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Beneficial properties and application of nails

The beneficial properties of calendula

This annual herb is familiar to both adults and children, because it each spring are planted in front gardens, garden plots and flowerbeds. Do you know that this ornamental fragrant flower are made effective medicines?

For the procurement of raw materials marigold flowers and grass without the bottom of the stems harvested in the flowering period (June-September) manually. They must be dried not later than 3-4 hours after harvest to avoid spoilage and the loss of medicinal properties. The shelf life of the finished product – not more than 1 year.

The leaves of the plant a lot of organic acids and vitamin C, the flowers contain essential oil, carotene, phytohormones, phytoncides, slime, bitter and protein substances, resins, enzymes. Marigold – good honey plant. honey of flowers has increased healing properties. Fresh young leaves can be used in salads or as an addition to dishes of meat, fish, steamed vegetables.

The application of nails

This medicinal plant are recognized as folk and official medicine, it is widely used for the treatment of various diseases. The preparations recommended in all cases that require the manifestation of the antimicrobial effect: when ulcers stomach and duodenal ulcers, gastritis, inflammation of the throat and mouth. Marigolds have a calming effect on the Central nervous system, lower blood pressure and normalize heart function.

In addition, fresh and dried flowers have antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and stimulating effect. From them prepare tinctures and ointments, is effective in purulent wounds and skin diseases. They are prescribed as anti-toxic agent for allergic dermatitis and psoriasis, internally and externally marigold is used for vitiligo. As studies have shown, the composition of the plant includes copper, which is very conducive to pigmentation (saturation and natural pigments) of the skin.

The infusion of the flowers has a good curative effect on trichomoniasis and fissures of the anus. The infusion can be used with frostbite, barley and cervical erosion. Fresh juice is a great remedy for dandruff, warts , and rashes. Other drugs from plants help women in menopause, and they are symptomatic means forbolnyh s neoperabelnymi formami raka. pod dejstviem otvarov i nastoek u pacientov uluchshautsya son i appetit, ischezaut dispepsicheskie yavleniya, snizhaetsya intoksikaciya.

nastoj iz cvetkov: dlya ego prigotovleniya sleduet zalit 2 chajnyh lozhki suhih cvetkov 0,5 litra kipyatka, nastoyat v techenie dvuh chasov, procedit i pit 3 raza v den po 1–3 stolovyh lozhki.

cvety nogotkov

u etogo rasteniya krasivye zolotisto-oranzhevye cvetki v vide socvetij-korzinok, kotorye dostigaut v diametre 4–6 santimetrov. cvetki trubchatye i lozhnoyazychkovye, plody razvivautsya tolko iz yazychkovyh cvetkov.

v svoe vremya eto lekarstvennoe rastenie vyrashivali v bolshih kolichestvah vo francii. ego lubila koroleva navarrskaya margarita de valua. i segodnya v luksemburgskom sadu v parizhe mozhno uvidet statuu korolevy s raspushennym cvetkom nogotkov v rukah.

v cvetochnyh korzinkah soderzhitsya mnogo cennyh dlya chelovecheskogo organizma bioaktivnyh veshestv: karotinoidy (do 3 %), organicheskie kisloty (do 6,8 %), gorkoe veshestvo kalendin (10 %), smoly (okolo 3,5 %), sliz (4 %), albumin, polisaharidy i polifenoly. priyatnyj specificheskij zapah cvetkov i ih fitoncidnye svojstva obuslovleny nalichiem v ih sostave efirnogo masla (okolo 0,02 %).

preparaty iz cvetkov horosho zazhivlyaut gnojnye rany, umenshaut vospalitelnye processy, usilivaut vydelenie zhelchi i mochi, reguliruut menstrualnyj cikl i okazyvaut protivomikrobnoe, vyazhushee i krovoochistitelnoe dejstvie.

otvar nogotkov

otvar rasteniya horosho pomogaet pri fibromiome matki i drugih zhenskih vospalitelnyh zabolevaniyah. kurs lecheniya sostavlyaet tri mesyaca s pereryvom na dve nedeli cherez kazhdyj mesyac.

recept 1. 2 chajnyh lozhki cvetkov nuzhno zalit 0,5 litra vody i kipyatit na vodyanoj bane okolo 30 minut, posle horosho ukutat i ostavit na 8 chasov (mozhno na noch), procedit, otzhat i prinimat pite 3–4 raza v den po polstakana.

otvar iz cvetkov i listev – effektivnoe sredstvo pri ozhogah i treshinah na pyatkah. ego mozhno ispolzovat dlya poloskaniya gorla i rotovoj polosti.

recept 2. neobhodimo zasypat v 4 litra vody 2 prigorshni cvetkov, prokipyatit 20 minut i dat ostyt. otvar primenyaetsya v teplom vide dlya primochek ili poloskanij. byvaet, chto dlya izlecheniya dostatochno vsego 3–4 procedury.

nastojka nogotkov

eksperimentalno dokazano, chto spirtovaya nastojka cvetkov stimuliruet serdechnuu deyatelnost, snizhaetblood pressure and reflex excitability, has a calming effect on the nervous system and has analgesic effect.

Recipe. Tincture is prepared in the ratio 1:10 i.e. 1 part of fresh inflorescences to 10 parts of 70-degree alcohol (ready-made tincture can be purchased at the pharmacy). When taken orally, drink 30 drops 2-3 times a day, for lotion diluted with 2 teaspoons of tincture of 0.5 cups of water.

Nails during pregnancy

It is difficult to overestimate the role of herbal medicine in pregnancy, because medicinal plants are a storehouse of biologically active substances, related to the human body. They are not alien to the expectant mother and child. One of such medicinal plants are marigolds. And although there are no contraindications to their use during pregnancy is not revealed, the attitude of the plant have different healers ambivalent.

As claimed by some sources, this flower is useful in gastritis with decreased secretion and as anti-emetics. Their opponents are wary of the plant because during the time of Dioscorides it was believed that if a woman will take the flower in hand, throw the fruit, and recommend to listen to the opinion of ancient medicine.

However, who is right and who is not, definitely can not be argued. And best of all, if a pregnant woman talk about taking drugs from plants with their physician.

Contraindications to the use of nails

You should not take medicines plants with reduced blood pressure and hypersensitive. In people with hypersensitivity, they can cause allergies. We should not use nails in combination with other drugs with a sedative action.