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Useful properties and applications of marjoram

Description marjoram

Marjoram is an interesting herb. This branched perennial of the family Labiatae grows to 50 cm in height. It is often found in Eastern Europe and in some southern countries. The plant has numerous stems that have a solid thickness. Quadrangular stem branched shrub covered with small hairs. At the base it is lignified. Are short have small leaves are opposite, oblong-ovate form.

At the edges of the sheet plate marjoram are tomentose coating. Flowers can boast of a white or pink tinge. At the ends of the branches are amazing, they gathered in a beautiful spike-like bundles. The fruit of the shrub consists of four very small nuts-seeded type. Marjoram can be attributed to heat-loving plants. As for culture, it is often grown as a typical annual plant, because with a strong decrease in freezing temperatures the plant dies.

The optimum temperature for rapid germination is 25 degrees Celsius. Seed germination may persist, often for three years. The plant is very demanding to light. On the shaded parts is significantly reduced the content of essential oil is unmatched. This shrub refers to drought-tolerant plants, but in the early growth and development does not respond well to lack of moisture.

The perennial prefers loose and well-fertilized very fertile soil. This shrub blooms in June and July, as a rule, the blooms of hits for the month of July, and bears fruit it is usually in September.

Useful properties of oregano

Previously, marjoram was used to strengthen the heart muscle and memory. In addition, special infusions were treating a runny nose, rheumatism and all kinds of urolithiasis. The fruit is represented of the Bush have a huge number of essential oils that has a pleasant strong flavor. In addition, this herb has been found not only vitamin C but also carotene a precursor of vitamin A. In the composition of perennial also includes various minerals, bitterness, phytoncides and essential flavonoids.

The unique composition of the essential oil of the plant included: pinene, sabinene, terpinene, terpineol, borneol and phenols. This wonderful product has a light yellow color and a strong sweet smell. To harvest the essential oil needed during flowering shrubs. The young plant always contains rutin, vitamin C, carotene, and essential tanningsubstances essential pentosans and pectin.

The use of marjoram

Marjoram is widely used in cooking and in medicine. This is a wonderful medicinal plant used by many professionals to treat a variety of diseases. Marjoram is recognized as an excellent tool for the effective treatment of serious digestive diseases. Thanks to the wide set of vitamins, this shrub is used in the treatment of depression, insomnia, asthma, other respiratory diseases and severe headaches. Regular intake of special tools able to organize the work of digestion.

It should be mentioned that marjoram helps to restore the menstrual cycle, making bleeding less painful. Based on this herb, there are many miraculous ointments that treat cold and various symptoms of viral infections. In addition, these ointments help to cure a vast poorly healing wounds, relieving inflammation, make less visible stretch marks and get rid of the festering sores.

It should be mentioned that the based ointment of marjoram is also indicated for severe sprains. Often modern doctors prescribe various remedies for diabetes after the heart attack, because they not only give strength, but also have a positive effect on overall health. When the many inflammation of the mouth and severe gum bleeding you can apply medicinal teas from a given shrub. This tool is also recommended for kidney ailments, liver disease and gall bladder.

In addition to the use of this plant in medicine, it is also widely used in the food industry. It is often used by modern brewers, as it gives the beer an amazing taste. Moreover, it is necessary to winemakers and cheesemakers, and marjoram serves a wide variety of soft drinks. In different countries marjoram is considered an essential component in the process of preparation of different marinades for preserving and cooking fruit drinks, kvass and jelly.

Very often marjoram is used for cooking savory spices. It should be mentioned that diabetics can successfully replace this plant ordinary table salt. It is no secret that such patients have shown a special salt-free diet. In ancient times, the resourceful Greeks addedmarjoram into wine, because it gives the body men men the incomparable force and causes sexual attraction.

Contraindications marjoram

During pregnancy should not be abused marjoram. It is also important to remember that when you add the plant food you need to be extremely careful and sure to follow the prescribed dosages. Side effects in rare cases manifest in the form of mild headaches and bad mood.