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Properties and applications of peppermint

Botanical characteristics of peppermint

Today is about three hundred species of mint, but became widespread only about 20-25 species of this plant. Name all the types of mint there is no need, given the fact that in folk medicine used mainly peppermint. The main difference between mint from other plants is, of course, her scent. However, the fragrance of peppermint is much stronger than its relatives.

Peppermint peppermint is a perennial herb of the family yasnotkovyh. The stem of peppermint tetrahedral, hollow, a height of about one meter. Leaflets ovate elongated with serrated edges, and the root horizontal and woody. The flowering of this plant starts from June and lasts till September.

Most in the sought after peppermint stem and leaves, which need to collect before flowering, as this is the time to plant most of the essential oil – menthol. In the chemical composition of mint main element is menthol. About 2.5 % of the menthol contained in the leaves, in inflorescences of the amount in the range of 4-6 %.

The use of mint

Mint is rich in menthol (contained in the leaves of plants), which has lokal, antispasmodic and antiseptic properties, contributes to the reflex expansion of coronary vessels. If angina or pain in the stomach and intestines peppermint apply inside. Neuralgia, toothache or as an antiseptic and analgesic for diseases of the respiratory tract in bronchitis and bronchiectasis mint used externally.

For the treatment of migraine menthol is used in mixture with paraffin in the form of pencils. Also menthol is part of Zelenin drops, valokordin, drops and ointments for the treatment of rhinitis. For conducting inhalation is also used peppermint oil. Peppermint oil is included in the mint drops and tablets. To improve the taste of medicines and mouthwash add mint water. For the treatment of neurodermia use menthol alcohol. To improve digestion, enhance appetite, to get rid of nausea and vomiting, use infusions and tinctures of the leaves of mint.

But not only in our country use mint, for example, in Bulgaria it is used for the treatment of diseases of the stomach (spasms) and intestines, flatulence, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, and also as a cholagogue, for stones in the gallbladder and jaundice, as a means of analgesic duringhepatic colic, stimulate heart activity and relieves headache.

Mint leaves have been used in Germany. There they are used as a tea to get rid of diseases of the digestive tract, flatulence and improving appetite, and also take mint bath.

Prepare decoctions, tinctures, and oils of mint from the same diseases in Australia.

Mint leaves are quite common in France. There mint is used as antispasmodic, choleretic, wound-healing remedies, as well as to improve appetite and digestion.

As an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, disinfectant in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, neuralgia, insomnia, migraine, mint leaves are used in Poland. There's also the mint leaves are used in inflammation of the periosteum of the middle ear and other diseases. In addition, the mint included in the fees to improve the taste and smell.

Russian folk medicine uses mint leaves as a refreshing, choleretic and diaphoretic. From the leaves of wild mint produce juice, which is used for the treatment of kidney stonesand as a diuretic, a tablespoon mixed with white wine.

The leaves and flowers of mint fresh or dried are used for cooking various dishes as a seasoning to salads, soups, meat and vegetable dishes, for flavor added to sauces and teas.

Tea, which includes mint, has: cholagogue, diaphoretic, sedative. Mint is part of the digestive collection and fees for bathing.

Mint is widely used in food, confectionery and perfume industry, it is contained in toothpastes and powders, etc.

To get rid of headache essential oil (alcohol solution 1:4) rubbing the skin, as it is used in migraine, inflammation of the skin or for inhalation for colds.

Cooking mint

Infusion of peppermint is prepared as follows: 2 teaspoons mint leaves pour 250 ml of boiling water (daily dose), infused for one hour, then filtered. During the day the tool is recommended to drink SIPS.

Useful properties of mint

Essential oil, which includes menthol, determines the taste of mint. Useful properties of the plant are also determined by such substances as esters, phellandrene, pinene, yasmon, piperitone, menthofuran etc. in Addition, in the composition of mintfound tannins, flavonoids, and bitterness. It is the menthol contained in the mint, making it a bactericidal plant.

Especially appreciated in medicine peppermint in the therapeutic region. Prescribe it as a sedative, vasodilator, analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs. Mint is able to normalize the digestive system (get rid of heartburn, nausea, increase appetite, help with diarrhea, reduces leg in the gut), have a choleretic effect (used to bring the stones from the gallbladder and cleanse the liver).

These beneficial properties of mint are not limited to, its use as a diaphoretic and a cooling agent for the treatment of fever and sore throat, pharyngitis, rhinitis. For the treatment of inflammations of the respiratory and urogenital systems are again using mint. On the circulatory system and the heart peppermint has stimulating effect, relieves headaches, lowers blood pressure. Mint is particularly well suited for treatment of migraine.

On the nervous system peppermint has a complex effect: tones, soothes, relieves insomnia, improves brain function.

Quite often, mint is used in dentistry as rinsing the mouth, for the preparation of solutions, disposal of pathogenic organisms, etc.

It can be concluded that mint and pleasant to the taste, and has a therapeutic effect.

Contraindications to the use of mint

Peppermint is contraindicated to people with hypersensitivity to its components, as well as people with individual intolerance to mint. Not mint, to apply and to people with low blood pressure (hypotension).

It is important to know that peppermint can reduce the tone of the venous vessels, which can easily exacerbate other already having the disease. Quite often under the influence of mint aggravated varicose veins. To avoid this, people with this disease peppermint is best not to apply.

Don't need mint to give to young children under three years of age. Mint is not recommended to use of men, as it can lower the male libido. From mint you should give people suffering from drowsiness. When dried mint to use too. If you already have trouble conceiving, then be sure to avoid mint, as this plant will only worsen this problem.