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The benefits and harms of peach

Peach – sweet and juicy fruit with white, yellow or red pulp. Inside the fruit hard large bone, often bitter taste. At the touch of a peach can be, as smooth and velvety. Its appearance and colour of the pulp depends on the variety. Delicious fruits are eaten, they make them for winter harvesting. The largest quantity of these fruits grown in his native China, where it symbolizes good luck and longevity. In North America produced canned peaches, which are then exported.

However, the application is not only the flesh but also the bones. After all of them are produced peach liqueur, which can be purchased in stores or try to do it yourself. It has a pleasant flavor and long finish. From peach pits also make butter, which is used in cosmetology. It has moisturizing and toning properties and a positive effect on the skin.

The peach is also known as the fruit of peace. This name he received because of its unique properties. It is believed that if you eat a peach, you can get rid of anxiety and bad mood. But its sweet and bright flavor allows to use it as an aphrodisiac.

Among the several varieties of peach it should be noted Fig. It is distinguished by its flat shape and because the bone it can be easily separated from the pulp. Fig peach helps to get rid of flatulence, strengthen the immune system and improve intestinal function. This variety of peaches is worth paying attention to those who suffer from depression and nervous disorders. In fact it helps to return a good mood, becoming a great alternative to harmful sweets.

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Use peaches for health

Peach has a large number of useful properties due to its unique composition, which contains various minerals and vitamins of almost all groups. A peach pit is rich in bitter almond oil, with a pleasant tart flavor, and vitamin B17.

Experts recommend eating the dog in order to improve digestion. It helps to fight acid indigestion, providing a calming action on the stomach.The fruit is also diuretic and mild laxative action and is useful for constipation. Despite the fact that in the peaches quite a lot of sugar, nutritionists allow their use between meals as a snack. Fruit for a long time give a feeling of satiety.

Due to the presence of peaches such minerals as copper and iron, they help treat anemia and gastritis. Frequent eating of the flesh of the fruit can cope with heart failure. The fruit of peach is an excellent prevention of colds and infectious diseases, avitaminosis. For this reason, you must try to eat fruit at any time of the year, not just summer. Because with the help of adaptogenic action of vitamins contained in the peach, the body is able to quickly adapt to the changing environment. This is especially important in autumn and winter, when a quick cold can cause colds.

The flowers and leaves of peach tree are used to prepare the broth. He is considered one of the most effective means of alternative medicine against rheumatism and gastrointestinal diseases. Diuretic properties have fresh flowers of a peach tree.

These juicy fruits help improve appetite. Doctors advise to eat them debilitated patients and patients who have recently suffered a serious illness. Fresh and canned peaches are recommended to be included in the diet for diets and diseases of the digestive system. They stimulate the secretion of gastric juice, resulting in better digestion.

Peach juice regularly drink shortly before a meal to prevent constipation and heartburn. This method is often used by pregnant women, as the frequent administration of drugs in such diseases adversely affects fetal development. Peaches help to get rid of hypostases as the withdrawal of excess fluid from the body. They contained phosphorus stimulates the brain and normalizes the nervous system and the potassium strengthens the bones of the skeleton. Pregnant peaches useful when the toxicosis. Fruit significantly improve the condition during this period.

Other benefits of peaches?

Recent research showed that the fresh leaves of a peach tree can prevent the development of cancer, contributing to the production of antibodies and strengthen the immune system. There is even a special aqueous extract on the basis of the peaches that helpsto ease the pain of patients with malignant tumors. As a result of passing a six-month course of treatment with this drug in women has greatly decreased in size uterine fibroids.

  • According to doctors, peaches, or rather their flowers and leaves, help to deal with other women's diseases: breast disease and endometriosis. Men often experience kidney problems. The peaches in this case, it will help flush them of excess salt. Kidney stone disease will cease to bother if the fruit to eat regularly. Because they protect against free radicals and enhance the protective functions of the body.
  • Nutrients found in peaches have a positive effect on memory and eliminates the forgetfulness. In addition, using fruit men can even normalize the hormones. Children with poor appetite, the food should be given a few slices of peach. But pregnant fruit will help to get rid of nervousness and emotional tension. It also allows you to cope with vomiting during toxicosis.
  • Peach oil is an excellent remedy for colds. They smeared the nose, to get rid of a cold. A number of vitamins contained in this fruit helps to cope with the permeability and fragility of blood vessels. Funds on the basis of peach used in cosmetics. They help to whiten the skin have a good effect on her cells.
  • Peach juice should be consumed for those who suffer from low acidity. After fatty and heavy foods should eat a little peach to work better the stomach. In the cold season, when fresh delicious fruit to buy is not easy, you can replace them with dried. This should take into account that they are usually very high in calories. It is not recommended to use in large quantities to people who are overweight, but for its beneficial properties dried peaches is not worse than fresh. They have a positive effect on the heart and possess anti-emetic effect. Dried peaches also makes a delicious compote and jam.
  • Eczema taking a bath with leaves of peach. They are used to prepare remedies for boils and carbuncles. Fresh leaves of a peach tree should be mixed with finely chopped unpeeled potatoes, pour enough water and cook until mushy state. After the tool has cooled, you can make it moistened swab to the affected area.
  • For getting rid of psoriasis and herpes prepare another potion. A mixture of ismatic leaves of the peach and condensed milk needs to brew for a day in a closed container, after which it was also applied to the areas affecteddisease.
  • Tea made from peach leaf is shown at high temperature. It relieves fever and works as a means of thinning the phlegm. The broth is still and effective drug from constipation, allow to free the body of toxins.
  • In the homeland of the peach in China, it was believed that if these fruits in large amounts, can permanently preserve youth and beauty. The population of this country still tries to follow this recommendation. Kidney stones, abnormal heart rhythm, first stage cirrhosis of the liver – all these diseases help cure peaches. They must be included in the diet of patients with low hemoglobin.

