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Growing, useful properties and application recipes nymphs

Botanical characteristics of nymphs

Nymphaeum is a perennial plant, reaching two meters in height. The rhizome of the plant is completely covered with remains of petioles. The rhizome is a system of pneumatic channels, in which the plant is held on the water surface and which make the tissues strong. Leaves floating, round, different color. The color of leaves depends on the age of the plant: for example, young plants have red leaves, but the old Nymphaeum lower side of leaves is purple and the top green.

Flowers lilies white, single and of large size. They are very fragrant. The fruit of the plant globose, green in color, ripening in late summer – early autumn under water. The plant also blooms all summer.

The Nymphaeum can be seen throughout Europe, Siberia, Asia and some areas of Transcaucasia. Currently, however, Nymphaeum not only grows itself, but it began to grow in medical and decorative purposes. It grows well on lakes and ponds in the gardens. It is also suitable lake with a slow current.

The cultivation of lilies

The Nymphaeum can be grown in two ways:
1) seeds;
2) by division of the fallopian tuber.

Seed propagation is the Nymphaeum in the following way. The seeds of the plants are small, but they sprout easily. For germination they need to be placed in a container, which is well-defended water with the presence of peat. Next you need to plant the seeds, and on the bottom of the tank fill sand mixed with peat, pour a little water and gently press the seeds into the peat with sand. Indoors for germination needs to be at room temperature or above 30 degrees Celsius. The appearance of the first leaf of the seedlings once transplanted them individually in containers .

Now consider the propagation with division of large uterine tuber. For this you need to divide the uterine (large) root in 2 pieces so that each piece was swollen with a kidney. Now the plots are placed in five-liter container , which already covered the peat with clay.

Nymphs do not tolerate warm water, so the pond should be slightly pritenit. You should regularly check the water level in the pond. If there are already yellowed and dead leaves, they need to remove. That no air leaves, periodically the plant must be thin.

Nymphs rarely affected by disease, but sometimes it happens. To Nymphaeum not sick, you need to buy in a reservoir only healthy planting material. Aphids, which love the Nymphaeum, easy-goinghands.

Useful properties of the nymphs

Nymphea contains many useful substances, such as starch, protein, essential oils, alkaloids and resins, tannins and fatty acids.

The flowers of the plant are used for preparation of drugs, which calm the person in neurosis, insomnia. Also, this plant contains substances that have sedative, emollient, analgesic and antipyretic actions.

Drugs from the rhizomes and roots of the nymphs have a positive effect for inflammation of the skin and tuberculosis. The leaves of the lilies are used as anti-inflammatory agents for external use. A tincture prepared from the leaves of the plants used in the treatment of urolithiasis.

The plant has wound healing properties, so it is used in the case when the wound is not healing for a long time.

The use of nymphs

Traditional medicine uses the Nymphaeum more often than traditional. Since ancient times, this plant could cure cramps and to get rid of toothache. The singers were encouraged to apply a decoction and infusion of the nymphs, because they have the ability to strengthen the voice. Tincture on alcohol is used in the treatment of rheumatism.

The leaves, flowers and rhizomes are used to prepare poultices for treatment of sores, wounds and ulcers. The Nymphaeum is used in the form of tinctures, decoctions, mixtures, and just pounded in.

A decoction of the rhizomes of the lilies cystitis. To make it, take 1 tablespoon of the rhizomes and passed through a meat grinder. Pour two cups of water and put on fire for 10 minutes. When removed from the heat, leave for 30 minutes to infuse. After straining take 50 ml of decoction three times a day before meals.

Tincture of the nymphs. Take 25 grams of dry roots of the plant and fill them with a glass of vodka. Leave for 20 days to infuse in a dark room. After pushups raw filter it and take 25-30 drops that are pre-dilute with 1 tablespoon of water. Take tincture before meals for 30 minutes.

The fresh juice of the lilies of freckles and age spots. Take the fresh leaves of the nymphs and squeeze the juice. Further wetted cotton wool in this juice and wipe the face 3-5 times a day.

Nymphaeum in myalgia and neuralgia. This medicine is easy and fast. Take 2 tablespoons of flowers and plants and put them insack made of gauze. Drop the pouch in boiling water for 1-2 minutes. When we take out, immediately put it on the sore spot. This medication has analgesic action.

The legend of the nymph

There are many legends about the nymph, but the most famous are two of them, which will be discussed further.

One legend says that once lived a white nymph who fell in love from Hercules. He's not reciprocated. Grief and unrequited love of the nymph died, and the place of her death grew beautiful white plant, which became known as the Nymphaeum.

And another legend from the North German people as follows: in ancient times in the lake lived three mermaids, one of them was evil. One day this evil mermaid – NYX – killed two good mermaids. On the death of mermaids grew beautiful white flowers – lilies.

Contraindications to the use of nymphs

Whatever it was, but the Nymphaeum is a poisonous plant, so use products from it it is possible only under the supervision of a physician.