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Useful properties and applications of Solomon's seal the medicinal

The benefits of Solomon's seal

Polygonatum is a perennial plant whose healing properties are known since ancient times. In its composition there are cardiac glycosides, alkaloids, gums and saponins. In addition, the rhizomes of this herbaceous plant found glycogenin. Solomon's seal is an analgesic, antipyretic, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, blood purifier, expectorant, vomit and enveloping means.

Preparations on the basis of Solomon's seal appointed for pneumonia and acute bronchitis. A decoction of the roots is an excellent remedy in ulcerative conditions, as well as in the treatment of hernia. Using the juice of Solomon's seals, you can get rid of freckles. In addition, this herb can bring worms from the human body. In the treatment of extensive wounds and ulcers externally, you can use the juice of fresh roots or a decoction of dry raw materials. High starch content in dry roots of Solomon's seal helps prevent poisoning. It is proved that the glycosides increase the amplitude of heart contractions.

The use of Solomon's seal

Polygonatum is indicated for back pain, rheumatism, hemorrhoids, dropsy, colds, jaundice and diabetes. When injuries are used poultices of a decoction, and to the wounds can be applied to the leaves of plants – they reduce inflammation. Alcohol tincture and decoction of roots is effective against headaches and heart ailments, gout and osteochondrosis, as well as with arthritis. Solomon's seal is often prescribed for gastro-intestinal diseases. Juice from the roots of the plant rubbed areas for rheumatic and neuralgic pains.

Tincture of Solomon's seal

Healing infusion of the roots of the plant is used for prophylaxis and for treatment of such serious diseases as prostate adenoma. It should also be noted that this effective tool and is shown in mastitis in women. It is also recommended if the fibroids the uterus and the fibroids. Treatment in the early stages gives unique results. It is believed that the regular use of this tincture can reduce the risk of cancer of the uterus, ovaries and mammary glands. To prevent should be taken daily, 10 drops after Breakfast. In the treatment tool is recommended to take 2 times a day the same dosage.

Along with this, the alcoholateroots is indicated as analgesic for sciatica, gout and rheumatism. When hemorrhoids Polygonatum anti-inflammatory effect. The course of treatment should be not less than one week, thus it is necessary to use 10 drops of tincture 3 times a day.

Rhizome Solomon's seal

A decoction of medicinal rhizomes are used as enveloping means. Different pharmacological preparations on the basis of the root of Solomon's seal is indicated in the treatment of acute inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, as well as in radiculitis, lumbago, rheumatism, diabetes, some diseases of the joints, impotence, tumors, and jaundice. To prepare an effective decoction should take 20 grams of roots and 200 ml of water. To make such a tool should be at least three times a day for 1 tablespoon. For the manufacture of external funds take 50 grams of rhizomes and boil them in 500 ml of water. To infuse the tool about four hours. It can make healing poultices for pains and bruises.

Types of Solomon's seal

Polygonatum officinale. Solomon's seal drug, or, in other words, the pharmacy, when buying the bundle includes the roots of plants. It grows in the Northern hemisphere almost everywhere, choosing the woods and among shrubs. This herbaceous plant has knotted faceted stem, the height of which does not exceed two feet. For quite large sheets solid noticeable parallel veins. White flowers are the right shape located in the leaf axils on drooping pedicels. Medicinal Polygonatum blooms in may and June. The fruit of the plant presented a bluish-black berry. He has a powerful emetic effect.

Polygonatum multiflorum This species grows in the Caucasus and European Russian regions. It is also found in China, Asia Minor, North America and Japan. The plant has an inclined stem with a maximum height of 90 cm, which are oval-lanceolate leaves with pointed edges. In the axils of leaves visible on some flowers. Typically, they are about five. Many-flowered Solomon's seal blooms in June. The fetus presented in the form of blue berries 1 cm-Flowered Solomon's seal is used as a medicinal and ornamental crops.

Solomon's seal fragrant. Fragrant Solomon's seal grows well in the Caucasus, the far East, in Siberia and in Western Europe. This wonderful plant has a stem up to 80 cm tall, which are grey-green leaves. Blooms fragrant Solomon's sealabout 5 weeks starting mid-may. It is moisture resistant herbaceous plant picks for your growth of shaded forest, the slopes of low hills and mountains as well as with pleasure settles on the forest glades. Sometimes you can find low-growing plants of this species is colored in Magenta color bases small leaf scars, stalks and leaf veins.

Contraindications to the use of Solomon's seal

Contraindications to the use of drugs of Solomon's seal is an individual intolerance to the components of the plant.