The next day after a heavy meal with lots of alcohol need to eat the peach. Because this fruit is also a great remedy for headaches and hangover. To ease the discomfort of rheumatism allows a decoction of the leaves of a peach tree that is used for compresses and foot baths. It can also be rubbed into the skin at the patients sites. Osteoporosis, rheumatism, arthritis, low back pain – all these diseases of the joints associated with the accumulation of toxins and salts also helps to treat peach that removes harmful substances from the body.

Damage of peaches for the body

Despite the useful properties of peach, in some cases it is even harmful. Too a large number of eaten fruits can cause stomach upset and skin rash. Some people suffering individual intolerance to peaches or allergies. It is contraindicated the use of these fruits.

To limit the number of peaches in the diet is also for people suffering from diabetes. This is due to the fact that fruits contain too many carbohydrates. For this reason, to refrain from excessive eating should people with obesity.

Harm can carry not only the flesh of peaches and their pits. There is hydrocyanic acid which in large quantities is a poison to the human body. In this regard, the day can not eat more than 2 kernels from peach pits. However, moderate amounts of peaches is a real fount of useful minerals. You can verify this by looking at the video.

Calorie peach 100 gram

Nutritionists suggest eating the peaches to anyone who wants to lose weight. First, they are useful for the organism, because it is rich in vitamins, help fightmany diseases. Second, they contain minimal amount of fats, so easily digestible and in moderation are not harmful for the figure.

Although in 100 g peach provides a sufficiently large amount of carbohydrates is 11.3 g. of losing weight they need to use in the morning and in the evening to give preference to the protein products. One more significant advantage compared with other fruits from peaches is that they allow good to satisfy your hunger. If dinner or lunch is far away, but very hungry, you can afford a few slices of fresh peach. Juicy fruit helps to get enough, however, contains very few calories. Precisely because it is so fond of nutritionists. Calorie peach 100 g is 46 kcal.

Peach in the home of cosmetology

Peaches have a subtle pleasant smell, so they are often used for aromatherapy. They allow you to achieve the sedative effect, being a natural antidepressant. Thanks to the fragrance of peaches can improve brain activity and memory, to calm down and return good mood. Their smell also helps to concentrate on something.

In addition to the aroma of peaches, fruits are used in cosmetic for external use. From the ripe fruits make a variety of masks for the face and body. Thanks to the treatments using peaches, the skin becomes smooth and velvety. In addition, aligned its color due to the high content in these fruits carotene.

Peach treatments are useful as thanks to them the skin is saturated with minerals and microelements, so its regeneration. After a course of masks, she becomes softer and more supple.

The tonic effect of the funds on the basis of the peach allows you to provide the skin with essential vitamins and eliminate fine facial wrinkles. In addition, peach masks and align its tone. The flesh of the peach also has a calming effect, so it can be used as a remedy for burns, to remove their consequences.

How to choose a ripe peach?

In the height of summer, the risk of getting unripe fruit is minimal. Often, however, even in the warm season the peaches brought from other regions and countries, across too tough and savory. Choose quality fruit possibleif you know some secrets.

First of all, the ripeness of the peach easily identified by its aroma. The fragrance of the Mature fruit is well felt. If such a peach to squeeze in the palms, it needs a little bounce. This is another sign, along with smell, which indicates ripeness of the fruit. The strongest flavor will be at peach with white and pink flesh.

Velvety and soft fruits tend to be ripe and delicious. If they have small damages or flattened spots, you can use them for cooking different kinds of dishes: desserts, jams and preserves. However avoid fruits which are noticeable green spots. They indicate that the peaches are not ripe and will never become ripe, even if you leave them to soak for a while.

