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Useful properties and applications of Mac

Description poppy

Mac is a unique plant with which everyone is probably familiar. It can be annual, and may grow for many years.

Most often the stem of a poppy is highly developed. There are also plants without a stem, but it happens much less frequently. In the height of the sky, to 80-150 cm Plate sheet cut into two or three sections. It happens that the poppy leaves are glabrous, but usually they are covered with small hairs. The roots of the plants are brittle, because the poppy is extremely hard to tolerate transplanting. If you must transplant, do it best in late summer or early spring.

The flowers of the poppy are very beautiful. They are large in size, attached to long stalks. Four bright and silky petals painted in red, white, pale yellow or even black. In some species of poppy are buds in the shape of a whisk. But mostly, the flowers grow singly. Stamens plant has innumerable. The Mac can multiply themselves, through self-pollination. Some species in breeding of insects.

The fruit of the poppy is a capsule. The form is ovoid and oblong. Inside a small "box" are small seeds. When ripe, the capsule bursts, the seeds are released and scattered over large distances. They can fly and the wind from the holes in the fruit.

The beneficial properties of Maca

Poppy seeds contain about 46-56% of oil and 20% protein. Useful properties of plants used even in ancient times. In use were all parts of the poppy. It had a hypnotic effect, was a great analgesic. To improve digestion was used decoctions of poppy seeds and roots.

The juice obtained from the seeds was used as an anesthetic. Doctors prepared a special hypnotic water, which removed the tiredness. And speed recovery, the children were given milk of the poppy. The poppy leaves have a tonic effect.

Application Mac

Preparations made with the inclusion of the components of the Mac, have expectorant and enveloping action. They are known as hemostatic, diaphoretic.

Poppy petals can be infused. Can make an infusion at home. You need to pour 600 ml of boiling water 1 tablespoon of petals. After the mixture cook for 10 minutes, it needs to drain. The result is a liquid for the treatment of bronchitis, laryngitis. It helps with tachycardia and insomnia. Drink this means you need 4 times a day a quarter Cup at a time.

Unique decoction of the poppy heads used in strong href="http://vsebolezni.com/treatment/kashel_narsr">kashle i bolyah v oblasti zhivota. chtoby prigotovit lekarstvo, nuzhno vzyat 1 chajnuu lozhku korobochek, zalit ih 500 ml kipyatka. zatem sleduet ih otvarit v techenie 10 min, zatem procedit. pit tak zhe, kak i otvar lepestkov, chetyrezhdy v den.

bylo podtverzhdeno eksperimentalno, chto celebnye ekstrakty maka pri dobavlenii k nim spirta proyavlyaut sebya kak protivoopuholevye sredstva. nebolshie semena maka nahodyat primenenie pri lechenii onkologicheskih zabolevanij. v nastoyashee vremya komponenty maka aktivno primenyautsya v medicine. iz opiuma poluchaut morfin, narkotin i kodein. eti veshestva vhodyat v sostav mnogih obezbolivaushih i snotvornyh sredstv, preparatov dlya borby s sudorogoj.

papaverin, takzhe poluchennyj iz opiuma, vhodit v sostav lekarstv ot bronhialnoj astmy, gipertonii, boleznej zheludka i mnogih drugih. tabletki, soderzhashie kodein, otlichno borutsya s kashlem.

morfin – narkoticheskij analgetik, universalnoe obezbolivaushee sredstvo. ispolzuetsya dlya operacij i vo vremya tyazhelogo posleoperacionnogo perioda vo vremya silnyh bolej. pri chastom ispolzovanii morfina, razvivaetsya pristrastie k nemu. soprovozhdaetsya etot process razlichnymi rasstrojstvami psihiki i patologicheskimi izmeneniyami v stroenii vnutrennih organov.

semena maka

vsem izvestno, chto semena maka shiroko ispolzuutsya v kulinarii. oni ispolzuutsya dlya vkusnejshej nachinki razlichnyh bulochek, pirogov, ruletov. iz semyan izgotavlivaut takzhe i maslo, kotoroe vposledstvii ispolzuetsya pri proizvodstve margarina. voshititelnyj mak ispolzuetsya i v farmacevtike, podhodit dlya razvedeniya krasok i vareniya myla.

semena maka mozhno ispolzovat i kak sredstvo dlya uhoda za licom. rasterev ih, mozhno poluchit molochko. i imenno eto molochko – effektivnoe sredstvo dlya borby s sinyakami i krugami pod glazami, otlichno snimaet vospalenie vek. interesno, chto ego mozhno ispolzovat ne tolko dlya kozhi, no i v pishu. vegetariancy upotreblyaut molochko, poluchennoe iz semyan maka, tak kak on bogat belkami.

vyrashivanie maka

s vyrashivaniem krasivejshego celebnogo rasteniya problem ne vozniknet. mak ochen neprihotliv k sostoyaniu pochvy ili soderzhaniu vlagi. tem ne menee, stoit vyseivat rastenie na suhostojkih pochvah i zhelatelno na otkrytom prostranstve. odnoletnie maki otlichno rastut bez dobavleniya udobrenij. a vot mnogoletnie rasteniya pered nastupleniem holodov mozhno udobrit sadovymcompost. To planting best in spring or before winter to a permanent place. Seedlings need to equate leaving between shoots a distance of about 100 cm.

By early summer, such a wonderful poppy becomes lush green and the Bush is starting to divide, leaving the void in the middle. To avoid this, you need to make support for Bush, sticking in the ground a branch or quietly using strings plant. During flowering you can admire the most beautiful bright colors. But after the plant will wither, leaves fade, starting to turn. Need to trim the stem with the attached leaves at the base. Then in late summer new leaves appear. But they do not reach such heights as during the first flowering.

If you are planning the reproduction of poppy seeds with seeds, you need to leave poppy heads for their further maturation. In the garden blooming poppies look great in Alliance with each other, and among other flowers and plants. It is worth noting that Macs are poorly suited for cutting. If you still need to put them in a vase, you should do this early in the morning before opening of buds.

Calorie poppy

Mac contains a huge amount of useful components. This vitamins, and fatty oils, and micro - and macronutrients. The energy value of the plant reaches 556 kcal per 100 g of seeds. More just the product of fats is approximately 77%. No accident products with the addition of poppy seeds, perfectly satisfy hunger and can be a substitute for protein for vegetarians.

Given the wonderful taste of poppy seeds, you can safely add them in culinary products.

The poppy leaves

Miracle of the poppy leaves are used in fever as a powerful tonic and bronchitis as a soothing. Drugs with their addition helps with inflammation of the bladder and diarrhea. These funds help in the fight against sweating. They are applied as an external analgesic. Also poppy leaves can be rubbed warts

Maca powder

Powder derived from poppy seeds sprinkled on wounds to stop bleeding. In medicine of Tibet and Mongolia, the powder obtained from the flowers is used in the treatment of headache. It is used as antipyretic drug and used for fractures of the skull and seizures. He also has hypotensive properties, are known in the form of great tools to deal with inflammation.

This unusual powder can be consumed three times a day, a pinch. There is another recipe for the powder application in the food. You need to grind the seeds, add water and drink half a Cup 4 timesday.

Contraindications Maca

Not recommended the use of poppy for small children up to 2 years and the elderly. When you use plants as a sleep aid you should consult with a specialist. Should not eat foods containing poppy hypersensitive.