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Useful properties and applications of tincture of cloudberry

Useful properties of cloudberry

Cloudberry is a unique plant that includes many useful components. This medicinal perennial plant attracts attention with its bright yellow amber berries. Cloudberry grows not only in Russia but also in Belarus. It prefers peat bogs, boggy woods, moss and shrub tundra. This whimsical berry is afraid of strong frosts, rain and wind. This plant reproduces by seeds, rhizomes and vegetative means. It is an excellent honey plant.

Cloudberries are widely used for the treatment of various diseases due to its unique components. The leaves of the plant have potent hemostatic effect.

In addition to the proteins and pectins in the composition of cloudberry contains organic acids, tannins, fiber, sugars, carotenoids, various vitamins, volatile, antioxidants, plant sterols, fatty acids and phytosterols. The cloudberry also has immunomodulatory, tonic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, diuretic, antispasmodic, anti-aging, gaidouronisia, regenerating, anti-cancer, restorative, choleretic, astringent, protivomigrenoznoe, wound healing, antiscorbutic and fastening effect on the human body.

Use cloudberry

Due to its healing leaves, roots and berries cloudberries can cure serious diseases. This plant is indicated for pathologies of the kidney, diseases of the liver and intestines, problems of the biliary tract, and for the recovery of the cardiovascular system. Regular consumption of berries helps to reduce the development of fermentation and putrefaction in the digestive tract, as well as the normalization of various biochemical processes.

Cloudberry improves the permeability of capillaries, improves the overall health after the poisoning and rejuvenates skin cells. The berries are used when beriberi, burns, skin diseases, colds, and internal bleeding. Cloudberry able to quickly restore the immune system, improve appetite, relieve chronic fatigue, to normalize the absorption of food. Healing berries is indicated for cystitis, dropsy, diarrhea, gout, ascites, scurvy, scabies and tonsillitis. In addition, these wonderful berries are consideredpowerful preventive measure against oncological diseases.

To prepare the means to stop bleeding, you should take 1 tablespoon of dried mulberry leaves and steamed them in one Cup of boiling water. After the mixture cooled, strained it and used the inside of 70 ml three times a day. For making funds from kidney disease the amount of water should be increased in 2 times. Treatment involves the administration of infusion up to four times a day for 100 ml.

To get rid of the festering wounds that you have clean fresh leaves of the plant, spread them regular fish oil, and then apply to affected area of skin. To change this unusual wrap is recommended at least twice a day.

To improve appetite you can drink water, diluted fruit juice in a ratio of 1:1. To get rid of cancer, it is advised to crush fresh berries and grease a healthful gruel all the tumorous region.

Berry cloudberry

Berry cloudberry is a team of the drupe orange-yellow color, have a diameter of about 1.5 cm In form, the fruits of the plant resemble raspberries, but they are very different an unusual aroma and a tart sweet taste. It should be noted that during the entire period of ripening cloudberries change color three times. Collection of ripe fruits is carried out until the end of July.

These delicious berries can be called excellent antiscorbutic, which has proved its effectiveness. In addition, they boast anti-inflammatory, diuretic and diaphoretic effects on the human body. Typically, they are prescribed for colds and coughs. Such fruits are shown and as a tonic after suffering serious diseases.

Tincture cloudberry

The infusion of this gorgeous plants like cloudberry drink with metabolic disorders and gout, and kidney illnesses. To prepare means you need 2 teaspoons of leaves pour 250 ml of boiling water. After 4 hours of infusion beverage can be consumed in equal doses throughout the day. In addition, regular use of this healing tincture helps to alleviate disorders in gastritis with low acidity and various malignant tumors.

The leaves of the cloudberry

Wrinkled leaves of the plant have submittedcordate-reniform shape and the blade edge. They are considered healing because they have a powerful antiscorbutic, diuretic and diaphoretic action. Various preparations based on the leaves of the cloudberry prescribed for kidney ailments, beriberi, during colds and when metabolic disorders.

Tea with cloudberries

For the preparation of delicious and therapeutic tea at the same time it is necessary to take the leaves of the cloudberry, add as many strawberry leaves. The mixture should be thoroughly mixed and used as a substitute for ordinary tea. In addition, it is possible to prepare a special tonic remedy.

Take 1 part dry leaves of the cloudberry and the 2 parts of rose hips. Pour mixture Cup boiling water and allow to infuse for about one hour. Started this collection, it is possible to mix in a little honey. To use such a delightful drink is recommended in the amount of not more than two glasses a day.

Cloudberry cough

This plant has long been used as an excellent remedy against cough and different respiratory diseases and for the treatment of tuberculosis. Cloudberry provides not only anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect, but also has hemostatic properties. To prepare the infusion, take 2 teaspoons of the leaves and one Cup of boiling water. The tool should stand at least 4-5 hours. After straining the infusion can be drunk in equal portions during the day.

When you cough you can also drink effective healing infusion of the dried sepals. They suggest brewing a daily basis as the ordinary tea and consumed at least 7 days.

Contraindications to the use of cloudberry

Contraindications in the use of cloudberry can be called an ulcerated condition, and also duodenal ulcers. Along with it is not recommended to use this plant in exacerbations of gastritis, characterized by strong acidification.