It should also look at the color of the place in which the fruit is attached to the peduncle. It should not be green and white or yellow. The tint depends on the specific varieties of peaches. Buying fruit on the market, you should pay attention, sit if they're bees or wasps. If the insects are trying to eat peaches, this is a sure sign of their ripeness. But if you bought the fruits are immature, they can be left up in a dark place. After a while they will be soft and juicy. However, you can't store peaches in the refrigerator. Fruits are loose and sluggish.

Simple recipes of peaches for the winter

Peach is a versatile fruit that goes well with other products. Of it equally well get desserts and fillings for cakes, jams and preserves, compotes and juices. Slightly flattened peaches can be used for preparations for the winter. The easiest way is to freeze peach puree in containers. In winter it can be used as a basis for desserts, drinks, sauces, add to meat.

The peach season starts in August and ends in early autumn. All this time, you can make preparations to winter to enjoy flavorful and healthy fruits. Jam from peaches can be prepared in different ways. There is a quick and long way. The density of the syrup in the first case resembles a compote, and slices of peaches will retain their shape. If you cook the jam for a long way when it several times cooked and cools, the syrup becomes thick and viscous. Peaches and you can compare with candied fruit: they are very similar to pieces of candied fruit on the outside.

Despite the fact that for conservation it is recommended to use exceptionally smooth and does not have damages the fruit for jam fit and slightly wrinkled. When cooking compote and jam needs more solid peaches. It is also important that they were the same level of maturity and about the same size. So all the peaches will be cooked evenly.

Simplerecipe of jam from peaches for the winter

The most convenient method of preserving peaches is a quick jam. His name really corresponds to the speed of cooking. In the middle of the season, when fruit a lot and you want to make a lot of pieces, with the help of this recipe will be able to cope with make jam very quickly. The whole process takes a little over an hour.

Part of this jam contains only peaches and sugar, the ratio of ingredients is roughly 1:1. However, if you stored the jam will be out of the fridge and not in the cellar, it's best to put a little more sugar, so it is not corrupted. To make jam you need in a large bowl. The secret here is simple: the more thinly it gets, the more evaporation capacity, and therefore, the faster the peaches are ready, while still perfectly retain their color and taste. As a tank, you can use a brass bowl or aluminum pan.

To start from the peaches remove the bones and then chop them in small pieces. You must then weigh the fruit and determine how much sugar will be required. If too much fruit, it is better to cook them in several techniques. Otherwise you'll have to keep the jam on the stove too long, causing it to lose its unique taste and aroma.

Fruits put in a saucepan, add a little water and put on fire. When you see the juice, you can put sugar. Jam is cooked 30-40 minutes. Gradually the syrup will become transparent. To test whether jam can, dropping it on a plate and putting it in the freezer. If after half a minute of him formed a thick jelly, so you can remove the pan with the fruit from the heat. The hot jam is poured in pre-sterilized glass jars and tightly closed lids.

A simple recipe of peach compote for the winter

For peach compote will be tight and tough, but the ripe fruits. You can put them in a jar whole or slices, removing bones. Peaches (5 kg) was pre-rinsed, removing the lint on the surface. If the compote is with slices of peaches, then put them to be cut down.

The syrup consists of sugar (350 g on 1 l of water), citric acid (3 g per 1 liter of water) and water. It is necessary to boil, then fill jars. After that the banks will be sterilized, they should immediately roll. For some time they need to leave the room, flipping the lid down and tightly covered with a warm blanket or quilt.

A delicious compotealso obtained from peaches and pears. Sliced fruit (2,5 kg) pitted are placed in a heatproof dish, covered with sugar and infuse for at least 10 hours. We should boil water (2 cups) white wine vinegar, cinnamon and cloves. A mixture of sugar and fruits and send in the oven for an hour. When the syrup thickens, you can pour the compote in banks, cover and put in the storage location for the winter.

A simple recipe of peach jam for the winter

Jam from peaches to cook is very simple, in addition, do not worry if the slices will retain their shape. For it are taken are usually of very ripe fruit. Even if they are overripe, it will make the jam just tastes better and closer.

Peaches (about 1.5 kg), wash with cold water, separating them from bones and cut into several parts. Then slices to put in an enamel pan, pour boiling water and put on fire. Cook the fruit to soften. The cooled mass was passed through a sieve to remove the peel. The resulting puree should be weighed to find out how much you will need of sugar. The fruit should be 1:1. However, adding sugar, and should be based on their personal preferences.

Jam bring to a boil in an enamel container, stirring occasionally with a wooden spatula. After it should be cook on a slow fire, removing the foam appearing. When the jam will darken, indicating the willingness, you can pour it into sterilized jars and close with metal lids. Some time they should be kept indoors, wrapped tightly with a blanket or quilt, then put it in the refrigerator or in storage for the winter. This jam will be a great treat for tea and can be used as a filling for cakes, in the preparation of desserts and even meat.