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Useful properties and applications of Magnolia

Botanical characteristics of Magnolia grandiflora

Magnolia grandiflora is a delightful evergreen shrub, which grows in the Crimea and on the black sea coast of the Caucasus. This plant attracts the attention of a large light beige flowers that have a pleasant aroma unmatched. This plant has a strong stem with smooth bark and can reach 30 m in height. Pyramidal crown Magnolia gives good shade because it is gustooblistvennye.

Large leaves of a Bush have an elliptical shape. Fragrant flowers, was located at the ends of branches, may reach a diameter of 12 cm Blooms of this exotic plant from may to end of September. Externally, the fruit – mnogolistovka with a rather large seed – like cones of conifers. The birthplace of Magnolia grandiflora is considered to be North America, where this species grows well in moist forests and river valleys.

Useful properties of Magnolia

Magnolia contains a unique essential oil, rutin, flavonoid glycosides, as well as a number of specific alkaloids. Useful properties of this plant have long been used for health purposes. Tincture of the flowers of Magnolia recommended in folk medicine as a reliable prophylactic for high blood pressure and against asthma. Exceptional antiseptic properties magnolias help in the fight to destroy the bacteria that cause the development of caries.

Magnolia has been used in folk medicine not so long ago compared to other herbs, but for several centuries it is well established in the fight against many diseases. In a more detailed study of this medicinal shrub has been identified many nutrients that lead to its medicinal properties.

The leaves of the plant are rich in essential oils, glycosides and various minerals. There are also routines and such alkaloids as the magnolaminom and magnolin. Essential oils are also found in the flowers of the plant.

Its fruit is also very valued for its high content of fatty oils, consisting of a complex of unsaturated fatty acids: peanut, linolenic, oleic, palmitic, stearic, myristic. In the cortex contains many magnoflorine, from the roots of selected nutrients conditin and calcitonin. For medicinal purposes harvested leaves, flowers and bark of the tree.

The use of Magnolia

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As a rule, in folk medicine uses the liquid extract of this medicinal plant, having a marked hypotensive effect. It can be used to stabilize blood pressure, and significantly reduced the heart pain and restore the normal heartbeat. More than a dozen years in the early stages of chronic hypertension are special alcoholic extracts of Magnolia, which can significantly improve the patient's state of health.

Tincture: 2 teaspoons of crushed seeds, pour one Cup of ethyl alcohol (70%). After 10 days of steeping in a warm place, you can begin month course of treatment. This should take 30 drops of tincture in a food process at least three times a day. Furthermore, this tincture can be recommended as an external agent for rubbing of the body with rheumatism.

The Magnolia leaf. The composition of the leaves of Magnolia are salts of iron, magnesium, potassium, volatile oil, rutin, flavonoids, alkaloids, glycosides. Before use, the leaves should be thoroughly dried outdoors in the shade. They should be stored in well-closed containers which are placed in a dry place.

Fruit of the Magnolia. In folk medicine, the fruit of Magnolia is often used in diseases of the digestive system, and also as an effective means for rheumatism.

The flowers of Magnolia. The main purpose of medicines on the basis of this flower is to normalize blood pressure and improve health. Contained in the flowers of Magnolia essential oil is successfully used in cosmetology to quickly strengthen hair.

Magnolia bark. It is the Magnolia bark helps with the chills and fever. In addition, it has a tonic effect in gastritis, colitis, and myasthenia gravis. Also, the bark of this plant is often used as a stimulant with a rather weak labor activity.

The plant is widely used in pharmacology, its different parts are part of many restorative, stimulant and tonic medicines. Medications on this basis is able to reduce pain in the cardiac region and slow down the heart rhythm. In addition, they lower blood pressure, which in turn leads to the improvement of the General condition of the whole organism.

