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Useful properties and applications medunki

Botanical characteristics medunki

Medunka is an unusual herbaceous plant that may be annual and biennial. Medonca has straight branched stems, the height of which is in the range from 30 to 80 cm On the stem are the upper leaves lanceolate-wedge-shaped and the bottom is oblong. Graceful flowers blue or purple hue form a long brush.

This grass has a long root with small tubers. Medunka widespread in Western Asia and in Africa. The fruit presents a Crescent-seeded Bob with an interesting spiral. This amazing plant prefers to live in steppes, in the fields and among shrubs.

Useful properties medunki

In order to use medunka for medicinal purposes, it should be collected during flowering. Dried grass is required under the eaves and store in tight cloth bags or paper bags. Products containing medunki effective in various respiratory diseases. They are indicated for the treatment of child tuberculosis. All kinds of water extracts medunki applied with prolonged cough, with inflammation of the kidneys. Furthermore, this excellent diuretic indicated for kidney stones.

It should be noted that this plant is known for its unique hemostatic properties that can alleviate the condition with excessive menstruation, as well as when detect and stomach bleeding. To restore the vaginal flora are assigned to the various lotions and sitz baths based on medunki.

Fresh leaves of the plant have a hemostatic, wound healing, astringent and antiseptic properties. They are perfectly heal fresh cuts. High content of iodine allows the use of the herb as an antiseptic. In addition, there medunka ascorbic acid, carotene, tannin, rutin, polyphenols, manganese, potassium, copper, calcium and iron.

Application medunki

In diseases of the lungs you can use an infusion of the leaves prepared with two teaspoons of grass and 200 grams of boiling water. Infuse the mixture for about two hours. Treatment involves the administration of infusion 3 times a day 1 tablespoon. In addition, this tool will help to cope withhoarseness, sore throat, hemorrhoids, inflammation of kidneys and also helps to eliminate stones from the bladder.

Fresh wounds recommend applying a paste of fresh crushed leaves medunki, due to which there is a rapid healing. It should also be noted that for therapeutic purposes, use a special tool on the basis of canned juice of grass and leaves in combination with 70% alcohol at a ratio of 1:5.

Medunka softest

Years medunka softest is a unique herb that has a powerful rhizome is dark brown and a huge number of adventitious roots. Low pubescent stems up to 20 cm supplemented with extra-long leaves with short hairs. The fruit of the plant is a small black nut.

Medunka softest blooms, as a rule, from the first days of may and until the end of June. It is common in the foothills of the Altai mountains, Transbaikalia, and Siberia. Grass prefers mixed and pine forests, forest glades and birch groves.

Contraindications to the use of medunki

No contraindications to receiving medunki still not revealed.