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Heart-leaved moonseed

Useful properties and application of heart-leaved moonseed

The beneficial properties of heart-leaved moonseed

This medicinal plant contains the alkaloids durisin, tetrandrine, sinomenine, tannins, resins, coumarins and saponins. In the medical purposes use the roots and rhizomes of heart-leaved moonseed, at least – the grass and leaves. The underground part of the plant is harvested in the fall (in October), above-ground – in may-June. The roots are cleaned from the remnants of the earth and pieces of stems, washed in water and dried under a canopy in the open air or in well-ventilated areas. Grass and leaves are dried without washing, in the usual way.

Application of heart-leaved moonseed

Scientific studies have shown that decoctions and infusions of plant roots reduce blood pressure, have a calming effect, improve health and the health of patients. Drugs from heart-leaved moonseed diminish the symptoms of headaches and reduce the excitability of the autonomic nervous system.

Due to the content of aurisina alkaloid, isolated from the roots, medicines based on heart-leaved moonseed is also effective in hypertensive disease stage I and II. Patients with already existing sclerotic changes in the vessels under the action of decoctions and infusions of heart-leaved moonseed decreases the amount of cholesterol and increases the amount of lecithin in the blood. Thanks sinomenine drugs plants good for high temperature. They provide antitussive action and have anti-inflammatory effect. Heart-leaved moonseed has good prospects as a tool for the treatment of rheumatism, abscesses, boils and lower back pain.

In folk medicine, the herb is prescribed for fever, gynecological diseases and as an expectorant and diaphoretic; it is used in diarrhea and pneumonia. The infusion of the roots is used as a means of improving metabolism and toning the stomach and intestines, it is effective in cholecystitis and endometritis. Also grass is used as a painkiller and a diuretic.

A decoction of heart-leaved moonseed: 2 teaspoons dried crushed rhizomes is required to fill in two 2 cups of boiling water and cook on slow heat for 10-12 minutes, leave for at least half an hour and strain. Make the tool suggest three times a day for 1 tablespoon.

Infusion of heart-leaved moonseed: 2 tablespoons chopped dried leavesthe plants need to pour a Cup of boiling water at least two hours to cool down, drain. Take the infusion three times a day 0.25 ml.

Heart-leaved moonseed Daurian

It is a twining herbaceous shrub. Rhizome it is vertical, not thick. Smooth stems up to three meters in height, annually die back partially. Beautiful leaves arranged alternately on long petioles. The record leaves ovate, three to five lobes with a triangular tip. The flowers are small, inconspicuous, dioecious, unisexual, greenish-white, growing in small bunches.

Blooms of this kind of heart-leaved moonseed from June to July, seeds ripen in September. Its fruit is a black berry with a large single seed in the form of the moon. The plant is propagated by dividing rhizomes, layering and seeds. In the wild it grows in the far East, in China and Japan. The plant winds around tall grasses and shrubs, on sand, scree along the banks of rivers.

Contraindications to the use of heart-leaved moonseed

The heart-leaved moonseed all parts are poisonous, and a lot more underground than overground. That is why the use of drugs requires caution, the exact dosage and consulting a doctor.

Symptoms of poisoning by the berries: nausea, vomiting, indigestion, in severe cases, cardiovascular failure. The patient should immediately rinse the stomach solution potassium permanganate or activated charcoal. Contraindications to the use of plants are individual intolerance, pregnancy and breast-feeding.