The folk medicine of many countriesmira otmechaet nastojku iz listev magnolii krupnocvetkovoj kak effektivnoe gipotenzivnoe sredstvo, okazyvaushee spazmoliticheskoe vozdejstvie na gladkuu muskulaturu cheloveka. pomimo prochego, upotreblenie takoj nastojki budet polezno na rannih stadiyah gipertonicheskoj bolezni. kitajskie vrachevateli s davnih por ispolzuut koru dereva pri lechenii gastritov, miastenii, spasticheskih kolitov i problem s rodovoj deyatelnostu.

rastenie obladaet horoshim antisepticheskim dejstviem i sposobno unichtozhat mikroby, vyzyvaushie karies, nadezhno zashishaya rotovuu polost ot vospalenij. nastojki etogo celebnogo rasteniya eshe v davnie vremena rekomendovalis dlya profilaktiki zabolevaniya astmoj, normalizacii arterialnogo davleniya i ustraneniya revmaticheskih bolej. oni zhe ispolzovalis v kachestve zharoponizhaushego sredstva pri lihoradke. stoit otmetit, chto izuchenie poleznyh svojstv etogo udivitelnogo dereva ne prekrashaetsya oficialnoj naukoj i po sej den.

nastojka: semena, koru i plody dereva neobhodimo nastaivat na spirtu dvadcat dnej, zatem procedit i prinimat 4 raza v den po 10–20 kapel nastojki (razbavlennyh vodoj) v kachestve protivolihoradochnogo i toniziruushego serdechnuu deyatelnost sredstva. takaya nastojka v komplekse s drugimi travami mozhet primenyatsya naruzhno pri revmatizme.

maslo magnolii

efirnoe maslo poluchaut iz cvetkov i listev dereva metodom parovoj distillyacii. tehnologiya proizvodstva ne tak uzh i prosta, poetomu produkt stoit dorogo. v to zhe vremya masla magnolii neobychajno myagkie, legkie i aromatnye. eto obyazatelnyj komponent dorogih izyskannyh duhov.

maslo shiroko ispolzuetsya v narodnoj medicine dlya borby s zabolevaniyami dyhatelnyh putej, ono effektivno v vide ingalyacij pri prostude i silnom kashle. esli ispolzovat maslo vo vremya massazha, to ono pomogaet snyat proyavleniya revmatizma i umenshaet boli v sustavah. blagodarya svoemu blagotvornomu vozdejstviu na kozhu eto lekarstvennoe sredstvo vhodit v sostav prigotovleniya mnozhestva toniziruushih kremov i losonov.

ono pomogaet effektivno spravitsya s ugrevoj sypu, ustranyaet pigmentaciu kozhi, izbavlyaet ot temnyh pyaten na lice i ubiraet vospalitelnye processy. nekotorye specialisty otmechaut priyatnyj toniziruushij aromat masla magnolii, sposobstvuushij rasslableniu organizma i nervnoj sistemy.

cvety magnolii

cvetki dereva neobychajno krasivy, dushisty i elegantny. izyashnaya forma bokala s pestikom vnutri delaet ih nezamenimym dekorativnym elementomfor decoration of gardens and plots.

The folk medicine of many countries of the world advises to use flowers as a mild preventive measure against asthma. Basically their medicinal effect is to normalize blood pressure and improve overall well-being. Infusions of flowers are often used to combat hair loss and to strengthen hair. Medicinal properties of drugs are the high content of essential oil and other useful components.

Seeds of Magnolia

The seeds of Magnolia are quite common drug. They had successfully used Chinese folk healers to cure patients of lung diseases and to strengthen the heart. From the seeds of this medicinal plant is used in tincture that have a positive effect on the human body for fever, she is also able to tone the heart. Externally this remedy can be used for rubbing in rheumatism.

Magnolia extract

It is extracted from the seeds, bark or leaves of this medicinal plant. Extract is an indispensable component of various means to care for problem skin and hair. In folk medicine it is used to treat hypertension in the early stages. This remedy helps reduce blood pressure, reduce heart pain and slowing of the heart rate, expansion of peripheral blood vessels.

The improvement of the heart after application of the extract of Magnolia is caused by the presence in it of essential oils, alkaloids and some beneficial to human body minerals. Many experts note the positive impact of this tool on the overall health and immune system, although the latter assumption is not officially confirmed.

