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All tomato varieties with photos

Tomato is rich in various biologically active substances. This tasty vegetable is able to normalize the acidity of the intestinal microflora and prevent the aging of cells. Regular consumption of delicious tomatoes in food significantly reduces the risk of cancerous tumors. Tomatoes have powerful antioxidant properties, due to which fully neutralize free radicals in the human body.

A huge amount of lycopene is in tomato paste, which modern specialists suggest to eat. The tomatoes shown to cleanse the walls of blood vessels, preventing strokes and heart attacks, as well as to treat atherosclerosis. Healing tomato juice is necessary for all people who suffer from ulcers of the stomach or intestine.

Ground to a mushy state tomatoes are used externally for the treatment of nonhealing ulcers, ulcers, and erysipelatous inflammations of the skin. This tool also shows when severe varicose veins. Tomatoes produce a miraculous effect on the state of cerebral vessels and also prevents the formation of fat in the liver, at the same time normalizing the level of cholesterol in the blood. It should also be noted that tomatoes can reduce weight, normalize carbohydrate metabolism, improve the functioning of the eyes and the reproductive system, to provide a complete cellular nutrition and restore the functioning of the nervous system.

For modern gardeners to grow large sweet tomatoes does not cause any difficulties. However, certain features of growing such delicious vegetables. About the different ways of fertilizing tomato open field and greenhouse you can read by clicking on the link.

Varieties of this common vegetable has a huge number. They differ in the rate of maturation of the fruit. Some early-maturing varieties the vegetation period does not exceed 100 days. Popular thick-skinned varieties can be stored for a long period of time. Along with this, tomatoes are distinguished by different color of the fruit. Late-ripening varieties can be virtually a year-round growing in greenhouses, while planting is carried out usually in December.

The content of the article:

Tomato varieties for greenhouses

From the incredible variety of the various hybrids and varieties of tomatoes each one gardener prefers, but on others is silent as to the evaluation criteria selected tomato mass. We can say that most gardeners who grow tomatoes in hothouse conditions, are popular varieties such as "budenovka", "Knight", "fast", "Red cheeks", "Kostroma", "Erema", "Palace", "Admiralty", "Eupator", "Sultan", "Blagovest"and others. Can also be recommended for planting late-ripening variety is"Siberian", a hybrid of "Ural"and middle-grade"Kamchatka".




Amber Cup


Growing tomatoes in the greenhouse. In order to plant seedlings of tomatoes in a heated greenhouse in April must be seeding at least February. Keep in mind that at this time for the shoot of seed will require artificial lighting for about 12-13 hours a day. It should be noted that the afternoon sunlight in this period of the year for the normal growth of plants is not enough. The first 3 weeks after emergence, stems grow very slowly, and in the next 18-20 days growth is considerably accelerated. The optimum temperature for growing seedlings is considered to be 15 to 25 degrees. Water intended for irrigation should also be quite warm – about 20 degrees.

It should be noted that the seedlings growing in boxes without any additional feeding. With the necessary swordplay seedlings is recommended culling the weak and diseased plants. Water the seedlings at least once in 5-7 days. When the new shoots reached a length of about 5 cm, a pair of upper shoots can be removed. Therefore, get a good standard seedlings, the optimum dimensions of which range from 15 to 35 cm, with ten well-developed leaves and inflorescences formed. 3 days before transplanting to its permanent position by competent gardeners are advised to cut off the 2 lower leaves.

Grown seedlings need to be transplanted into your greenhouse in the period from the first to the fifteenth of may. Small ridges, usually made along the greenhouse, and their numberdepends on the width of the greenhouse complex. The optimal distance between two plants should be at least 40 cm is Necessary to mention that the beds are planted with seedlings not loosened and not Spud in the summer. Ventilation for tomatoes be sure, but mainly it is needed in the flowering stage. Proper watering should be moderate and regular, then you will be able to get a sweet and fleshy fruit.

Conditions for growing tomatoes. To obtain good results the main condition is the proper care for seedlings. Regular hoeing, fertilizing, watering, removal of weeds and unwanted lateral shoots contribute to the rapid growth of plants and their fruiting.

10 mistakes when growing tomatoes:

The use of tomatoes

You can use not only the tomatoes for medicinal purposes, and the tops of the bushes. Infusion from the dried and steamed leaves quickly relieves gout pain in feet. This tool is recommended soar feet. Talc and acne will disappear if you treat the face with a slice of vegetable. Daily consumption of one glass of tomato juice with a teaspoon of honey has a tonic effect on the body. For a noticeable effect, it is necessary to conduct an 8-week course of treatment.

Disorders of metabolism the special tool. For its preparation it is necessary to take 1 kg of tomatoes and 300 grams of apples, horseradish and garlic. All should be crushed and mix well. To make this slurry is necessary inside 2 tablespoons on an empty stomach. This means no apples will help to quickly get rid of the cough. To take in this case 1 tablespoon before meals 3 times a day. In atherosclerosis and chronic constipation should be consumed 10 minutes before each meal, one glass of tomato juice.