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Useful properties and applications of coriander seed

Useful properties of coriander

The chemical composition of the plants includes alkaloids, vitamins, fatty and essential oils. Green coriander lot of vitamins B1, B2, C, carotene and rutin. The seeds (beans) contain nitrogenous and tannins, and starch and sugar. Cake – pomace obtained after extraction from the seeds of fats and essential oils serves as food for animals.

For medicinal purposes harvested the fruits and leaves of the plant. The grass dried during the summer, the grains are harvested only after the fruit pobudet in the second half of August. They have the greatest value. In the process of drying the grass gets spicy aroma similar to anise. To prevent volatilization of odor and loss of raw materials harmful insects and diseases, it should be stored in a tightly closed glass container.

Application of coriander

This herb is an effective tonic, choleretic, antiseptic and expectorant. Contained in its essential oil helps in rheumatic and neurological pain, gently warming and soothing the painful areas. Decoctions and infusions of plants to treat metabolic disorders, various diseases of the stomach, stomach cramps, neuroses. A decoction of seeds is prescribed for neurasthenia, cystitis, hemorrhoids, flatulence, diarrhea and some skin diseases.

The ointment of the fruit is used in inflammations, a decoction of them stops the bleeding from the nose. It is also a good anthelmintic, anti-emetic and hemostatic remedy. Mashed fruits treated animals from colic and worms. The plant is actively used to increase appetite and improve digestion, easy removal of spasms of the digestive tract, flatulence, diarrhea. In the official medicine of Germany, the plant extract is used in diseases of the abdominal cavity.

Infusion of seed: in 400 ml of boiling water to fill 1 tablespoon of crushed seeds, infuse 1 hour, strain and take 1/2 Cup of the infusion four times a day before meals.

Decoction of seeds: 10 g of whole grains required pour 1 Cup of water and simmer on low heat for about 5 minutes, to insist hour and strain. It is recommended to take 75 g of decoction 3 times a day before meals.

Coriander seeds

The seeds of the plants are quite widely used in different spheres of human activity. This is an excellent raw material for perfumery, culinary,confectionery, bakery, brewery and liqueur production facilities. The seeds are also added to the composition of many medicines to improve taste and aroma.

Grains have bactericidal properties that allows to use them in the treatment of various infectious diseases. Even coriander seeds help to improve brain and cardiac activity, have a bracing effect, help with stress and hysterics, but also increase the appetite, promote better digestion, have a positive impact on the health of the sex glands, are carminative and diaphoretic properties that help get rid of cramps. Coriander is added to food epileptics.

Using beans can get rid of the smell of alcohol on his breath, they slow down the process of intoxication and relieve hangovers. However, the seeds of coriander should not be abused, in one go they can eat no more than 4 grams.

Oil of coriander

The essential oil is obtained by distillation of coriander fruit with water vapor. It is a yellowish liquid with an aromatic odor and taste, has choleretic, analgesic, protivogemorroidal and antiseptic effect, it also increases the secretion of digestive glands. The oil serves as the feedstock for citral used in keratitis and conjunctivitis. Fatty oil is used in printing and textile industry, in soap production.

In folk medicine, the oil of coriander is recommended for improving memory, it helps with nervous exhaustion. Essential oil has a hemostatic effect and is used in postpartum bleeding and with abundant and prolonged menstruation. It is added to ointments and used for rheumatic pains.

The fruits of coriander

The fruits serve as raw material for obtaining the essential oil. They are used for making decoctions, tinctures and infusions. Such medicinal agents have antimicrobial, wound healing, choleretic, analgesic, expectorant properties. Preparations from the plant improve digestion and treat some mental illnesses. Candied fruit effectively neutralise unpleasant mouth odor. They are used in confectionery, canning, alcoholic beverage industry.

The cultivation of coriander

The plant can be grown all year round. It grows well in the summerperiod on the balcony, and in winter on the window. To seed up faster, use the air-heat treatment of raw materials, it can also be sprouted in moist sawdust. After germination they are transplanted in pots or boxes with damp soil mixture. To sow the seeds should be in rows to a depth of 1.5–2 cm, at a distance of 5-10 cm from each other.

Until the seedlings, the box to the ground you need to cover with foil to maintain moisture. After their appearance capacity it is best to move closer to the light and lower the temperature to 10-12 °C. Shoots appear in 2-2,5 weeks. Cleaning plants generate 20-th day after emergence. The duration of the growing season can reach up to 60 days.

Coriander seed

It is an annual herbaceous plant reaches 50 cm in height. In medicinal and culinary purposes, using its fruits. Harvested only when fully ripe, as unripe fruits emit an unpleasant odor reminiscent of bedbugs and continued even after drying. Quality raw material has a pleasant spicy scent similar to the scent of lilies of the valley.

In Tibet, the infusions and decoctions of coriander is used in disorders of metabolism, nervousness and stomach cramps. In the Caucasus on the basis of its fruit is prepared ointments against various skin inflammations. In Central Asia a decoction of the grains used in cystitis, hemorrhoids, diarrhea, bloating and neurasthenia. In addition, preparations of the herb improves the appetite, relieve minor spasms of the gastrointestinal tract, expel worms and help for nosebleed.

Contraindications to the use of coriander

In General, this grass is safe. However, you should follow the dosage of your doctor. From the use of coriander for medicinal purposes should give people suffering from coronary heart disease and who underwent myocardial infarction, patients with gastritis with high acidity, thrombophlebitis, diabetes mellitus. It should be applied with caution in renal disease. Abuse of drugs from plants can lead to the disorder of the menstrual cycle in women, impaired memory and sleep.