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Useful properties of digitalis

Digitalis is widely used in medicine since the eighteenth century, it was then official science was first identified its beneficial properties. Many experts have noted that medicinal plant as one of the most effective means of then therapy. Since the mid-nineteenth century, it is firmly in the Russian and later the Soviet pharmaceutical industry. This medicinal flower has several major varieties, the most widely used to obtain drugs, different effects.

The main medicinal raw materials are leaves of the plant. They are usually harvested in the first year of cultivation after they reach the required size. In the leaves of the Foxglove plant are cardiac glycosides, such as digitoxin, digoxin, lanatoside A, b, C, D, E and some others. Scientists have noted high biological activity and digoxin lanatozid S. they increasingly determine the usefulness of the flower in combating various cardiovascular diseases.

Ancient healers treated using this herb chest and abdominal dropsy, epilepsy. In addition, digitalis has long been used in folk medicine as a pain reliever in skin inflammation. However, preparations from it are forbidden to use to combat the inflammation of internal organs, bleeding and a high fever.

The use of digitalis

Medicines from digitalis are one of the most effective drugs for the treatment of chronic heart failure and severe circulatory disorders. Medicine widely applies this plant to eliminate run-off resulting from cardiac disorders, it is useful for hypertension and tachycardia. Preparations on the basis of this healing flower are also appointed in acute infectious diseases, atrial arrhythmias, thyrotoxicosis and for the normalization of the heart muscle.

Pharmacists use the leaves and the flowering purple Foxglove to retrieve gitoxin and digitoxin in crystalline form, as well as corrigida, which is the sum of all glycosides. Traditional medicine uses in the treatment of all ground parts of plant: stems, flowers, leaves. They are ideal for preparing decoctions and infusions, to improve the performance of the heart.

Drugs based on digitalis reduce shortness of breath, greatly improve the overall health of the patient, to normalize pulse. Often thesemedicines applied in coronary atherosclerosis, mitral valve disease, myocardiodystrophy, hypertension. Doctors are forbidden to use them for a long time, because some components of plants tend to accumulate in the body, which can lead to serious consequences.

Flowers of digitalis

The whimsical flowers are tubular-campanulate in shape. Usually they are collected in many-flowered unilateral long brush. Colors of different varieties of plants can differ significantly from each other. Thanks to its elegant shape and vivid color of the flower is often used for decorative purposes. Traditional medicine uses flowers of this medicinal plant along with the other aerial parts. They are part of many infusions and decoctions.

The leaves of digitalis

The leaves are the most used medicinal element of the plant. For medical purposes, they are usually harvested in the first year of development, and preferably in the afternoon. After collecting the leaves are dried in a dryer at a temperature of not more than sixty degrees, or outdoors under tents, laying them in a thin layer. Harvested raw materials should be stored in dark and dry place, because when wet it may lose its bioactive properties.

The beneficial properties of leaves are determined by the large content of cardiac glycosides, the carry-over during storage and under the influence of enzymes in different connections. The leaves also contain organic acids, flavonoids, choline. The leaves are widely used for cooking of various cardiac drugs.

Quite often the leaves of the plant are used in the recipes of traditional medicine, in particular, the powder helps in hysteria and some other nervous disorders. In addition, it is actively used to accelerate healing of wounds. It must be remembered that the leaves of the flower is strong medicine, therefore it is always necessary to stick to the exact dosage.

How to grow Foxglove?

This garden flower is most often propagated by seeds. The best time for this method of growing – in the spring, around April-may. Seeds should not be buried deep, and you need only a little sprinkle the ground. To accelerate the emergence of the first shoots can be, if pre-soak seeds for a week. Sowing should be in rows with an interval of 45 cm to adult plants died from the lack of space. If seedlings are too frequent, they should be thinned, otherwise the flowers will be small, and honey plantsshort.

Initially, the seedlings develop slowly, so swordplay (transplantation) is only a month and a half for a distance of 5 cm from each other. In late may, the seedlings planted in a permanent place. It should be remembered that digitalis likes fertile, loose, permeable soils. If it grows in areas with stagnant spring water, flowering may not occur.

