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Lily of the valley

Growing, useful properties and application of Lily of the valley

The Botanical characteristics of the Lily of the valley

Lily of the valley – a low perennial plant belonging to the family Liliaceae. The rhizome of the plant are very thin, but has many roots. From the lateral roots and the tops of the rhizome runs shoots which consist of 5-6 leaves vaginal. The leaves of Lily of the valley long, basal, with a pointed lamina. Flower stalk (arrow) is smooth, its height is 20 cm, in the upper part it consists of three facets. Lily flowers are small, white and fragrant, consisting of a pistil surrounded by six stamens. The fruit of the Lily – berry orange-red color similar to the ball consisting of three nests. The fruits ripen in late summer – early autumn.

Lily of the valley – fragrant plant, flowering from late spring to mid-summer. Be careful, because Lily of the valley is a poisonous plant, its fruit can cause poisoning. It is found in the Crimea, Siberia, Caucasus and far East. Lily of the valley is a plant listed in the Red Book!

Cultivation of Lily of the valley

Lily of the valley prefers to grow in shaded areas with loose soil. The plant is able to transfer good drawback and even a surplus of moisture. To propagate Lily of the valley can be segments of rhizomes. In spring or autumn it is necessary to separate sections of rhizomes and plant them in the ground. It is necessary to fill on top of peat or humus. After that you should produce watering. A year later the plant you want to fertilize, so make fertilizers.

Lilies grow rapidly, so 5 years after planting they need a transplant. Many gardeners like lilies of the valley to do the distillation. You need to take the shoots of plants at the age of three years and planted them in pots in mid-autumn. If the kidney is thick and dense – flowering buds on the rhizome will be. In the earth of the pot you want to make sphagnum moss, which will make the soil more friable. In addition, the rhizomes should be laid so that all the buds were at the same height.

Useful properties of Lily of the valley

The valley contains many glycosides, such as convoluted, convallatoxin and others that have a positive impact on the heart. Lily lowers blood pressure, thanks to him, reduced and even disappear heart swelling. Preparations of Lily of the valley have a sedative property. The plant is used in heart diseases, pain in the abdomen, fever and colic abdominal.

Medicinal raw material is the aboveground part of Lily of the valley. It contains saponins, cardiac glycosides, coumarins, flavonoids and alkaloids. Lily of the valley hasprotivolodochnyi and diuretic properties. The plant is used as excellent pain reliever. With Lily of the valley, you can get rid of insomnia.

The use of Lily of the valley

Preparations of Lily of the valley it has long been used in folk medicine for the treatment of various heart diseases. The infusion of Lily of the valley, mixed with motherwort or Valerian helps in the treatment of atherosclerosis and diseases of the thyroid gland. Lily of the valley is used as a means well cleanses the blood and promotes urination. External use an infusion of Lily of the valley for eye diseases in the form of lotions.

Lily of the valley used in acute and chronic heart failure. If you compare the preparations of Lily of the valley with other heart medications, the first are faster, but they also quickly passes.

Tincture of Lily of the valley. Take a glass jar with a narrow neck and fill it to the level of three quarters of flowers of Lily of the valley. Next to the top pour 90th alcohol. The Bank needs to close the lid and leave for 14 days to infuse. After that, filter part, press the flowers and throw them. Take a tincture at 10 and 15 drops three times a day if you have heart weakness, seizures or fever symptoms.

Collection Lily in myocarditis. For its preparation you need to take 5 grams of flowers of Lily, 10 grams fennel fruit, 15 grams of mint leaves and 20 grams of Valerian. Now take 2 tablespoons of this mixture and pour 500 ml of boiling water. Ready broth is filtered and taken in 50-70 ml three times a day.

Infusion in glaucoma. Take 1 teaspoon of flowers of Lily of the valley and mix with half Cup of fresh nettle leaves, this collection is added 20 grams of water and leave for 10 hours to steep. After insisting you add another 5 grams of water. This weight must be applied to the sore eyes.

Contraindications to the use of Lily of the valley

You can't eat fruits and flowers of Lily of the valley, as it will lead to poisoning and, therefore, will appear nausea, tinnitus, vomiting, very frequent palpitations, etc. In case of poisoning should immediately make gastric lavage.

Preparations of Lily of the valley should be taken only on prescription and under his supervision.