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Growing, useful properties and recipes of olives

Botanical characteristics of the olive tree

The olive tree is an evergreen tree belonging to the family oleaceae. Most often, the olive tree does not exceed 5-6 meters. Stem bark grey, branches long. Gray-green leaves of the winter fall, but in 2-3 years they will again be restored. The flowers are very small, but fragrant, white, collected in inflorescence of 10-40 flowers. The fruit of the olive tree – the olives, the shape of which is oblong-oval. The fetus can be acute or obtuse nose, inside of each fruit has inedible pit. The pulp of the fruit is different in color, because it depends on the variety of olives. Flowering olives begin in April and continue until July. After 4-5 months of after flowering is the maturing fruit of the tree. The olive tree bears fruit every two years.

Wild olive trees do not exist. It is grown in the Mediterranean, Greece, Italy, Spain, USA, Azerbaijan and the Caucasus. The plant grows in any soil, it is undemanding.


The olive tree is propagated by seed and cuttings. Most often used propagation by cuttings. In the early or mid-summer it is necessary to cut the stem. You need to rebuke them in moist sand. Before rooting, you should treat the cut stem with a special solution (cornevin). If rooting is necessary to create high humidity, good lighting, temperature not below 20 degrees Celsius. The plant is grown from cuttings will bloom in the fourth year.

Once a week you need to make fertilizers, which include nitrogen. In the summer, should be regularly watered plant, but not abundantly. In winter, watering is less likely to produce. After planting and annually for 5 years, it is important to do a transplant. Drainage is also necessary for the plant. After 5 years, for proper formation of the roots of the plant is necessary every two years to replant to another location.

The beneficial properties of olives

The olives contain substances that strengthen cell membranes and mucous membranes, improve stomach, liver and cardiovascular system. Olives cleanse the body of toxins, they have the ability to heal wounds.

The olive leaves are useful for human body components. In the skin of olives contains essential oils. Olive oil prevents the development of cancer of the breast, skin and bowel cancers. Olive oil helps with burns, bruises, insect bites and sprains.

From the leaves of plants prepare the infusion, which helpslowering high blood pressure and the leaves are used for infections and fever. Its useful property of olives are required to their content of vitamins, oils and biologically active substances.

The use of olives

Olives, not often, but still used in folk medicine in the form of decoctions, infusions, ointments and poultices. For example, a poultice of the leaves is used in the presence of rashes on the skin. Olives improve digestion. Due to the content of the olives unique types of fatty acids in the body maintained balance is important to human life elements. A decoction of the leaves of the olive tree is used for the treatment of obesity.

Experiments were conducted on animals that were injected intramuscularly contained in the olives substance – oleuropein. From this substance in animals, decreased blood pressure, enlarging the arteries that surround the heart. Because of this hypotensive action of the substances of the olive, the plant is used in hypertensive diseases of different degree.

Olives have antioxidant properties. In addition, they reduce the oxidation of "bad" cholesterol. Olives are used for arthritis because they reduce inflammation of the joints. The fruit of the olive tree is recommended for people suffering from chronic fatigue. Olives have the ability to improve blood circulation. This plant is used for fungal infections as it has the ability to rid the body of parasites and worms.

A decoction of olives in obesity. For its preparation you need to take 1 tablespoon of the leaves and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Then everything should be put in a water bath for 10 minutes. After straining the finished broth should be brought to the original volume (should be one Cup of prepared broth). This remedy take 1 tablespoon three times a day 20 minutes before meals. The same decoction to treat hypertension, edema, and atherosclerosis.

The remedy for gallstones. Take 50 ml of olive oil and mix it with same quantity of lemon juice. Drink this mixture before going to bed. However, after taking this medication, you must carry out the procedure of setting cleansing enema. But after the enema you need to make a hot water bottle and lie down with her on his right side for half an hour. This procedure is recommended 2 times a week.

Contraindications to the use of olives

People with cholecystitis can't take the olive oil in a largethe number, as it possesses choleretic properties of strong action. And the rest of the olives are allowed to use for everyone.