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Quinoa spreading

Useful properties and application recipes quinoa

Botanical characteristics.

Quinoa is a spreading annual plant with height not exceeding five feet. On the ribbed, upright stems of the plant are the leaves, the shape of which resembles an egg. The leaves at the top of the stem, arranged alternately, and the lower one oppositely. Quinoa blooms from early summer to early autumn. Flowers plants green color, small size, collected in inflorescence – panicle. The fruit of quinoa is a nutlet that ripens from late summer to mid – autumn.

Quinoa is found in any place of Russia. It grows along roads, in the garden, on the banks of rivers. She is growing like a weed.

The beneficial properties of quinoa

In Swan contains essential oil, organic acids, carotene, saponins and minerals. Due to the content of such a large number of nutrients the plant has anti-inflammatory, soothing and expectorant properties. Due to the fact that Swan contains pectin and fiber, this plant is able to clear toxins from the entire body. Quinoa has a healing property, so it is used in skin diseases. The plant purifies the blood, improves the function of the glands.

The use of quinoa

Quinoa long enough and used in folk medicine. It's used in poultices and lotions for healing a variety of wounds, ulcers, skin diseases. Quinoa helps to establish diarrhea, relieve headache, dry cough, to cure jaundice and forget about the cramps in the stomach. Infusion of quinoa used in leucorrhoea and bad periods.

The leaves of fresh quinoa has found application as a means for friction with radiculitis. The plant has a strengthening property, gout and hemorrhoids. The herb is used in cough, both dry and chronic, as quinoa has an expectorant property. The leaves of quinoa are used in tumors, lung diseases, malignant tumors, and gastritis.

Juice quinoa from worms. To prepare this juice you need to take the young stems with leaves of the quinoa and mince. Then all you need to overcome. Take the prepared juice should be 20 minutes before meals for 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. This juice is very good to cleanse the intestines, or bring with it all the unnecessary substances for the body.

Broth quinoa for gout.A decoction is prepared easily and quickly. To do this, take 2 tablespoons of dry leaves and chop them. Next, they need to pour 100 ml of boiling water. Put the composition on slow fire for a quarter of an hour. After removing from heat, drain the drug and the number of brought boiling water to the original volume. This decoction is taken 3 times a day for 1 tablespoon before meals.

Broth quinoa with stomatitis. For its preparation you need to take 3 teaspoons of the herb and grind it to a powder state. Then pour the 300 ml of boiling water and leave for 1 hour to infuse. After the composition of filter and press pot. This broth do you need to rinse the mouth a couple of times a day.

Steamed fresh grass is used in sciatica in the form of compresses.

Contraindications to the use of quinoa

Quinoa can not be used for people with stomach ulcers, gastritis, colitis and diseases of the duodenum.