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Useful properties and applications of Carlina

Botanical characteristics of Carlina acaulis

The Carlina is a perennial plant that has a long tap root capable of being firmly fixed in the soil. Outlet needle-shaped toothed leaves that reach 15 cm in length, lying on the ground.

Many leaf specimens have unequal value. Inflorescence in the form of a basket, the amount of which varies from 6 to 10-12 cm, is located directly on the sheet outlet. It is surrounded by a delicate wreath of silver leaves. As a rule, in the middle of the basket you can see a lot of reddish, yellow and white flowers. Carlina acaulis flowering from mid-July until September. It can be easily found in the mountains and even plains. It should be noted that in the Jurassic mountains because of the possibility of extinction of this plant was taken under state protection.

Useful properties of Carlina

The main useful components of Carlina acaulis can be called tannins and essential oil with unique anti-bacterial effect.

The use of Carlina

In modern medicine the Carlina acaulis is almost never used. However, it is widely used in animal husbandry as a feed powder. Folk medicine recommended a delicious tea made from this plant, which is indicated in chronic bronchitis, and in dropsy and urinary retention in the human body.

Tea of Carlina acaulis: 2 teaspoons of the plant must be placed in a quarter Cup of cold water and on low heat bring to a boil for 5 minutes boil and then drain. The composition is diluted with water and drink 2-3 times daily, approximately 1 Cup of moderately warm broth, slightly podsushivaya.

Contraindications to the use of Carlina

In the treatment should avoid overdose of Carlina that does not cause such unpleasant side effects as nausea or vomiting.