Growing Magnolia

To easily grow a Magnolia, it is necessary to strictly observe several rules. This water-loving plant likes calcareous and saline soils, and it is afraid of the strong wind. When freezing the tops of the shoots should be cut, and the affected branches are able to recover. Magnolia propagated by seeds or cuttings. It will thrive in full sun or in shaded areas. Uniform moistening shall be supplemented with good drainage. In addition, it is requiredregular feeding.

The plant is usually propagated by softwood cuttings, seeds, grafting or layering. Growing cuttings is best suited for early summer. It should be remembered that the tree does not tolerate liming for full development he needs a spacious kitchenware and abundant watering. For watering it is best to use soft water. Cuttings of Magnolia will be more successful and effective in the use of growth stimulants.

Cut green cuttings from the mother plants is recommended in the summer, after which they must be placed in a greenhouse with bottom heating of the soil. This is a very light-loving plants, however, in regions with hot summers to grow them suitable partial shade. The land for the cultivation of seedlings should be fertile and fertilized with peat. It should also be remembered that the plant in the first year develops very slowly.

Caring for seedlings is abundant irrigation, soil mulching of rotted compost or peat each spring, cutting dry or saumaise branches. Frozen the tops of the shoots should also be cut, while the affected branches are restored independently.

Magnolia white

The white Magnolia is a beautiful ornamental shrub, which impresses with its large white flowers with unique aroma. The height of the trunk of this species can exceed 30-40 m. Flowering Magnolia white three summer months. Discourse the fruits have bright color, and large expressive leaves oblong shape.

Magnolia grandiflora

Magnolia grandiflora has a dense pyramidal crown, which is located on a high powerful gun. A single apical flowers have an excellent scent. Zavoevannye egg-shaped fruits reach a length of 10 mm. Magnolia grandiflora is Grown not only in regions of Krasnodar Krai, but also in Georgia and Central Asia.

Magnolia black

Magnolia black is an unusual ornamental plant that has a short trunk and dark purple flowers. Dark brown or black seeds of this shrub are in a unique fleshy shell. This Magnolia prefers rich soil and grows well in Sunny calm places.

The star Magnolia

Elegant star Magnolia is an incredibly beautiful shrub with a rounded crown. Its height generally does not exceed 3 m. Earthly-green oval leaves up to 15 cm supplemented with fragrant white flowers that captivate their star-shaped petals. Large flowers can be in diameters of about 10 cm Flowering this plant from late spring until early autumn.

Magnolia Kobus

Home to the Kobus Magnolia is Japan, where this tree reaches a height of 25 m. leaves Obovatewith a length of about 8 cm are the basis of canopy plants. Large dairy flowers have a delicate fragrance. Flower diameter is 12 cm This hardy Magnolia is a hardy tree that is not afraid of direct sun and wind.

Magnolia obovate

Magnolia obovate is a rather rare species growing in Japan, Russia and the Kuril Islands. Presents plant listed in the Red book. This slender tree average height grows no more than 8 m, with trunk diameter is about half a meter. Obovate leaves are green on top and bottom – grey. Delicate cream flowers with good aroma in early summer, beginning mid may and ending early July. Dark red fruits have a large size – up to 17 cm

Magnolia Holm

Magnolia Holm is a decorative evergreen plant that does not grow above 2 m. the Large leathery leaves are interesting colostomates form, which makes them similar to the leaves of Holly. Yellow flowers are numerous and have erect branched inflorescence. Flowering occurs in may, sometimes the Magnolia can bloom again in October. Sweet fruits ripen in mid-August.

Contraindications to the use of Magnolia

When you use products from the plant should always remember that it is toxic and dangerous. Decoctions or tinctures based on it should be consumed solely on the recommendation of a physician. In some people they can cause excessive tiredness, dizziness, nausea, headache. We should not forget about the Allergy or individual intolerance. Tree flowers have a specific and strong flavor, too much of which indoors can be detrimental to human health.