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Potentilla marsh

Useful properties and applications of tincture of cinquefoil marsh

Botanical characteristics cinquefoil

The cinquefoil is a perennial medicinal plant which has a creeping rhizome and woody reddish stems unusual curved shape. As a rule, the height of plants does not exceed one meter, and the length of rhizomes – no more than three meters. Potentilla blooms in late July and August. This unique plant often grows in lowlands and swampy places, along banks of rivers and lakes and is also found in backwaters and flooded wet meadows. It forms quite dense thickets.

The beneficial properties of cinquefoil

In the rhizome of cinquefoil found essential oils, carotene, flavonoids, tannins. In leaves and stems, in addition to various trace elements, contains vitamin C. because of this extract of this plant possesses a unique antitumor activity. Special sabelnikova tea boasts anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, astringent and diaphoretic properties. This drink has a positive effect on the human immune system, this tea from the cinquefoil at the same time is indicated for the treatment of rheumatism, gastrointestinal diseases and infections. Mention should also be made of his powerful antipyretic effects.

Special hoods on alcohol is prescribed for salt deposits and inflammation in the joints. However, to achieve the effect of expected long-term course of treatment. As a great external tool for healing wounds apply fresh leaves of marsh cinquefoil. Some experts suggest the use of compress on the basis of chopped herbs brewed with mastitis, hemorrhoids, sciatica, tumors of the mammary glands and serious injuries. With bleeding gums and toothache effective infusions of a mixture of leaves, roots, stems, and flowers. In addition, this tool will help to restore the skin with festering wounds.

The use of cinquefoil

Alcoholate cinquefoil is typically indicated in the treatment of osteoarthritis, rheumatism, arthritis, the flu, and also the deposition of large amount of salts in the cervical vertebrae. This tool is used and in cancer. After the course of treatment is the normalization of metabolism in the bodystrengthening immunity and cleansing the intestines from toxins. Various tinctures and decoctions can be rubbed into painful joints, and from them it is recommended to do the miraculous compresses. Thanks to its unique composition cinquefoil, such funds quickly reduce inflammation in the cartilage, giving it a solid structure. When this cartilage tissue becomes more elastic. Various means of a decoction of the plant can be used for daily friction with severe pain in the muscles.

Tincture of cinquefoil

The most effective drug on the basis of cinquefoil is considered an alcohol tincture of this plant. It is indicated for the treatment of malignant tumors, arthritis, leukemia, osteoarthritis, and other ailments. To prepare such tincture of cinquefoil 2 tablespoons of rhizomes, which should be well pre-grind, take 500 ml of vodka. For infusion container with the mixture, remove in a dark place for 20 days. Thereafter, the infusion should be carefully drain.

It is recommended to take 1 tablespoon in diluted form. The treatment provides the means 3 times a day for at least three weeks. The repetition rate is possible after a compulsory week break.

Treatment with cinquefoil

For joints. For the treatment of inflammation in muscle tissue and alleviate pain in the joints is applied a special ointment from the cinquefoil. For its production you will need one tube of regular hand cream and 1 tsp alcohol tincture of cinquefoil, and you should also add 1 teaspoon of tincture of red pepper, 10 drops vitamin E and 1 tablespoon of honey. The mixture should be well mixed and so the substance should be stored in the refrigerator. This ointment need to be rubbed into the painful joints of simple circular motions.

During pregnancy. Various tinctures, extracts, decoctions and tincture of cinquefoil during pregnancy is unfavorable.

In cancer. It is proved that such unusual plants as Potentilla inherent active antitumor agents. Various concoctions have long been used to prevent various cancers. It should be noted that this plant included in many modern drugs are anti-cancer purposes. One of the most effective is considered a special herbal tea, which is shown for a serious fight against tumors. Acting on the human body, this drink has an incredible stimulating effect not only on the functioning of the internalbodies, but also on cellular metabolism in General. This herbal tea from the cinquefoil helps in a great way to stop the growth and the complex processes of dissemination of tumors throughout the body.

In case of arthrosis. In this illness as arthrosis of the knee, modern doctors suggest to try a unique tool to relieve pain and to alleviate their condition. For the manufacture of the drug per 100 grams of roots is desirable to have 4 full glasses of vodka. Pour the mixture, mix thoroughly, and then put in a pretty dark place for infusion for three weeks.

Take this tincture should be 1 tablespoon to the food inside. Alternatively, this means to RUB the affected areas and to make compresses.

When the hernia. In folk medicine there are several effective recipes for proper treatment of a hernia of the spine. To cook is unique in its action means should take 1 liter of vodka of at least 100 grams of crushed roots cinquefoil. This remedy is taken orally after three weeks of steeping in a dark place.

To use such infusion is necessary before meals 3 or 4 times a day, diluting 1 tablespoon of the product with a quarter Cup of water.

Tea from the cinquefoil

A delightful tea from the cinquefoil is not only perfectly cleanses the body of various toxins, but also promote rapid cell renewal and slows down aging. This unusual drink is often used to stimulate the immune system and restore thyroid function. Along with this, this unique tea is shown to normalize lipid metabolism, the relaxation of spastic blood vessels of the brain, suppression of malignant tumors.

It should be mentioned that the presented tool can boast antibacterial and disinfectant properties. Modern doctors recommend to consume this tea also as a preventive measure instead of conventional welding.

Recipes based on cinquefoil

This amazing plant has such a wide effect on the human body, in folk medicine, there are dozens of medicinal recipes based on it.

Infusion cinquefoil. Infusion cinquefoil shown in various tumors, in leukemia, as well as arthritis and arthrosis. Treatment this means, as a rule, is not less than 10 days.

a Decoction of cinquefoil. For cooking 1 tablespoon of dried crushed stems take no more than one glass of boiling water. After 2 hours of infusion means preferably carefully strain.

How to make the cinquefoil? It is recommended to take 70 ml before each meal at least one hour. This decoction perfectly helps with pain in the stomach.

Extract of marsh cinquefoil

Extract cinquefoil indispensable in the treatment of joints. This drug is indicated for osteoarthritis and arthritis, with the osteoarthritis and rheumatism, as well as sciatica and other bone and joint ailments. Special biologically active substances such a wonderful cause plants to reliably protect the body and contribute to a significant improvement in functional status.

Oil cinquefoil

To prepare the oil cinquefoil can self-grind the pieces of the rhizomes, put them in the bulk glass container and pour regular vegetable oil. This mixture should stand for one month in a dark and dry place. Periodically, the drug is recommended to stir. After cooking, this oil should be filtered. It is effective when rubbed into the joints as perfectly relieves inflammation in them.

Contraindications to the use of the cinquefoil

Specific contraindications to prolonged use of cinquefoil not. But it should be noted that the use of preparations based on this plant is undesirable during pregnancy and early stage of lactation. Small children are also advised not to take medicines with cinquefoil. Individual intolerance of this plant is extremely rare.