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Useful properties, cultivation and application recipes onion

Botanical characteristics of onion

Onion is a perennial plant belonging to the family Liliaceae. Form the bulbs can be absolutely different starting and ending with round and oblong. Onion is yellow, red, white and purple color. This plant with straight and hollow stem has weak thin roots. The leaves of the plant are tubular and one end acute. Fruit archery – capsule with black seeds. Flowering plants in mid-late summer, and the ripening of fruits need another month.

Onion – plant with the specific and the smell and taste. In the wild it does not exist. All Russia grows it is a medicinal plant that helps from many diseases and ailments.

Onion growing

Onions are most often propagated from seed. Seeds for planting can be used dry and wet. Soaking of seeds lasts from two to nine days. During the soaking you need to change the water several times. Autumn and spring – the periods for sowing onion seeds. For the beginning should set up the beds which, on the surface you need to make smooth. After sowing seeds, you need to do mulching with peat (you can use the ground sheet). Onions need regular watering and removal of weeds. The sets are planted in soil in may. Onions sets need to be covered with humus layer which is 2 cm.

If you want to plant before winter sets in this case will only fit the ridge as spring onions can be flooded by melt water. Before planting the sets in the chain they need to fertilize with compost, and ash to make fertilizer. Drop sets are recommended in the early to mid-autumn. On the ridge it is best to put the dry leaves.

Useful properties of onions

Onion contains organic acids, essential oil, amino acids, carbohydrates, vitamins, volatile and trace elements. The plant has a stimulating effect on the secretion of glands, improves digestion, helps to relieve sore throat. The bow has preventive properties, so it is used in cough, sore throat, flu and cold.

Bow – the perfect vitamin remedy. Due to its specific smell and spicy taste improves the appetite. Contained in onions mineral salts normalizes water-salt metabolism.

Onion has antiseptic and antibacterial properties, it kills viruses and boosts the immunity of the person. The plant is used for impotence, atherosclerosis, hypertension, colds,fatigue.

Onions emit into the air volatile substances, which destroy fungi, bacteria, and ciliates. Also, these volatile substances kill of Bacillus tuberculosis and diphtheria.

The use of the bow

Bow is the best germicide, especially during epidemics of flu and colds. Also it is used in bronchitis and sore eyes. Onion juice can get rid of insomnia, rheumatism and neurasthenia. Dermatitis and Trichomonas the disease can be cured slurry from the bow. Fresh onion, you can remove headache, just with a chopped onion to the temples. Tincture on alcohol from the bow has a diuretic and laxative effect on the body. This tincture is a warning remedy for constipation, it also dissolves the sand and small stones in the kidneys. Bow fights scurvy. This plant is used as a remedy against worms.

Juice prepared from onion with honey helps to expand the blood vessels and make the capillaries stronger. Onion is used as a tool that enhances motor and secretory functions of the gastrointestinal tract.

Fresh onion juice with flu. You just need to breathe through the nose onion for three minutes in 3 times a day. And you can take the tampons, wet them in the fresh juice and lay them in both nostrils for 15 minutes three times a day.

An infusion of onion from worms. Take 1 onion and pour it with 200 ml of boiling water, leave to infuse for 8 hours. To take this infusion should on an empty stomach with 100 ml and after 3-4 days the worms will not.

An infusion of onion for bronchitis. For preparing this medicine need to take 250 grams of onion and grind it. To it add the Cup of sugar and 25 grams of honey. All stir and pour in the mixture 500 ml of water. Put the mixture on low heat for 3 hours. When the composition has cooled, it should drain and clean brew poured into the bottle. Take the infusion is recommended 5 times a day for 1 tablespoon. The course of treatment – 1 month, then needed a break for a month. And then repeat the course again.

Onions hypertension. Take the juice of 1 kg of onions and mix it with 160 grams of honey. Same here, add 8 grams of nut films. Pour in the vodka. Leave for 10 days to brew and ready medicine take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

The syrup of onions. To make it, take 1 onion and grind it , add it to 3 tablespoons of sugar. All pour 125 ml water and put on low heat for5 minutes. Let infuse for 2-3 hours. Once pressed ready infusion, you can apply the medicine in 2 teaspoons 5 times per day.

Storing onions

Storage suitable Mature and dried onions. You can store it in different ways – for example, in trays, boxes or bags.

Very well kept onions in the bags, which are made of thick polyethylene. Bags do not need to close, they should be installed vertically.

During storage of onions is necessary to examine the vault, it should not be stagnant air, as it accumulates carbon dioxide, which exhales a bow, respectively, the bow will not last for long. For this reason, you need to install vault ventilation.

To bow is stored for a long time, it is necessary to create the right conditions, namely to maintain the required temperature and to monitor the relative humidity. If the store will be the high temperature with low relative humidity, it will cause a natural decline of the product will increase several times and the onion quality will deteriorate. Due to the high humidity the onions begin to mold and be infected by diseases.

Contraindications to the use of the bow

Bow can not be applied to people who have an increased acidity. People with severe kidney disease, stomach and liver also better not to use onions in your self-care.