Care for Foxglove is weeding, loosening the soil and watering in dry weather. A couple of times during the season, the plant can be fed mineral complex fertilizers. Mulching the ground with sawdust, which should be held in the fall, also gives good results. The best and most sustainable advance copies of mark, then to collect from them the seeds for reproduction.

The plant susceptible to various diseases. If leaf spots can be removed with copper-containing fungicides, rot stalk and root rot are incurable. A very dangerous viral disease, to know which are easy on the Curling of leaves tube. In such cases, the plant should be removed immediately.

Tincture of digitalis

Tinctures are among the major dosage forms of this plant. When cooking using the entire aboveground part of digitalis, although the most commonly used leaves. Infusions of this medicinal herbs in combination with other medication effectively impact in the treatment of heart failure, valvular heart disease and other diseases. They slow down the heart rate, increase contractile function of the heart muscle, increase the filling of the heart with blood.

Squeezed juice of the flower folk healers were treated with a hardening of the breast in women. Ointments and tinctures of some varieties of this medicinal herb was used externally as a wash. They are good help with scrofula, or skin diseases.

Types of Foxglove

There are several garden forms of plants with different height of stem, color of flower, structure of the haloes and their location in the inflorescence. In addition, different types of flower leaves have a different shape, size, nature of the veining and the intensity of pubescence of the leaf blade.

The yellow Foxglove grows mainly in Central and South-West Europe. This species is a perennial plant, reaching a height of one meter. It has smooth leaves andstems and bright yellow flowers, and thus got its name. Yellow Foxglove is actively used in landscape design. Mention of its use in folk medicine virtually none.

Digitalis purpurea – the most common and spectacular species of plants. It has a straight, cylindrical stem, large and beautiful purple flowers. In height it reaches up to 120 cm, and Especially this species is distributed in Mediterranean, southern, Western and Central Europe. He riminals widely in folk medicine and pharmacology. In particular, the leaf extract gitoxin and digitoxin.

Decoctions and infusions of this medicinal herbs contribute to the efficient healing of wounds and helps with hysteria. It is also worth noting the presence in the plant mineral substances, organic acids, saponins, flavonoids, vitamins and some other useful components.

Foxglove woolly is the most nondescript of the genus. It has smaller, in comparison with other types of flowers. Despite this, it is actively used in medicine. Due to the content of acetyldigitoxin and Zelanda of woolly digitalis get drugs that regulate the activity of the heart muscle. The greatest healing power have the leaves of this plant. Folk medicine uses them to treat diseases of the heart and ascites.

Digitalis grandiflora is a perennial herbaceous plant, reaching a height of one meter. The root has short, straight stem. Its leaves reach 20 cm in length and have a light green color. Digitalis grandiflora is among the five most used in medicine varieties of this plant. Based on it made a lot of cardiac drugs. Often it is used to treat heart failure.

The leaves of this herb contains many useful components: cardiac glycosides, steroid saponins, mineral salts, tannins, phenol carbonic acids, iridoids. For medicinal purposes the leaves are best collected in late August and early September.

Foxglove perennial. This kind of includes a large number of varieties. They spread widely as an effective medicament and elegant decorative element. Perennial digitalis have a unique set of beneficial to human body components, so they have for several centuries been used in folk and official medicine. In cultivation they are very unpretentious, can live with the lack of sunlight andgood tolerate frosts.

Contraindications to the use of digitalis

It should be remembered that the substances contained in the flower digitalis, tend to accumulate in the body and excessive concentration of contained glycosides can cause poisoning. This plant is very toxic, so self-medication can lead to poisoning, symptoms of which are arrhythmias, nausea, diarrhea, blue lips and vomiting. Any preparations of digitalis should be taken only on the advice of a physician and under his supervision.

This herb is absolutely contraindicated in people with a diagnosis of heart disease, coronary insufficiency, myocardial infarction, infectious disease, and bradycardia. In connection with the poisonous forbidden to be planted near children's institutions.