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The Botanical characteristics of the mallow

Mallow is annual or biennial herbaceous plant of the family Malvaceae. It has branched stems with a height of 30-120 cm Leaves of grass orbicular-cordate, there are five - or seven-bladed with serrated edges. Flowers whitish-pink, small, appear in July and bloom in August. The fruits of the mallow – up. The plant has many types, it grows wild in roadsides, parks, vacant lots, gardens. Cultivars adorn the front gardens of the gardeners, flowers from these types of larger.

The beneficial properties of mallow

Herbaceous plant is rich in vitamins and proteins, ascorbic acid, carotene. The leaves contains water, nitrogenous matter, sugar. Fruit green-up contain large amounts of ascorbic acid and anthocyanin compounds, including chloride, Malvin. The plant has mitigation, enveloping, soothing and anti-inflammatory effect.

The use of mallow

In folk medicine, the use of the entire aboveground part of the plant. Infusion of flowers and leaves taken for lung diseases, sore throat, bronchitis, dry cough, and restore the hoarseness and loss of voice. Rinse eliminates the inflammation of the tonsils and oral mucosa. Lotions effective for burns, inflammation of the eyelids, tumors, and rashes of different etiology.

A decoction of mallow: 1 tablespoon of herbs, pour a glass of boiling water, to insist 2 hours and take in 1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day. For lotions and rinses, the concentration of the decoction should be increased. The beneficial properties of herbs due to the abundance of mucus have a laxative effect in chronic constipation, help get rid of intestinal atony.

Mallow is part of the herbs used in menopause.

Flower of mallow

Tea from the flowers of the mallow is useful to drink for pain in the stomach, liver, bowels, with flatulence and diarrhea.

The infusion of mallow: 10-15 grams of flowers of a mallow is required to brew 1 l of boiled water, to insist 10 minutes, drain. Means drinking 3-4 cups a day with colitis, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Types of mallow

In nature there are several typesprosvirnika. vse oni obladaut odnimi i temi zhe svojstvami i prakticheski ne otlichautsya vneshnim vidom.

prosvirnik nizkij – odnoletnee rastenie, cvetet belymi cvetkami s iunya po avgust, v etot zhe period osushestvlyaut zagotovku syrya. v narodnoj medicine ispolzuut nastoj cvetkov ili listev pri prostudnyh boleznyah, dlya umensheniya razdrazheniya i vospaleniya. sliz igraet rol adsorbenta, vyvodit toksiny i shlaki. pri suhom iznuritelnom kashle polezno prinimat sredstva vnutr i naruzhno pri katarah gorla, ohriplosti. ot opuholi selezenki pomogaut goryachie vanny s dobavleniem otvara travy.

prosvirnik lesnoj – dvuletnee travyanistoe rastenie, rastet na uge i v srednej polose evropejskoj chasti rossii, na kavkaze, v srednej azii. dannyj vid vybiraet pustyri, obochiny dorog, sady, ogorody i razrezhennye sady. v lechebnyh celyah ispolzuutsya cvety, inogda listya rasteniya. obvolakivaushie svojstva, obuslovlennye nalichiem bolshogo kolichestva slizi, prevoshodno vliyaut na process vyzdorovleniya pri vospalenii polosti rta i gorla.

nastoj prosvirnika: dvumya stakanami kipyatka sleduet zavarit 4 stolovyh lozhki cvetkov i listev, nastaivat 2 chasa, procedit i otzhat syre. primenyaut nastoj dlya poloskanij i kompressov.

prosvirnik muskusnyj obladaet priyatnym aromatom, kak kultura vyrashivaetsya v evrope s 1596 goda (konec XVI veka). eto mnogoletnee rastenie vyrastaet vysotoj do metra. listya, cvetki i koren rasteniya takzhe mozhno ispolzovat dlya lecheniya dyhatelnyh organov i pishevaritelnoj sistemy .

prosvirnik kudryavyj – dovolno moshnoe, bystrorastushee rastenie s tolstym pryamostoyachim steblem zheltogo cveta. rastet ono bystro, kust dostigaet dvuh metrov za tri mesyaca, za ego gustoj zelenu mozhno spryatatsya. krasivye volnistye listya dolgo ostautsya zelenymi, oni ochen priyatny na vkus i pitatelny, napominaut kurinoe myaso. ih dobavlyaut v salaty, pervye bluda. vysushennye listya mozhno pereteret v poroshok i ispolzovat dlya lecheniya ili kak sytnuu pripravu.

prosvirnik prizemistyj – travyanistoe odnoletnee rastenie so slabym lezhachim steblem i svetlymi, pochti belymi cvetami. ego himicheskij sostav takoj zhe, kak i u drugih vidov, on imeet protivovospalitelnye i otharkivaushie svojstva. svezhie listya v izmelchennom vide prikladyvaut k ranam, yazvam. oni sposobny rassasyvat furunkuly i uskoryat process zazhivleniya.

protivopokazaniya k primeneniu prosvirnika

sereznyh protivopokazanij k upotrebleniu prosvirnika v kachestve lekarstvennogo sredstva ne vyyavleno.