are small, greenish-yellow in color, sessile, and collected in heads. The fruit of the Cornel – berry small size and elongated shape. Berry is under smooth skin a variety of colors, ranging from light red to almost black. Inside the fruit has a juicy sweet, and sometimes sour-sweet pulp. Inside the pulp is inedible pit.

Wild dogwood can be seen in Moldavia, the Crimea, the Carpathians and the Caucasus. In early spring, the dogwood begins to bloom very profusely covered with beautiful yellow flowers. But the Mature fruit of the plant after six months from the date of tying.

Growing dogwood

Dogwood propagated in different ways: by cuttings, layering, seeds and grafting. However, the easiest method of vegetative propagation is the technique with the layering. With this method, you need to press in autumn shoots of dogwood to the ground and pinned them. These shoots need to fill the earth. No need to make incisions on the bark of escape, or apply stimulants of rooting, you only need regular watering throughout the year.

Dogwood likes a bright unshaded places. The hole for planting a dogwood, you need to dig in advance: for example, if fall want to plant the plant, then dig a pit in the summer. Since the dogwood is a plant episodesa cross, you can put only two individuals. Before planting in a hole you need to fill up the soil with fertilizers, both organic and mineral. After planting the plant should be watered abundantly. After watering you need to do the mulching around-trunk circle of sawdust.

Care dogwood

In the spring, need to do the hoeing between the rows. In the presence of weeds and remove them. The dogwood should be regularly watered. To keep the plants gave a good harvest in early summer you need to make in the soil or bird droppings dung muck. Thick shoots, as well as those tielu plant and its shade shall be circumcised. Branches that do not bear fruit should be cut before the start of the growing season. The dogwoods shallow root system, so watering is necessary to produce rain or in the cups. Around the trunk need to fill the earth with a height of 15 cm, the surface of the bowl should make a smooth and the soil to aerate. The supply of water with a hose. After watering the soil level. Instead of a bowl, you can make a circular furrow.

Useful properties dogwood

In dogwood berries contain many useful substances such as glucose, organic acids, fructose, dyes, tannins and nitrogenous substances, essential oils and vitamins. Due to this diversity of contained substances, the berries are used to treat anemia, fever, various skin diseases, arthritis, dysentery, and hemorrhoids.

The dogwood is a plant which has a diuretic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic and antiscorbutic properties.

In dogwood berries contain pectin, which helps to rid the body of metabolic products. The berries are composed of biologically active substances that normalize blood pressure and normalize pressure in the blood vessels of the brain. That is why their use is recommended for headaches and initial stages of multiple sclerosis.

Dogwood strengthens blood vessels and capillaries, so it is used when leg edema, venous insufficiency and inflammation of the veins.

Cornel improves appetite, and normalizes metabolic processes in the body. The berries of the plant are recommended to use in diabetes or the propensity to it because they increase glucose in the blood, improving digestion in the body.

The use of dogwood

In folk medicine, the dogwood applied and used in diarrhea, metabolic disorders, eczema and skin diseases. In diseases of the oral cavity, bleeding and disorders of the stomach and intestines use infusions and drinks from dogwood. Juice of dogwood – an excellent tonic and invigorating drink. Since the preparations of dogwood off the sugar overload, they are used in diabetes. Dogwood helps with diarrhea in children.

Abscesses are treated by decoction of dogwood. Juice of dogwood are used as a means for instillation in the eye.

A decoction of dogwood is tonic. For its preparation take 1 tablespoon of herb plants and pour a glass of boiling water. Leave for 8 hours to infuse. After insisting to be removed from berries seeds and mash the pulp. Make a decoction with honey twice a day. The same decoction helps with diarrhea, back pain and frequent urination.

Dogwood in diabetes. Every day you need to take fresh juice from the berries of the dogwood: first 50 grams a half hour before eating, and then increase the dose to 200 grams per day.

Jam dogwoodused in scarlet fever, influenza, flu, rickets and bark. Jelly of dogwood helps with diarrhea in children.

Contraindications to the use of dogwood

People with high acidity of the stomach is categorically prohibited to use products from dogwood. Idiosyncrasy is also an indication for ban on the use of the dogwood.