Application and useful properties of lovage medicinal
Botanical characteristics of lovage medicinal
Lovage officinalis is a perennial plant, cultural, quite hardy and resistant to cold, it does not require special care. Besides, lovage not picky about sunlight and warm, even on the contrary, it grows best when the lower part of the plant is in the shade.Lovage, usually flowering in the second year of life, only then the plant strives towards the light, as it is so necessary for seed maturation. Smellage also called mountain celery. Indeed, these plants are very close to in botany. In nature lovage typically grows at the foot of mountains or on the slopes, for this reason received the name "mountain celery". It grows especially well in moist lowlands. Food used root, as it is in plants are large and fleshy. Elite, namely the greens, more used as spices and for pickling vegetables. Among other things, lovage is used as a medicine.
The plant is on its second year of life reaches about two metres. Yellow flowers are collected in dense umbrella. Every year the plant gets better, grows and tillers in width.
The use of lovage medicinal
The juice of lovage drug is widely used in folk medicine. Use a decoction of the roots and leaves of this plant. The broth has expectorant, diuretic, and tonic properties. Used all parts of the plant – root, leaves and seeds.For example, in cosmetics a decoction of lovage is recommended for the treatment of hair, just rinsing them. After such a soul hair incredible volume, softness and Shine. There is a perception that the tincture from this plant can help men to regain the power and interest to the ladies. Ladies also use it as a natural aphrodisiac, causing the skin few drops of essential oil, this "magical" plant. It seems that the scent attracts men like moths to the light bulb.
A specially prepared decoction of lovage is used for the treatment of ascites (dropsy), diseases of the upper respiratory tract, as well as to relieve the inflammatory process in the gastrointestinal tract. In neuralgia or heart disease also recommended a decoction of this plant, as it has sedative properties. Besides, heperfectly cleanses the skin and promotes healing of purulent wounds. Gout and rheumatism is good to use as a rubbing tincture prepared with alcohol.
Cosmetologists recommend a decoction of the root of lovage to get rid of age spots. There is even a recipe aimed at dealing with alcoholism. To do this, take 250 grams of vodka and infuse 50 grams of the roots of lovage, and two Bay leaves. Those who have used this tool say that after drinking a glass of infusion to drink alcohol more desire does not arise.
Preparation of decoction and infusion of lovage
Broth. A glass of hot water pour one teaspoon of the crushed roots, and then 30 minutes to boil in a sealed container, then for 10 minutes to cool. The resulting broth should strain and bring boiled water to the original volume. Use the tool 1-2 tablespoons 3 times a day.
The infusion. To prepare the infusion using the roots. One teaspoon of the crushed roots is required, pour a glass of boiling water, cool and strain. Use the drug the same meals throughout the day in 5-6 receptions.
To prepare the infusion of herbs 2 teaspoons of herbs pour ¼ liter of cold water, heated to boiling, then filtered.
Useful properties of lovage
Knowledge about food, medicinal, aromatic and stimulating benefits of lovage had the ancient people. In this plant a lot of potassium, vitamins, minerals, and essential oils. At the root of lovage contains starch, sugar, tannins, coumarin, malic acid, resin, gum.
Any part of lovage in different quantities contains essential oils. For example, in their seeds to 1.5 %, fundamentally – about 0.5 %, in fresh leaves at 0.25 %. The essential oil in the form of a thick mixture of brown perfectly soluble in alcohol. Thanks to this feature it is used in medicine.
Contraindications to the use of lovage
You cannot use the lovage women during pregnancy, as it improves blood flow to the organs of the pelvis.